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what's the worst injury you've ever had?

Guest chax

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i got diabetes.


that sucks, how'd you get that?

i think it was because when i was young and didn't know enough about hygeine i sat down on the school toilet and my penis, unsheathed, and grazed the insde of a toilet bowl :/


to be young again.


but really, it's type one so no one has any clue how i got it. i guess it's ok now but i'll get the injury bit in like 20 years when i'm blind and limbless. not as epic as your story though, i fucking loved that. brutal. nice showing.

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I wish someone on WATMM could say, "I had a baby and my uterus fell out of my body" or "I had a baby and my perineum was rent asunder."

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nothing too serious for me luckily, crushed my wrist right above the joint...couldn't reallys et it or anything so it just fucking healed slowly.

My brother fucked up his leg something fierce, he was driving back to Edmonton from picking up his girlfriend in Seattle, blizzard and all, he drifted sideways into a semi, flipped his car and broke his leg in two places severely enough that they had to put ina bucnh of titanium rods. He also had to call the emergency service cause his girlfriend was a useless lithuanian cow who barely spoke english and had never seen a cell phone before or something liek that.


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Guest Caustic

Fell from the top of a garage when I was 6, landed head first on concrete and cracked the right side of my skull open.



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broke my shoulder playing soccer but it didn't compare to being really ill with this thing called pertusis and then one time took some pills and almost died

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I never technically broke a bone ( I did get a hairline fracture on my finger playing football when some fat kid jumped on it, once).

When I was little I was constantly in the hospital for stitches. I have a lot of scars from childhood.

The worst was probably when I was about 3. I was standing on a kitchen chair at the kitchen table and the chair went out from under me. As I fell, my chin hit the top of the table and I bit my tongue, nearly completely off. It really sucked because the stitches were really uncomfortable and I kept chewing them out, so I had to go back a couple of times and get it re-stitched.

It's not an injury, but I almost died once with horrible food poisoning. That was both fucking terrifying and pathetic at the same time.

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Chax you need some serious meds, tell the docs that tylenol shit ain't doing shit... get well.



my most serious injuries- I had a hernia that sucked and was pretty damn painful.


and i sliced my hand open pretty bad once with a utility blade.

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Guest iamabe

in february me and all my roommate got the Neurovirus. i threw up every hour for about 20 hours. After the first 3 times I just started throwing up clear fluid and bile. I think towards the end of the day I heaved up little bits of my intenstines. I couldnt move or lie down and even though i wanted to pass out I had to sit up the entire time and then run to the potty to shit nothing or vomit air.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i broke my left femur and have a titanium rod and pins up towards my left hip, and i also have two titanium plates + tons of pins in my left ulna and radius from breaking my arm.


sucks. i'm going to be old and frail before my time...


both accidents were entirely my fault, one was on an ATV and the other on rollerblades (lol). thankfully i only hurt myself in both.



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Guest Glass Plate

I've had a few real bad ones when I was young.


I once had my thumb slammed into the henge of a door and my thumbnail got split all the way down and the bone popped out of the skin, you can still see the stitches for it and I have 2 thumbnails on that thumb still.


I once fell off a pool slide that was 7 feet high and landed on the back of my head, it hit so hard my eye almost came out and I blacked out for a while.


these both where when I was like 3-4 years old.



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This is the hardest thread ever to grace watmm.


As I fell, my chin hit the top of the table and I bit my tongue, nearly completely off.


Same thing happened to my cousin when he fell down a set of stairs.

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Guest JohnTqs

it's not really an injury, but my tenitis really fucking sucks

i've never broken a bone or anything serious now that i think of it

i fake sick a lot

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hmm so nobody's lost a limb or had cancer? the 'almost dying due to pills' sounds really bad...


i still cant decide who the worst top 5 are, it's so subjective. i guess everyone wins

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a fat 7 ft. neanderthal stood on my penis wearing rugby boots.


i caught the foreskin of my penis in my zip and a bit fell off.


i accidentally self mutilated my penis in the bath with a razor.

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Guest Lady kakapo

Yes, I've had a couple of penis injuries which still bring the occsional lump to my throat.


That's if I had a penis. Which I don't.

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there was a moment i nearly had a terrible injury (possibly death)... it was some years ago, my mate bought a competition precision rifle (he's been shooting with air pressure gun at competitions and was very good). we ought to try it so we set a target range and mounted a target about 50m meters ahead. the cardboard target was adjusted on a flat metal surface (WROONG). i don't know how this happened: i shot and the bullet ricoched off the metal surface and nearly hit my head. i remember the instant swoosh sound i heard at my left ear. ever since then i'm fucking scared of guns.

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