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Guest DavBrav
...livecoding performances? like, writing code as a performance?


only time i've seen that before is when a guy bet a crowd of people he could write a java drawing app in under a minute (he succeeded).



but perhaps you meant something else. i've never used supercollider.

does that run on pc, or is it just mac?


Livecoding is a form of computer music performance in which the sounds are coded on the fly. It is also known as Just In Time coding (JIT for short), or on-the-fly. For more information about livecoding, which environments are commonly used, and who's doing it, check out TopLap.


The most commonly used environments / languages for Livecoding are Max/MSP, SuperCollider, ChucK, and Pure Data. Sometimes CSound pops up. There is a rather unreliable version of SuperCollider for PC, Psycollider, but I wouldn't recommend it as it eats up CPU with the simplest of operations. Max/MSP, ChucK, and Pure Data are all cross-platform. SuperCollider, ChucK, and Pure Data are free and open source, while Max/MSP costs a pretty penny (but is developed by a pretty dedicated team at Cycling '74).


If you want to know more about livecoding, you might also try looking it up on youtube; there are a number of great videos up.

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