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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. nah obv we knew that was gonna happen, but only 1000 people get the nice metalwork and hopefully they'll look after them obv. I was gonna buy one from ebay last year, but just couldn't find the funds. I was working out on a building site the day they went for sale on blerp and I never got to buy one I would look after a copy if you have any spare lying around? Really appreciate your efforts on this thread btw, definite watmm legend status. And it has inspired me to start making music again.
  2. Fuuu, finally caught up with this thread again. Given that Quaristice Special Edition was limited to 1000 copies, do you guys get peeved that pretty much everyone has a ripped digital copy? BTW, this thread should be watmm's most IDM 2014. Jus' sayin
  3. Which track got you signed to warp? Or did they come to one of your gigs to feel the lushness first hand?
  4. Thanks for naming glitch yoda dog, it works. There was a question a few pages back about your favourite gig - don't think it got answered? At what point in your live career did you decide to turn the lights off? I love this clip from Glade Festival 2006, you could be in any dark club anywhere in the world... then 6 minutes in it is revealed you are in a huge psychedelic tent with lasers and weird hippy stuff everywhere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryCI5xjbvF0 Pretty crap clip sound / videowise though, but it gives you a vague idea.
  5. Ok one more thing, just because I would feel left out if I didn't.... Can you name my avatar? I've had him on here for about a year now, I glitch him up differently every now and then and I think he needs a name....
  6. Wow its taken me a long while tonight to catch up on this thread, big respect for your efforts. What did you guys make of the whole dubstep thing? Did you like the "originators" or any particular producers or was it just all horrible? Personally, I love (and still do) Shackleton, Appleblim, Gatekeeper (all the skull disco / applepips stuff), but thats about it. ital tek made amazingly deep tunes but I never realy considered his music dubstep and he has moved on greatly the past couple of years.
  7. I purposely decided I would not listen to this because there was an advert in the NME and they were raving about it.
  8. this has been discussed a few times if we can get it so the mix sounds decent enough in both contexts then yeah i reckon we might give it a go sometime the last tour we recorded everything as a kind of feasibility test and we liked the results Mint. Perhaps have a unique download code on the ticket stub / purchase link or something. I expect people purchased tickets for that fundraiser gig a few years back just so they could get hold of your exclusive download track from warp lol. Glad you liked the results - next tour please! Question.. If you recorded your Peel sessions at home, did you ever get to meet John? I still miss his unique radio voice and music content, the BBC (imo) has not been the same since his departure. I like to think that if he were still with us, he would be owning 6music these days. Do you have any stories of JP that you can share with us? A true legend.
  9. I went to see Underworld at Brixton academy in 2008, they recorded (professionally) the whole gig then released it straight afterwards as a limited edition 2CD set. In fact they did this for every gig of the whole tour - LINKY A fantastic memento of the gig, and you could probably do it in such a way that only ticket holders could get a copy of the CD (initially...) Thoughts on this process? Shirley you could do this or something similar for your next tour? pls?
  10. an easy one, then i guess i should have a go actually, fuck it syllable fail.
  11. dunno i only recently started on whisky recc me some i really enjoy talisker, bit fiery and i kinda like the peat taste but not too much. jura also. longmorn 16 is my favourite by far, proper developed taste and not too overpowering. Getting into whisky myself this past year, a great way to wind up the day.
  12. Farkin' lol! Kinda like Glade 2006 for me, first time I ever saw Autechre live. Rob Hall nailed it DJing beforehand (as standard), but when Ae came on it all went pear shaped and I completely span out. Think the daytime heat had got to me, proper roasting that year. Wish I could hear that set again, it made no sense at the time and really shit me up. So a question, do you plan a set differently for a festival gig? Sometimes festivals are part of a larger tour where I guess you just carry the same sound on, but (iirc) the Glade gigs were kinda separate?
  13. so we picked up on the vague album numbering system. Someone here said you should name your next release "twelb", is this up there with some of the hot favourites? Also curious about the whole Kiosk thing, did someone orig just pluck it out of thin air or did it actually exist as a project?
  14. About a year ago I text in to Tom Ravenscroft on 6music to see if he could get you in to do a new generation Peel session. He read out my text and said "never say never" Well, Sean, Rob, pls?
  15. Would you DJ or perform live at a private watmm party? How much would you charge? I could help organise something, it could be near your place so you wouldn't have to travel far. I would also sort out your drinks rider. No homo.
  16. What did you think of Grischa Lichtenberger's album "And IV (Inertia)"? It fucking rules, if you have not heard it. Get him to support you on the next tour, pls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgmidfpw-Ac
  17. During the Oversteps warehouse gig in London I swear I heard the drums from "Lcc" at one point. My mate passed out in the skanky portaloo's at the back after Haswell's insane set and missed the entire show. Lol at him. I was also at Bloc festival so heard a massive difference in sets across the Oversteps tour; Bloc was very bass heavy with very little melodic content (or was that just the soundsystem?), Bocking St. was lush and full spectrum (ala the awesome Domino recording). Do your live shows evolve organically as you tour between places, do you respond to how audiences react, and do you perform differently to different nations? Basically, i'm really interested in your live shows and hope for more. 2010 was a long time ago.
  18. Have you ever released music under a pseudonym that we do not know about?
  19. Have you considered releasing a remix compilation and what do you think of the bootleg Laxir compilation thats all over the net? I for one would prefer good quality versions of all of these tracks. A 7-CD box in a similar vein to the EPs box a couple of years ago would make me gush.
  20. Hi Autechre, your music has defined my past 10 years of electronic enjoyment and helped me escape trance music clubbing. Tru facts! Thanks for agreeing to do AAA, so far it has been very exciting to read your thoughts and really cements you as proper top geezers. Here's my question. Do you actively enjoy the live tours and festival gigs, or would you prefer to stay locked up in the studio making sounds? In terms of UK festivals I cannot really see a specific festival that autechre could play at now. With the demise of Bloc and Glade over the past few years, UK electronic festivals seem to be in a pretty shit state. On a side note, there is a great little club in Oxford called The Bully, I really think you should do a gig there. Hoofing soundsystem, and its basically a dark back room of a pub. Cheers thanks PS
  21. While you wait patiently (nervously?) for news, here is a trance remix to tide you over. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu1M2i5z8x0 I assume this is an "official" remix given the video footage used.
  22. yeah, packaging is a bit weird. more like only an inner sleeve; it's smaller than a regular 12'' sleeve. the tracks are awesome though Does it fit inside the Exai sleeve? THAT would be awesome, and would make me purchase the 12". Tested. Seems to fit. Brilliant. Will purchase.
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