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Everything posted by acroyear

  1. @jlobkob thanks! Releases like this make it worth having a good tape deck. I hope mine shows up today. I'm loving this album
  2. I'm a little overwhelmed at how good parts of this are. It's fucking glorious.
  3. I actually really like this one.
  4. I would've rather had a better album. The album sounded very rushed, although they've claimed otherwise as I recall.
  5. Still not getting this really. What is in fact a proper way to gauge people's feelings about the album then? Do take in mind the polls I created are advertised on bocpages.org too, so it's not like only people from twoism or watmm are voting. The idea was to capture what boc fans think of the new album. I am not trying to troll over here but really interested in knowing why a poll isn't reliable according to you guys. At the risk of dragging this out farther than is necessary, it's a bit silly is all. But again, my post was mostly in jest. Online polls are just silly fun, I get that. Nothing wrong with it. They only really serve to spark conversation on forums, social media outlets, etc. They're skewed and untrustworthy and often ridiculous and that's the point. I don't get why making a joke about something that's mostly a joke is worth debating. Move on people. How about this, I say Semena Mertvyhk is about ejaculate upon the ruins of a decimated nuclear blast site, and the track sucks: discuss. The track IS about that, but it certainly doesn't "suck". It's the best track on that album.
  6. Yeah, I got mine today. Pretty fucking brilliant. It's a real quality press as well... I only wish the nice plastic outer sleeve wasn't split, but fuck it. It protected the awesome die-cut sleeve during shipping, so it served it's purpose.
  7. Record speed has always been one of Autechre secrets (meaning it's irrelevant) Exactly why I want to know. I want to play the track slower, on 33 rpm. Is it a 45 rpm or not? A side is 45, AE remix side is 33. I figured. Oh well, thank you.
  8. Record speed has always been one of Autechre secrets (meaning it's irrelevant) Exactly why I want to know. I want to play the track slower, on 33 rpm. Is it a 45 rpm or not?
  9. So, what rpm speed IS this record? I still haven't received mine yet.
  10. I don't understand why I have to wait so fucking long for this.
  11. My work station is far more modest right now. It's gone through various incarnations, since I've removed my computer from my creative process. Sadly, I have no modular synth like in my avatar, but would someday like to have one...
  12. That Minidisc player is very rare, AND the nicest portable Sony ever made! You must be very proud.
  13. And then, there's my PREVIOUS setup..
  14. I bet it sounds amazing.. Looks like a great hang out spot!
  15. Lol.. I have a second system in the bedroom
  16. Thanks again! She's very heavy. There's about a 1" clearance in the back, which provides plenty or room for heat escape, so it's never been an issue thankfully.
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