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Guest abusivegeorge


yeah, i was high as shit


Is that Robert De Niro riding a bicycle?


More specifically, a BMX?


Just the thought of that is an lol

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Playing a live set at Vaporware, hosted by Record Label Records, last week!


is your akai sitting on top of the laptop keyboard or just in front?

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Gear shot. A lot of the pics are blurry, because of the low light... does anyone have tips for a clear lowlight shot? I know tripods can help, but its still hard to do...


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The Novation Launchpad


Like the APC40, but only buttons, no sliders or knobs or transport controls. Just lots of buttons! (I actually use this more than the APC40... I like triggering things, more than I do twiddling things. But I dabble in a good twiddle here and there.

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I also like that it is: bus powered, so now bulky power supply, light as hell, and you can trigger MIDI notes with it as well, so you could play a drum kit, or synth lines, and then switch back to session mode. you have session mode for triggering clips, and 2 user modes that are just MIDI notes. I usually leave one page free for triggering MIDI notes, but then the other, I'll use to assign the pads to functions in my set (like FX On/Off, or stutter divisions etc) There is also a mixer mode, where you can set 8 levels of volume, panning, and sends . You can also control the stop clip, track select, track on/off and track record, in the mixer mode.


The only complaint I have is that it does feel a little cheap, but for the price, its worth it. You can find it for $140 online.


I'd love it if AKAI made a version. I like their smaller buttons and build quality on the APC... but I just dont need the buttons or sliders!

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Guest uptown devil

Gear shot. A lot of the pics are blurry, because of the low light... does anyone have tips for a clear lowlight shot? I know tripods can help, but its still hard to do...

up the ISO like crazy and open the aperture up as wide as it will go. increasing the ISO will add noise though, so using a tripod is definitely your best bet.

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haha, not the most recent and not necessarily great photos, of me nor in general, but i was looking through old drunk pics and had a laugh at these:






i remember this one. lol Raiden

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