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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. Hah, I can run with the cricket theme... MS Droney VVS Traxman
  2. So I recently bought a Babybox 3.1 by Moodysounds, its a grumpy piece of kit that destroys sound quite nicely. I've hooked it up to my DJ setup (2 x Pionner PLX-1000 and a DJM-350 mixer), and I'm experimenting with feedback by playing various recordings and stuff. Anyway, first jam recording that I've been happy with is here:- https://soundcloud.com/feltch/flannel-dance I want this to turn into a noise/experimental DJ project where I kinda remix / jam over stuff on the fly whilst mixing records. I welcome feedback (fnar) and criticism / comments!
  3. Heartbreaking and lush. Love the echoes (remixes) of part 1. By part 5 it's going to be unrecognisable and dark and scary and sad.
  4. Just started watching Badlands. Needed something mindless, that isn't Walking Dead.
  5. Yep, I guess that means s3 will give us some closure, but a book afterwards might help to wrap things up or clarify. Also read somewhere that Laura's Diary is coming out as an audio book, read by Sheryl Lee
  6. Awesome. Still cant believe the whole lot is available when you pay for just the first one
  7. I just bought a Now TV box with a 3 month entertainment pass that i will activate shortly before Twin Peaks starts. Solid commitment
  8. Cannot edit post above so I have to bump the thread again. Those who requested a freebie copy or previously made me a donation should now all have this - good on you. Anyone else who wants to grab a copy can now purchase via Peace7's awesome BLISST website. Also still open to offers if people want to trade stuff for a copy, or beg and I might still send you one. --- Work has begun on Issue 3 with loads of cool stuff already lined up, including an interview with qebrus, features on DETHWAVE and an experimental drone artist from Oxford called Lee Riley. Chiz Fletch
  9. Breakfast Pancakes 3 bananas 3 eggs Mash and beat together Add handful of raisins or other fruit chunks Heat pan with coconut oil and fry a large spoonful about 1 minute each side. Can do about 3 at a time in the pan i use. Serves 2-3 for breakfast, add a drop of honey on top if you want them sweet.
  10. Aye looked like a great party. Printworks is on my hitlist for the next round of parties, which will probably be in the autumn.
  11. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=930394113766467&id=860131204126092
  12. If you run that image through audacity then run spectral analysis, you can see the face of Ridley Scott and LOL ($€riousl¥ £hough, I'm gonna go wat¢h this movie)
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