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Everything posted by joseph

  1. But it's so dull... and boring... Leave.
  2. Nodezsh is a big grower. My favorite Exai tracks now are totally different from my favorites say 3 months ago.
  3. prac-f is one of the best, it's insane. I always liked it but it hit me hard recently.
  4. Man this is sooo nice. I ought to start checking out Voigt's other monikers. I love the other things you mentioned except for the last, I've never listened to Burzum. So I'm curious: which track? Rundgang um die transzendentale Säule der Singularität
  5. Rückverzauberung 4 is gorgeous.
  6. Man I was just hoping they were writing in something other than 4/4 for a change, oh well. I can imagine way more "conventional-sounding" rhythms that are in different time signatures, like cichli (5/4). This track is way harder to grok than cichli. The way it sounds rhythmically doesn't ultimately depend on what time signature you represent it in, it's just a convention that helps with communication.
  7. I've had the same experience and agree with every word here. Qplay in particular has been haunting me.
  8. Thanks Rob, Sean, and Joyrex, this was so much fun! Now stay away from WATMM, lol.
  9. is there a vocal sample in that? Yeah and it's a mindfuck oh god yeah i rem now ahaha not telling :)
  10. really like it tbh i'm a huge fan of his anyway Awesome, do you have a favorite GAS album? Also, do you like his recent stuff? (last 3 years or so) favourite gas LP, pop - for PO6 & POP7 quite specifically Mine too. I figured this would be your answer, I think the level of sample manipulating ability he reached on POP is the only thing I've heard that compares to ae's finest moments.
  11. In total, how many ae tracks have the vocal sample from draun quarter :) in them?
  12. really like it tbh i'm a huge fan of his anyway Awesome, do you have a favorite GAS album? Also, do you like his recent stuff? (last 3 years or so)
  13. I notice that some of the tracks on Draft have a "latin" or "spanish" feeling, like the light metallic-sounding rhythm that comes in on Surripere before the Whacks and Thuds, and parts of Kidney Bean. By design or is that just the Torero in me??
  14. the only one i've got is the emerson one, is that a good version? I haven't heard it before, but listening now on youtube it sounds great, in fact, better than the versions I've heard, thanks!
  15. Yeah. And that one reminds me of Schuberts Death and the Maiden. Which reminds me of Murcof, who remade it which worked well. Here at 7:04 (Shostakovich Sym. #5 Mvmt 1) is a fantastic example of a perfect transition (as in Surripere) where he pitches the violins up in order to get back to the main theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JokfD5cquI0#t=405 I knew instantly what you were talking about. Earth-shattering.
  16. yeah different trains and a few others, more reich than riley for me Different trains is good but not near his best, my favorites are music for 18 musicians and eight lines. Electric counterpoint is great too Best Riley stuff is In C and the poppy nogood stuff, eg this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRwPPIoAgqY
  17. I get what you're saying about the grey tones from Shostakovich. It's so deep, powerful, emotional, honestly after getting into that a certain amount of other crap dropped off my radar :) Not you guys of course. Have you heard String quartet 8? If not you should listen.
  18. classical, same thing really, it depends on how it was recorded a lot for me. like, i like shostakovich chamber works but only when the strings sound really grey, somehow that sounds like i imagine he wanted it to. i might be way off there tbh i know so little about him really I asked what particular Shostakovich he liked, no response
  19. Are any albums associated with or representative of certain phases in your drug life?
  20. If I ask any ?s that have already been answered, I'm sorry, ignore them. I'm late to this thread. 1. You said you like Shostakovich, any particular favorites? 2. What's the workflow between you two, is there a lot of real-time collaboration or is it mostly a relay? 3. Are any of the 2013 tracks solo tracks? 4. Why did you withdraw that one solo track from Mark Fell's podcast a year or so ago?
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