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Everything posted by usagi

  1. lol. you guys are in trouble. and consequently so are the rest of us.
  2. whoever decided on Cate Blanchett (who I love btw) for Lilith and Kevin fucking Hart for Roland should have their filmmaking licence revoked.
  3. a sliver of hope and positivity. this sort of sums up why I believe in a one-state solution.
  4. I'm cool with that, when it cones to certain types of fillums.
  5. the Hind Rajab story fucked me up.
  6. sweet. SD reignited my love of techno with Feed Forward.
  7. Shadow of the Turdtree I have both Elden Ring and AC6 in my library and haven't been able to play a lick of either yet.
  8. guess where else she surprisingly showed up, I was rewatching Broken Flowers and she was Bill Murray's last ex. I had completely forgotten, or maybe I'd watched it back when she hadn't really registered for me. FOUR MORE YEARS (of maximum Tilda saturation)
  9. you joke but don't forget there is that fucking awful Bob Dylan movie where he's played by multiple actors including Cate Blanchett and a small black boy. so this kind of absurd pretension is not out of the realms of possibility for Hollywood.
  10. finished my first run-through of Dishonored 2. fucking beautiful game. when Arkane's experiments in pushing game design forward work, they really work. that mission in Stilton's mansion with the ability to switch timelines is mind-bendingly awesome, in the same way that Mooncrash's recursive gameplay is. I picked Corvo and went for a totally non-lethal stealthy approach. now to play as Emily and just murder everyone.
  11. I'd love to hear his take on dancehall tbh.
  12. Alexei Navalny has died been deadified.
  13. oh damn. RIP. he was a link to the past for all sorts of modern forward-thinking music. (re Damo Suzuki)
  14. familiarity and mutual trustworthiness are a pre-requisite for this.
  15. I am disappoint. his twitter is a shitshow.
  16. ffs. I didn't know about any of this.
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