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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Preacher series 4. Its not completely bad, but its no way perfect. Pacing is all weird. Series 1 was great but now I just have to see it through since it's nearly finished. So many odd threads going on that don't need to exist
  2. I did a 30+ minute noise/drone excursion inspired by my recent visit to Supernormal Festival. It crawls between various states of full on feedback / crunch and minimal drone squelch. I quite enjoyed creating this. One day I will make a proper album of this stuff.
  3. Bugger, finishes the week before I get into town. Looks good though for sure. Well sure, if you are Jewish or just like looking at nice architecture, there are some good examples in London. ?
  4. A couple of things I have enjoyed visiting when in London... https://www.whiskytastingroom.com/ Whisky tasting rooms / shop with friendly and knowledgeable (non-pushy) staff http://www.trinitybuoywharf.com/whats-on/event/longplayer 1000 year long drone music being performed at Trinity Wharf, open at weekends. The sounds will not repeat during the 1000 years! Crazy stuff. Buy a ticket, then you will not be disappointed.... Altern-8 will probably be playing acid rave, maybe breaks, it will be good times so a no brainer really ?
  5. What date exactly? Hope you can make I love Acid.... https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1284213
  6. what @goDelsays maybe, who knows. Remainers will tell you its all doom and gloom, leavers will tell you everything will be fine.... Short term there would be shortages of certain imported foods, of course. Maybe including "HP Sauce" (yes, Houses of Parliament Sauce) which is made in Netherlands ? After a while UK based producers will see the benefits (I know a number of sole traders / small businesses who are starting to prepare to ramp up production in order to meet potential demands, but the uncertainty of what is happening is stalling investment and it sucks for them) Supply of tropical foodstuff like Bananas, coconuts etc shouldn't be affected unless they get to us via mainland europe... (not sure? Citation needed) Quite happy to be able to buy seasonal "local grown" fruit and veg to be honest, fresh corn on the cob still in the husks are amazing, as is asparagus etc. I really don't see why places like Aldi have to import all of their apples from spain and wrap them in plastic. Not enough UK stock? Maybe we turn it all into cider! Answer is nobody knows to be honest - if only they had settled on a plan last year then we may already be someway into knowing what the next step is.
  7. Not even got around to spinning the boner disc yet... too much music lately... not enough time....
  8. Ok sold. Sounds great. A birthday present to myself ?
  9. I know Nicola Sturgeon isn't universally popular across Scotland, but its a bit harsh booing her like that.
  10. This looks really interesting, I might grab this.
  11. James Herbert - Ash. Picked up hardbound copy for 50p in local charity shop, looks unread. Used to read a lot of Herbert when I was younger (the Rats trilogy especially I recall), so interested to see how this fairs.
  12. Him and Farage in collaborative blood pact to get BREXIT DUN
  13. He was voted in by the Tory members on the back of his Brexit stance - so of course he has put a pro-brexit team in place and ramped up the no-deal prep. People would be calling him a bullshitter if he had stuck so pro-eu members in place and waved a white flag at brussels. Agreed he seems to be "walking the walk" so far - even if it is a silly walk, whilst playing charades. The PM job since the referendum is a poisoned chalice though - you are going to piss off a huge number of people regardless of your persuasion and what you do, so just do what you think is right (as TM did all along, but look where that got her)
  14. Cant wait to hear this, p-mu usually great at delivering the goods on release day (or sometimes before) Thanks
  15. Boris becoming PM seemed inevitable, unfortunately. GE next, following the next Brexit failure, I guess. But that won't yield us any certain results given the current political mixed bag of nuts that we have and the shitshows from the Tory oppositions. Hmmm.
  16. I got the Ebola Disco Discography, quite a savage collection of studio tracks and live recordings, all fits onto a single CD. Great dirty textures, rumbling clippy distorted vocal screams. You can pretty much visualize the live shows from hearing it ? I guess its somewhere between noise and P/E
  17. Yeah, it could be constructed tracks from the onesix era of tunes, studio edited format. That would be sweet.
  18. onesix was the Europe / Oz / Japan live tour though, wasn't it? So not expecting a new album from this. Never know what to expect from ae though, gawd bless'em
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