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Quaristice review

Guest ComicMaster

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Guest ComicMaster

I wrote a review a long ass time ago praising it blindly. Then at one point I came on here and made a lame post that was about as bad as pitchfork in terms of actual content, one which tried to write up a summary for every single song. A few months back I updated the review, but I left it feeling like it was written by a crazy person. Upon listening to Quaristice again, I strongly believe that [while the score you may disagree with] I got this album spot-on in terms of its overall style and what it was all about. And now I finally have the balls to post it here where it will undoubtedly get ripped to pieces. Or agreed with. Who knows?




Let me know what you all think.


The tl;dr version that I half-heartedly typed up now:

Quaristice is, in my opinion, a release where everything (from the artwork to the medium its presented in, to the various editions, to the musical structure itself) seems to be collapsing and rebelling upon itself. The time period of it being released -- i.e. the musical world of the mp3 -- makes this seem even more so and as the final ambient songs play, it appears that the music is aware that regardless all attempts at non-conformity, the album still will play out in a linear fashion. Or something like that.


Feel free to share what you think it was about. Whether it was a lazy heap of dogshit, a sonic masterpiece or something in-between.

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Quaristice is, in my opinion, a release where everything (from the artwork to the medium its presented in, to the various editions, to the musical structure itself) seems to be collapsing and rebelling upon itself. The time period of it being released -- i.e. the musical world of the mp3 -- makes this seem even more so and as the final ambient songs play, it appears that the music is aware that regardless all attempts at non-conformity, the album still will play out in a linear fashion.

Oh my word, i have never seen gayness like this, not even from thehauntingsoul. You should be ashamed of yourself writing deep and meaningful bullshit like that, fucking hell you should be listening to Morrisey and smelling roses.

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Quaristice is, in my opinion, a release where everything (from the artwork to the medium its presented in, to the various editions, to the musical structure itself) seems to be collapsing and rebelling upon itself. The time period of it being released -- i.e. the musical world of the mp3 -- makes this seem even more so and as the final ambient songs play, it appears that the music is aware that regardless all attempts at non-conformity, the album still will play out in a linear fashion.

Oh my word, i have never seen gayness like this, not even from thehauntingsoul. You should be ashamed of yourself writing deep and meaningful bullshit like that, fucking hell you should be listening to Morrisey and smelling roses.


Bearing emotion is not gayness. Considering the emotional strength of Autechre's music I would think you had already come to that conclusion considering you are on an AE board. You should probably just listen to metal though.

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Guest ComicMaster
Quaristice is, in my opinion, a release where everything (from the artwork to the medium its presented in, to the various editions, to the musical structure itself) seems to be collapsing and rebelling upon itself. The time period of it being released -- i.e. the musical world of the mp3 -- makes this seem even more so and as the final ambient songs play, it appears that the music is aware that regardless all attempts at non-conformity, the album still will play out in a linear fashion.

Oh my word, i have never seen gayness like this, not even from thehauntingsoul. You should be ashamed of yourself writing deep and meaningful bullshit like that, fucking hell you should be listening to Morrisey and smelling roses.


Bearing emotion is not gayness. Considering the emotional strength of Autechre's music I would think you had already come to that conclusion considering you are on an AE board. You should probably just listen to metal though.


On first glance it seemed that doc was being rather harsh, but in actuality it seems to be tongue-in-cheek sarcasm that is at heart somewhat of a compliment. So yeah. Unless that isn't the case, your response seemed a bit over-the-top. Then again, sarcasm or not, he did assert his view of your sexual orientation.

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