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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Isn't a lot of vinyl pressed on mainland Europe anyways. Prices will inevitably rise unless we get our own old plants back up and running (we probably sold all the equipment off cheap years ago though)
  2. Agreed, if its not actually possible for our MPs to make a decision on a full Brexit, then i'd rather stay in than have some shitty halfway house hybrid offspring monster bastard.
  3. The difference is we won't have any MEPs sitting in on the meetings to help make decisions on what happens to us. E.G we won't actually be playing golf, just watching the games unfold.
  4. Great, looks like Corbyn is leading us into soft Brexit world. The worst of both worlds. Heard a good analogy on the radio this morning. The EU customs union is like being a full paying member of a very expensive golf club, but only being allowed to caddy.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Boles Seemed like quite a progressive / liberal Tory, if you read up a bit on him.
  6. yeah he seemed one of the good ones. Labour really could have made a big impact on this but they seem happy to sit back and watch the Tories implode. After no deal, they can then blame everything on TM. Cunts all round. Same shit, different decade.
  7. Tories had a free vote which I think is fairer than Labour who were whipped into specific options. Free vote all round would be the most sensible option at present. They've all got to go, seismic shifts at the next local / general election. Where to though - who knows. Some new faces / party need to step up.
  8. glass half full: All options are still possible!
  9. Saw a Q&A with Steve "Snooker" Davis in Bristol on Saturday, where he discussed his love for synths. He mentioned living in Sheffield in the early days of Warp, and would always walk past the shop to go to a 2nd hand Northern Soul shop down the road. He talked about Autechre being his gateway into IDM / electronica, citing Chiastic Slide and Cichli Suite as his favourites. He also talked about sort of knowing Rob (who now lives in Bristol) - Steve said his girlfriend also lives in Bristol. Very entertaining talk anyhow, plenty of other titbits including how he mainly doesn't know what he's doing with his synths (his live set later in the day was mainly improv lol) Basically he's rich and its a hobby and he gets bookings because he is famous...! Good of him to be honest. For his DJ sets he always like to throw in a Surgeon or Autechre track - he is a big fan of Surgeon too. Edit... Boiler Room set with Kavus Torabi, who was also live on Saturday doing the modular stuff with Steve. Appears to include some Cylob.
  10. Wouldn't only half of it go away? (don't know, havn't watched the films, don't shout at me)
  11. At some point we are gonna have to stop calling them pedals I say we call them petals I know right. I am totally in love with this machine, my only gripe is the mono output but I stuck my DOD stereo flanger straight after it to rectify the issue. Made so many sounds last night that reminded me of Quaristice / elseq beat fuckery.
  12. Corbyn can't even run an effective shadow government, he shouldn't be anywhere near main power. He's had multiple chances to stick various nails in Theresa Mays coffin but he seems particularly inept at that.
  13. there is a possibility that this could happen
  14. Got my Fabrikat granulation pedal, it is an absolute beast and a beautiful piece of engineering. 16 different algorithms, each with multiple parameters, CV control, feedback loops, eq control etc... It is more than just granulation though, there are delay, time stretch, speed effects which can all be controlled. Plugged it into the kick and instantly made beauty. Going to have some amazing times with this pedal, actually can't wait to get home to play with it again. /gas
  15. I agree that most if not all of it cannot be found as legally binding anyway
  16. Seriously, what a bunch of cunts we have in charge.
  17. Yeah, i begrudgingly decided not to drop £48 on the CD box set, kinda happy with digitals on this one. Maybe a tape pack would be fitting for the degradation over time....
  18. You want to leave the EU as well then?
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-47668067 :emotawesomepm9: Would you vote for the brexit party? I've not read the manifesto (if they even have one) but no chance id imagine
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-47668067 :emotawesomepm9:
  21. That's not exactly a better option is it
  22. Congratulations on getting 1 million internet signatures from armchair remain warriors for that petition. If you get 17 million then we can talk about another referendum.
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