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Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle

Guest Stoppit

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This is all just material from his last tour, which I really enjoyed so it was nice to see again. I enjoyed it!

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Guest Coalbucket PI

This is all just material from his last tour, which I really enjoyed so it was nice to see again. I enjoyed it!

I heard that Vegetable Stew thing was preparation for these shows and he would do 3 episodes worth of material in each show. He's playing at the South Bank centre at the end of the month doing all 6 in one show, it's down as 3hr45 (presumably an interval or two)... I was going to go but I will have seen most of them on telly by then

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This is all just material from his last tour, which I really enjoyed so it was nice to see again. I enjoyed it!

I heard that Vegetable Stew thing was preparation for these shows and he would do 3 episodes worth of material in each show. He's playing at the South Bank centre at the end of the month doing all 6 in one show, it's down as 3hr45 (presumably an interval or two)... I was going to go but I will have seen most of them on telly by then


I'm not sure about the whole series but certainly the first episode was the first segment of Vegetable Stew, which I saw the last show of a month or so ago in Southend. Yeah the austerity binge sounds alright but I reckon the length is a bit overkill, especially for his slow going style.

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  • 1 month later...

Well this is just getting better and better. Episodes 4 and 5 were fantastic from start to finish. He reused an old bit about Scottishness and Braveheart but slotted it into the show seamlessly. I think this guy is one of the few stand-ups working today who can accurately be described as an artist.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i've been slowly getting into series2 of this. at first i watched it with my wife and it was painful as i knew she was hating it but then i watched ep3 by myself and really enjoyed it. not essential but enjoyable 30 minutes of comedy. ep4 was solid too.


in some ways though i feel like he is trying to make me like him by making me feel clever for getting his jokes despite his jokes being very simple and repeated.


i complained alot about the first series but i think i'm a convert for s2

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  • 4 years later...

two things about this week's episode


1. stewart lee began ranting about jack dee and his copying of curb your enthusiasm/moody humour - me and my mates pointed out from episode one lee is clearly doing a jack dee impression in this show, he's dressed in a dee-like way, moans about stuff, even the beginning sequence reminds me of jack dee's happy hour. so as much as i love stewart lee, fucking hell pot kettle black hypocrite.


2. he needs to either stop getting drunk during the show or stop being self-pityingly depressed in a mid-life crisis, watching the old, past-it, fat, grey presenter of a comedy show vocally wishing for death isn't that funny


i miss fresh-faced 90s lee fear.png

I've been getting massively into Stewart Lee in the last few weeks and was just on his website checking out upcoming dates and the like. Anyway, he has a little counter at the bottom of each page which scrolls endlessly through vitriol found on the internet.




Lo and behold our little WATMM appears on the list with Melotronic's little bit of abuse from 4 years ago! Just thought it was quite funny, sorry for the thread necromancy.



Anyway, has anyone been to see him recently? I'm think about taking a trip to London in the new year to catch the new material he's debuting before the next series of Comedy Vehicle.



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Haha that's wild ! Haven't seen him live since 'If You Prefer a Milder Comedian....' back in 2012, was an incredible experience though - was completely petrified when he wandered around the audience and got way too close to me!

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Haha that's wild ! Haven't seen him live since 'If You Prefer a Milder Comedian....' back in 2012, was an incredible experience though - was completely petrified when he wandered around the audience and got way too close to me!

I can only imagine being on the receiving end of one of his rants. Like the members of the audience who decide to move out of their seats during is mental breakdown/crowd interaction parts, why would anyone put themselves in that situation!


Having watched through most of his material a few times in the last few weeks, I'm definitely of the opinion that he has gotten better with age. Carpet Remnant World is pure genius from start to finish, it's so tightly layered.... and yeah, I suppose he's funny too.

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Went through a big run of his stuff last year, ended up seeing him a few times over a couple of months until I got bored of him talking about his own piss for the third time. Still, top comedian.

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Saw his first date in Edinburgh this year, first half was great, lots of stuff taking the piss out of himself/the baftas/graham norton. the 2nd half wasn't great, was about his pet cat called 'paul nuttals of the ukips' and shitting on the English flag (which sounds like a great idea for a bit, but just wasn't executed that well). It was his first show of the run though, so presumably he'll have honed it down/worked on better bits since then.

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I saw him a couple of months back. His routine about literally being pissed on being his first taste of fame was quality, so was the pear cider stuff. I also liked him addressing the audience as, "The liberal intelligentsia of Liverpool, such as it is."


His books are great too, with all the extensive footnotes its like two books for the price of one!


Sent from my Vodafone 890N using Tapatalk

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