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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I love the guitar sound on this album. Before nu-metal ruined everything, this is where I pictured rock music heading... but then all the bands that were doing this sort of heavy spacey pop thing broke up and Woodstock 99 happened, which to me epitomizes the low point in rock music history... well, at least where the almost-mainstream is concerned. I've no doubt underground rock music's always been kicking ass somewhere. But yeah, major nostalgia trip on this album, but also probably their best release. I think they really nailed every aspect of their sound here, and the lyrics are stronger overall too. The production's perfect to my ears (never quite got there on the other albums imo). I'll have to give Heart is a Monster another listen. While it was nice to hear Failure again, and it picks up right where they left off, I felt the songwriting overall wasn't as strong... although that Beatlesque ballad tune is one of their best. I recall there being a lot of vocal melody choices that wrecked what were otherwise cool song ideas. Don't they have a followup due out soon/a while ago?
  2. Just watched Terror Toons. Did not disappoint.
  3. Sounds to me like they're making... house music.
  4. I typed and deleted several variations on the SAD acronym in failed attempts to delight and amuse you. Now I am SAD. ?
  5. I wasn't even a fetus yet, and even if I were I don't think they can get colds. So there goes that theory.
  6. What's up with the Goya thing? Def one of the more random wtf trump related moments. I hope it becomes his family's central focus from now on. Just Goya product posing with no explanation.
  7. Maybe, but he always kind of sounds like he has a cold. lol just listened again and his vocals REALLY sound pitched down to me, like he's incredible hulking the whole thing. It's quite funny. Am I crazy? Check the chorus especially. And to clarify, on the rip I have the song is in fact pitched down a semitone, for god knows what reason. Would be an especially weird coincidence if the original vocals were pitched down AND the rip I have also pitched the song down on top of that.
  8. Elvis Costello's Get Happy album has so much bass, I felt like I was listening with my head next to bass amp while the rest of the band played at the other end of the room. Cool bass lines and all, but weird thing to make the main feature of every song. Further proof that having a well balanced mix doesn't actually matter at all. Also, for some reason the song High Fidelity was pitched down a semitone on the rip I got, so it sounded like his voice was running out of batteries for the whole song. I checked out the music video to make sure I wasn't just crazy, and it was indeed a key higher... but his voice still sounded unnaturally pitched down. Possibly hearing it like that initially just cemented that idea in my brain? Weird.
  9. The ironic anti-vanity vanity wherein one is overly self-conscious about not looking vain, and puts in effort to make oneself look less fashionable/attractive because of it. First logical phrase to come to mind was "hipster vanity".
  10. I knew from the first pic what was going to happen in the second pic, but that final pic was an impressive twist I didn't see coming.
  11. Had to use my phone like a mirror the other day to see if I had tomato sauce on my face, but got self-conscious that people would think I was taking a selfie.
  12. It was just a guy riffin' metal guitar. Seemed harmless enough.
  13. What are the chances that a squirrel would be given the bubonic plague test?
  14. Clickbait article headlines Clickbait thread titles Post your angriest/saddest wanks
  15. I nominate Radskins, and just add shades to the current emblem. *possibly more offensive.
  16. That is truly horrible. I am very sorry to hear it.
  17. Aneurysms are the worst. So random. A guy I used to be friends with was at the gym exercising with his friend, when suddenly his friend collapsed and died right in front of him. Aneurysm. Dude was in his early 20s. Fuck that shit.
  18. It's pretty much a top notch Ceephax track as is.
  19. Bit of a digression, but this Slovenian clothing ad from 1993 where Melania Trump pretends to be the world's first female president is a bit spooky:
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