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gabbro rod fix appreciation

Guest chunky

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It's alright. I mean, I'm fine with having it in the state it was at during the live set. That's probably all it was intended for in the first place.

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Guest Caustic
Yes, yes! This track is awesome! It's like an apocalypse during a manic episode!

or, laughable butane bob with some extra plinky plonky bits over it.


but that works fine too.

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  • 11 months later...

I can't download it, and not even SELECTED AFX LOOPS will let me listen




or is this just some made up legendary afx track made to fuck with people


I can assure you it's real. See PM.

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I can't download it, and not even SELECTED AFX LOOPS will let me listen




or is this just some made up legendary afx track made to fuck with people


I can assure you it's real. See PM.

can I see PM :P? I don't I've heard this tune :(

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Confirmation please.


If this is the track , I FUCKING LOVE IT.



Yes as far as I know that is indeed Gabbro Rod Fix (or at least thats the same title of the track i got off audiogalaxy about 10 years ago). It was played in Richards live set around 97. The full track is about 3 and a half minutes long. Sounds very much like it would fit on the RDJ LP or Come To Daddy.

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Same drum sounds as laughable butane bob. Sounds like he used a loop from it and fucked around with it a bit. Not bad at all.

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  • 2 years later...

Ax! I've missed something, i believe... Someone can help me with a nice PM... Bcause i would really like 2 listen it and HAB is my one of favorites albums made vu AFX... Thanks in advance... (i'm on holiday, but I'll come here only afternoon or night)

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Aw! Thanks! ;-) Joyrex told us that rephlex records wrote him that they will release a boxset of unreleased tracks & live tracks by AFX... Yeah some of u had read this mail from richard & grant... It was the same moment of streaming of "Joyrex Tape" where we want these tracks... But rephlex records said 2 do not share them 'cause they'll out one day this boxset...

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Aw! Thanks! ;-) Joyrex told us that rephlex records wrote him that they will release a boxset of unreleased tracks & live tracks by AFX... Yeah some of u had read this mail from richard & grant... It was the same moment of streaming of "Joyrex Tape" where we want these tracks... But rephlex records said 2 do not share them 'cause they'll out one day this boxset...

whaaaaaaaaaat???? :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

when did this happen??? also live tracks wtf :wacko:

boxset fuck yeah!

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