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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Well I mean... stop once you're exhausted, then sleep. No need to resume when you wake up or whatever.
  2. Masturbate until exhaustion? Sounds like joke advice, but I think that's one of the most effective methods of making sleep happen...
  3. No sleep since Friday??? Shit man, I realize it's obvious advice but... do whatever you can to get some sleep. Any time in life I came close to losing my mind it was prompted by a lack of sleep. I feel like getting a good sleep is more important than exorcize or eating healthy... not that those things aren't also extremely important.
  4. Nope, that's a water dispenser holder thing holding a potted plant instead of a giant container of water. My giant containers of water are on the floor.
  5. I'm curious which part is assumed to be my coffee maker. I use the moka pot which is right beside its designated stove element. I can't live with chaos. Also, I washed my dishes shortly after taking the pic. Admittedly it doesn't look much better.
  6. lol that's exactly the sort of redundant crap I'd expect him to do if he stayed rather than left... which is why I was confused by the outrage.
  7. It is indeed delicious xmas baked goods! I'm impressed they kept. Thanks for finding them!
  8. lol I have no idea what that is. Will check when I make coffee if I remember.
  9. Homework is one of the all time best debut albums. i don't think they ever topped it, but Discovery and Random Access Memories were both solid. RAM was especially impressive for its authentic 70's production, which was totally unexpected. Not sure what the point of breaking up is when they have such huge gaps between releases anyway. It's a bit like Portishead retiring.
  10. Is it the Line6 multi-distortion pedal? Because I did kind of forget about it until I saw it in the picture. Got it from someone off one of them craigslist type sites tho, not xmas. I do think I have that, and also am in bad need of a hair cut. Maybe I'll document that quarter today. It's looking pretty good. I will!
  11. Butter needs to be spread. Fridge butter is a spreading nightmare. The rest of your assessment is pretty spot on, though I'm a little disappointed you didn't spot the shortbread cookies.
  12. I'm unfamiliar with his work, but if it's anything like my living conditions I'll probably be okay with it.
  13. The song's prob too pop for watmm, but I like that sort of thing as much as I like Merzbow or The 'Chre. It's my first attempt at a music video (been experimenting in FCP this year). Footage taken while driving around like a maniac in a snowstorm (almost didn't make it home as my vehicle is unfit for those driving conditions). Music is from an album to be released March 11.
  14. wtf. that was such ordinary pre-meeting chit-chat. Of course they bitch about their clients like everyone else. Resign for it? Dumb.
  15. posted a thing on a site and now i can't stop checking various sites for related things associated with posting a thing on a site.
  16. Very high lol vs no-lol ratio on that one.
  17. Back when DVD rentals were still a thing, yes. With streaming I just move on to the next thing.
  18. Felt quite bad for her coworker. If she gets pissed about something that unremarkable, I can only imagine what else riles her up over the course of an 8 hour shift.
  19. Got excited last night when I discovered a bag of Little Caesar's garlic bread sticks hidden at the back of my pizza delivery bag (big order last night, must have fallen by the wayside). Turns out they're godawful. Did that customer a favour. Also, a restaurant worker expressed her anger at me turning up later than she would have liked - first instance of this happening in over 3000 deliveries, which is quite surprising! She said something about "10 minutes ago" and I replied "yeah, that sounds about right" then left with the two subway sandwiches (flol). It was such a reasonable amount of time, so I'm not really sure what the issue was. What a weird thing to get indignant about. Guess this is a SFWP for her rather than me. She would have wanted some kind of acknowledgement, so I'm leaving it here.
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