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Aphex gurner meets the Queen

Solo Strike

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is it me or is that gurner dude the same guy who is dancing on stage in front of aphex in that youtube during that acid track


p.s. what is that track

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Guest HokusPoker



Come on, everybody expected that and it doesn't add one little wit to the original.


is it me or is that gurner dude the same guy who is dancing on stage in front of aphex in that youtube during that acid track


p.s. what is that track


Holy shit! You MIGHT be right!

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whats in that guys mouth?

is that his gum? or his teeth?


do i really wanna know?


It's the back of his his tounge. Stick your tounge between your top lip and front teeth and look in the mirror to see it yourself*.


*You'll probably look a bit different to him, though. He is a professional.

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Guest Caustic

at the current rate of inflation, by 2062 it'll be up to compost value soon mate.


and i got a feeling compost is making a comeback.

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