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The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus

Tessier Ashpool

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How many threads are there about this movie?



none that i could see ...but then again it's Terry Gilliam so anythings possible.

Yours is the 3rd.




I highly recommend reading those rules again.



if i do a search and it doesn't come up then there is really nothing i can do about it.

the rules are really not the issue in this situation.

read the rules.

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I saw this a while ago, and I thought the characters were vague, the story often didn't make a lot of sense, a lot of the acting was bad, and yet...


I really enjoyed it...


I really liked the look of all the imagination bits, they were really cool. The cg was not realistic in the slightest but in a way that works, like they were in a storybook/cartoon world.


And Tom Waits is awesome but that probably goes without saying...

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Guest Fishtank

I said it in the other thread but I am excited about this

I have consistantly liked every Gilliam film I've seen

clearly you haven't seen the fisher king


nor have I seen The Brothers Grimm or Baron Muchhouseman

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Munchausen is one of his best IMO, though I'm not sure a good dvd transfer exists (my vhs looks better than the dvd I have) what about the pedobear one that he did recently, was that one any good?


come to think of it, Gilliam probably stands the best chance of turning out to be a true pedo, a la gary glitter.

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Fisherking is awesome. Baron Munchausen is fun. Brother's Grimm is ok, not as bad as I thought it would be. I think Terry Gilliam ended up hating it cos it was largely in the hands of the studio.


One thing about Dr Parnassus that Terry Gilliam really drums into the audience's heads is that he thinks he's a brilliant story teller, if only someone would listen to him. Which is not only pretentious but wrong. He's a brilliant director but story has never been his strong point. Brazil, for example, was co-written by 2 other people.

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Guest Fishtank

So this movie suffered from 2 things

slow pacing and lack of explanation of the Imaginarium itself


The pacing should have been somthing more like a kids movie, I wanted to see lots of crazy imagination stuff from lots of different people and Mr. Nick raking in the souls.

Rather, its slow and daunting at times.


I was waiting for Parnassus and Tony to sit down together and have him explain full out how it works and what goes on and rules ect. we only get about 2 lines of dialouge about how the mirror works.

I wanted to like this but it was too dull.

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  • 3 months later...

so, the devil is MIB and Parnassus is Jacob???



no sorry, parnassus is richard...



yeah it lacked a lot about the imaginarium, i didn't get it quite well, short guy is the devil but who is parnassus?? obviously not god...

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