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Hi guys,

I'm new to WATMM and I wanted to drop a couple of tracks on you as an introduction. These are not my latest pieces, but they are fairly recent.


Like them or not, I am interested in feed back.



Homage to Those Who Travel





The parent Url is my portfolio site too if you are interested in graphic design.

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Hi guys,

I'm new to WATMM and I wanted to drop a couple of tracks on you as an introduction. These are not my latest pieces, but they are fairly recent.


Like them or not, I am interested in feed back.










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Guest monotoo



read them.


that's just watmm fingering your ass so they'll know you better, your links were fine.


outsourced kept me warm late in the lonely night of thumbnails, it flows like a nice long train ride.





nice work on the new site! when did you get that new layout up??

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Guest tht! tne

homage: kinda reminds me of the orb meets boards of canada. nice.

enveloped: nice progression. maybe the beat could come in sooner.

outscoure: good. did not appeal to my sense of frantic rhythm but good.

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Enveloped - Reminds me of Orbital's later stuff EXCEPT it's actually really good! I agree with tht! tne, the beat should probably come in earlier. Also I think this could probably be a little bit longer... but then again, too short is often better than too long.


Homage to Those Who Travel - VERY cool samples! They're really well arranged and mixed... the texture and rhythm they create is really cool. The overall atmosphere of this song is great too.. awesome!


Outsource - This is pretty sweet too... but nothing about it in particular really stood out to me... nice and relaxing though...

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Ha thanks! I'm surprised someone looked at it.



HHHmmmm.... I might go back to that enveloped track and bring the beat in a bit earlier. Although I sort of like how it is a little off balance and leaves you really wanting it but the time it drops. I want people to be pushed by that tension.


Homage is very inspired by The Books. If you dont know them find them and study children. They are masters at what they do. No queston.


Outsourced is just a Krush-esque beat intended for an MC. Nothing big.

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This is really great stuff man, the melody on 'enveloped' is really nice. Great developement and flow , and also stella choice of sounds, you use alot of whirry droney sounds that I tend to like.

Jolly playful moods.

'Outsourced' is a different type of tone, more downbeat and reflective, good headphone tune

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yea the beat should definitely come in earlier on enveloped. I really liked it thinking it would just be without beats, but when the beat came in, i wished that it had come in earlier so it would be for longer.

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outsource is quality downtempo. But didnt really seem too special. Don't be afraid to have something really stand out. Wasn't too crazy about the vocal pads.



Keep up the good work.

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enveloped: pleasant listen, too short. it ends where it's supposed to kick in for real.

homage: pleasant listen too, beautiful sounds. where do the voices come from?

outsource: started nicely but i really didn't like the tweaked-filter synth (nor the voice pads btw) and it seemed like lacking of something to me. beautiful background sounds tho.

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