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Guest The Vidiot

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I have 'Master of Space and Time' by Rucker and need to read it. Will do soon. I hear it is amazing.


Yeah, check out 'Dr Adder' iep, ir anyone that loves cyberpunk/sci-fi. Was controversial at the time, published like seven years after it was written due to it being considered too violent, it is brilliant and extreme and has aged well/become relevant considering where we are now as a culture. The epilogue by PKD in it is awesome. He became friends with K W Jeter b/c of this novel being sent to him while Jeter had written while in college. 'Dr Adder' was his first novel and he wanted his literary hero to read it. K W Jeter is Kevin in 'VALIS'.

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Yeah, check out 'Dr Adder' iep, ir anyone that loves cyberpunk/sci-fi. Was controversial at the time, published like seven years after it was written due to it being considered too violent, it is brilliant and extreme and has aged well/become relevant considering where we are now as a culture. The epilogue by PKD in it is awesome. He became friends with K W Jeter b/c of this novel being sent to him while Jeter had written while in college. 'Dr Adder' was his first novel and he wanted his literary hero to read it. K W Jeter is Kevin in 'VALIS'.


i'm pretty sure that i have it and read some bits of it. gonna dig it up, thx. cool Dick connection..

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for some reason i stopped mid-way through "the waste lands" back in 1992, and just recently started the entire "dark tower" series over again, and am thoroughly into it.


the integration of characters from other king novels seems like a gimmick to me at this point, but so far it hasn't detracted from the story, so i'm okay with it.


"wizard and glass" was epic.

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Guest zaphod



rereading this:




forget game of thrones, hbo needs to make a series out of the book of the new sun. it's like dune, but good.

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Guest Franklin

zaphod I just bought that series on your recommendation!


currently reading Darwin's On the Origin of Species (again), Pinker's Better Angels of our Nature, Hitchen's God is not Great, AND a text on statistics and probabilities recommended to me in another thread!


Almost done the first three and looking forward to reading one of my best friend's newest book before hitting this Wolfe series.


As soon as my friend's five-part series comes out in stores I'll throw up a link.

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If you're interested in this you should read Kim Stanley Robinson's book "Red Mars" (and followups), an very well written novel about the colonization/settlement of Mars

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Guest zaphod

zaphod I just bought that series on your recommendation!


currently reading Darwin's On the Origin of Species (again), Pinker's Better Angels of our Nature, Hitchen's God is not Great, AND a text on statistics and probabilities recommended to me in another thread!


Almost done the first three and looking forward to reading one of my best friend's newest book before hitting this Wolfe series.


As soon as my friend's five-part series comes out in stores I'll throw up a link.


cool. it's really dense. don't go in expecting an easy read and you'll be rewarded for your patience. that gaiman quote on the cover isn't far off. one of the most intelligent pieces of writing in any genre.

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If you're interested in this you should read Kim Stanley Robinson's book "Red Mars" (and followups), an very well written novel about the colonization/settlement of Mars


Oh I've red the trilogy, and the book with short stories (the baseball one is fun!)

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If you're interested in this you should read Kim Stanley Robinson's book "Red Mars" (and followups), an very well written novel about the colonization/settlement of Mars


Oh I've red the trilogy, and the book with short stories (the baseball one is fun!)

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He's a guy, named Kim.



Did ya see his new upcoming book, it's sorta like the Mars Trilogy. Synopsis :


The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future.


Edited by Philip Glass
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Erik Larson - The Devil in the White City

Unless I confused the novel with another, this is about the notorious serial killer who built a house of horrors right around the time of the Chicago World Fair in the early 20th century. He'd con prospective fair-goers to his building, which was filled with traps and dead ends, only to murder them. Based on a true story.


I lost the Lovecraft Short Stories book I was working on (probably in my apartment somewhere), so I picked this up from Strand books, which I now work directly across the street from, which is frankly amazing.

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I lost the Lovecraft Short Stories book I was working on (probably in my apartment somewhere), so I picked this up from Strand books, which I now work directly across the street from, which is frankly amazing.


i fukkin loved working next door to a 2nd hand bookstore, used to picke up some hash and then a 1,5 euro beater copy of some old obscurity.

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So far it's been great. It's set in near future Istanbul. I've read the River of Gods, Cyberabad Days and Brasyl from him before and this has been the best so far. They're all sort of 3rd world cyberpunk, set in India and Brazil respectively.

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