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i'm having a can of wiskey cola (william lawsons), i just can't resist these fuckers

each time i leave the job on monday's and friday's i get one from the vending machine

each time i rent a video or go to the nightshop i buy one

they are so much cheaper in the supermarket but hey fuck it cheers!

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I can imagine how much my arse gas would reek after consuming that...It wouldn't be pretty I can asure you.

Somewhat tuneful - but they always are, I have the ability to produce exquisite arse concertos - but surprisingly subtle in the smell department.



Too much info perhaps.

Edited by Sprillian
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I can imagine how much my arse gas would reek after consuming that..


there has always been a small part of me that enjoys the smell of my own flatulence. although, when others emit gas from their anus; ew, that's gross

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I can imagine how much my arse gas would reek after consuming that..


there has always been a small part of me that enjoys the smell of my own flatulence. although, when others emit gas from their anus; ew, that's gross



It don't like farting in the shower, it pisses me off. And under the covers in bed, cause it slowly leaks out in the only direction it can, right past your face. Other than that i don't care either way as mine aren't that offensive, most of the time.





i bet the dear readers are glad that they consumed that nugget.

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I've been pretty impressed with the quality of applegate farm's stuff so far, for packaged stuff, anyway. Their uncured pepperoni is good and not needlessly salty. Tastes a lot better than shit like Boar's Head, IMO. Edited by baph
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I've been pretty impressed with the quality of applegate farm's stuff so far, for packaged stuff, anyway. Their uncured pepperoni is good and not needlessly salty. Tastes a lot better than shit like Boar's Head, IMO.



Yeah, it is super tasty, and way healthier so it is win win imo. Dave Asprey is supposed to release a guide to curing your own bacon soon. I'm patiently waiting because that shit is damn expensive. It is $7.00 a package here. I haven't tried their other stuff though.

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fresh blueberries and rasberries with some natural yogurt dumped through it. + thanks jonas, i might have a multi before my walk (need some exercise, brain going to fudge).

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