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Soloman Tump

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Everything posted by Soloman Tump

  1. http://datachi.com/images/Datach'i_ex.jpg Certainly looks like a stable / compact enough setup to take out on the road. Certainly more robust than the Speed Dealer Mom's gear that I don't think they ever got working on the road? Certainly the bangface weekender gig I was at they cancelled
  2. It doesn't break tons of new ground if you have already read up on stuff, but it details loads of the mythos behind the origin of the owls, major Briggs, a cool section on the history of the log lady, the Packard and Horne families etc. Well worth a read, especially if you can get it for free.
  3. I'm currently at episode 25 on the series, and I read the book before Christmas. Little things keep making more sense this time around, especially the whole owl cave mythos and the log lady's connection, and Wyndom Earle being part of Major Briggs' project. Will most likely read the book again before the new series airs.
  4. Apparently Ross From Friends and DJ Seinfeld are real artists.
  5. Can't wait to visit Hardwax, think it's on the cards for later this year.
  6. Yephttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_in_2017 ftfy. Bogdan Tuszyński (84) Almost did a brain dance poop
  7. Was in bed at 10pm. Woke up 9am. Pretty fair to say I needed to catch up on sleep. FEELS GOOD!
  8. Hap Pyne Wye Ar watmm 2016, that shit was bonkers
  9. Snoop Badgerr Snoop Racoonn Snoop Leopardd
  10. http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/actors/harry-goaz-david-lynch-figurehead/ Pretty cool short film about Harry Goaz waiting for David Lynch to ring him up about casting in the new Twin Peaks. Typically weird Lynch stuff, and possibly deeper than first appears (also possibly a new scene location?)
  11. I nerd hard for anything Aliens related, don't get me wrong. Trailer looks good, and doesn't give too much plot away aside from omg aliens and death... But then, maybe that's it. I just have low expectations following the past decade of (broadly) shit Hollywood output. PS
  12. It's the second in a hashed together monry grabbing prequel trilogy to some sci fi movies that were made decades ago. Sounds familiar. Of course it will be stupid as fuck, and will I see it? absolutely.
  13. er, nah. Village Roadshow Pictures is a leading Australian co-producer and co-financier of major Hollywood motion pictures. Mad Max: Fury Road, was produced in conjunction with Warner Brothers Pictures, one of the "Big Six" major American film studios located of Hollywood, California.
  14. Calling it now: this is going to suck. What made the original great was the psychological aspects and sparse use of dialogue whilst treading fresh (for want of a better word) territory. The studio will pump in far too much action / Ford / car chases / etc, to pander to the bums-on-seats-at-cinema ratio requirement, IMO. And I hope I am proven wrong. Hollywood managed to do good with Mad Max, beyond all expectations. So it can be done.
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