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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. It's hard to believe. But there's something about all the people he interviews that seems more authentic than what a comedic actor could easily pull off, and I don't believe he'd be able to find that many actors who are that talented.
  2. lol no one's calling him out on how completely inaccurate that is.
  3. My unsolicited advice would be to listen to a whack of mixes from several of your favourite artists, then listen back to your track and see where the key differences are in the EQ balance. (My new(ish) headphones get significantly more bass than my previous ones, so I do this frequently... but I also have my old phones still, so I compare with both.)
  4. Thanks man, much appreciated. I'm sorry to hear you're going through that pain as well, especially with the cut-off communication - that's awful. Communication for me is still on the table, and she did want to keep being friends. But for the next while I'm probably better off not initiating any of that. Honestly not sure if we'll remain friends in the future. It's kind of ridiculous that I'm affected by it as much as I am, given how brief it all was... there was just a lot crammed into a small amount of time, and to me it seemed like it had greater potential than anything previously. The fact I was so wrong about that really puts my judgement into question, something which I thought I could trust. So I just feel really disillusioned with everything, and I can't stop grieving this fucking thing even though it shouldn't be nearly that significant. There's been loss in life that should have been far worse, but in all those other cases I knew it was coming, so could prepare for it and accept it a lot more easily. Anyway, I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it. A forum's not the place to vent about such things, especially not in the SFWP thread... though the whole thing is kind of stupid really. To become that attached to someone I didn't even know existed 3 and a half months ago is absurd.
  5. Ha, yeah... she definitely assisted in putting me in this state. She broke things off suddenly and unexpectedly 3 weeks ago. Up until then things seemed as close to perfect as I've ever experienced, romance-wise. To make matters worse, she wasn't available to talk about it face to face for over a week after that. This is after seeing her almost every other day for over a month. It was just a really brutal ending to what had up until that point seemed like a perfect match. Since I was unable to anticipate it, it was a lot harder to accept than would be normally. Very difficult to process and move on. It's fucked me up more than any other breakup has, because I haven't been able to understand it. Since I last saw her (couple weeks ago) we've only talked once, although have maintained some casual online scrabble gaming, heh. Anyway, life's just seemed hopelessly bleak to me ever since it happened, which was never the case before. Hopefully I'll snap out of it at some point.
  6. I don't really do sarcasm - can't pull it off. But I'm definitely not making a serious case for anything either. I do in fact still use XP, on a computer that is as old. It's served me well, probably because I disconnected from the internet right at the start and never had to suffer through any system crashing updates. Once I got everything to work, everything continued to work for 10+ years and still counting. And I do remember hearing endless complaints about Win 7... but I guess that's true of every new windows OS. I've never used it.
  7. FWP: lonely, full of regret, way older than I remember becoming.
  8. I'm still using Windows XP. XP is dope though, so I'm prob not the last to still use it. I don't think I've ever heard a good thing about Win 7, so possibly you are the last to use it. But really Win 95's where it's at. Microsoft should have stopped updating right then and there. Most IDM Windows by far. It's a fucking travesty that watmm's most IDM comp never recognized this.
  9. *credit to Goiter Sanchez for making me aware of this.
  10. I'm having a hard time grasping the Kanye West/Kevin Bacon analogy.
  11. In answer to OP's original question: with disdain mostly. It took 330 pages, but there's your answer.
  12. Always look forward to this thread popping up again. Fads come and go, but ORIASS thread perseveres through the ages.
  13. I wonder how different the world would be now if Alex Jones had never existed.
  14. Craneflies really want to be near me for some reason. Also, they're the one insect that always manages to fall back into my cabin when I attempt to release them. Fuck knows how many I've swallowed in my sleep. Did you know they're also referred to as Mosquito Hawks??? Worst insect ever.
  15. I like that his PA horn lackey was wearing a mask (probably a hired tech guy rather than one of the Idiocracy mob). Also, I hope everyone who shook his hand at the end gets a case of the 'vid... not bad enough to die, just bad enough to sufficiently punish their reckless stupidity.
  16. Ironic. Actually not ironic, but "ironic" in the sense most of my english teachers seemed to imagine. Apropos would be more apropos.
  17. Oh wow, Florida and Texas really went off the deep end.... been a while since I checked in on the Corona stats (sort of been on the decline since early May where I am). I didn't realize it was worse than ever in the US now, though I suppose that's not surprising given all that's happened recently. Stay home whenever humanly possible! If you do go out, marinade yourself in hand sanitizer. Fill a super soaker with that shit and just go to town on your neighbours. God damned disease sponges, all of them!
  18. So has pizza really fallen out of favour these last two weeks or what? Granted, we left off on a pizza which had nothing wrong with it. Perhaps that's where the thread should have reached its natural conclusion. But I'm going to fuck that up right now, to say the Pizza Hut pizza I ordered last night was sub-par (that's Canadian for less-than-satisfactory). There seemed to be more tomato sauce than normal, and I was really noticing how uncooked the green peppers were. Furthermore, the grease was not interacting with the crust in the particular way which had delighted me before. Did they forget the soybean oil spray? Perhaps. The cashier forgot my garlic dip, so god knows what else may have been forgotten. Luckily I checked the box before driving home, so went back to claim it. Unluckily, it wasn't enough to make the pizza enjoyable. The cult movie I found to accompany it was surprisingly entertaining though - Get Crazy, with unexpected appearances by both Malcom McDowell and Lou Reed. It was cheesy, but the charm mostly outweighed the cheese. Possibly it's viewable for free on youtube. Possibly.
  19. Ice water with Immigration and Customs Enforcement should return to plain old ice water with ice, like it was in the pre-Trump era. Miss those simpler times.
  20. My sleeps have also been shit of late. Tired all the time.
  21. Hum and Failure tour incoming when?
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