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Beautiful males


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Guest Iain C
that first dude looks about as tired and ill as i do


at least he has a dog for comfort


Don't worry, you've got WATMM.

*makes you a cup of tea*

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Guest Iain C
whats wrong with those jeans


not tight enough?


Just don't like the colour very much, the fit's OK. Being Diesel they're probably overpriced for the quality.



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Guest abusivegeorge







Look at me in comparison to those other guys though, I'm one hot mother fucker.

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Guest Iain C



Let's get the obvious out of the way first, I fucking love JFK. His wife looks great here as well.



This picture of our current leader (let's not kid ourselves, rest of the world) made "Torso of the Week" in either Heat or Grazia magazine a couple of months ago, and a copy of it currently resides on the wall in my kitchen.



British politicians are as typically ugly as you might imagine, so we're going to have to dive back a bit into the past to when men were generally better anyway.


Not a very good prime minister, all-told, but what eyes.


Whilst we're at it, you could say similar things about Anthony Eden:



Coming soon: continental europe, asia and the middle east.


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Quite the heartthrob in Russia apprently.


These pics gained him massif support wiv da wimmins

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Slap a bit more hair on that, and that's one hell of a "Russian Bear"!


Looks like dobby from the Harry Potter flicks

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James Franco deserves to be here:




He, I think, along with Brad Pitt, George Clooney and James Dean have the 'built-in squint' feature that makes them look cool 100% of the time. They're not even making that expression, it's just built in to their fuckin face.



Also, winner for best jawline goes to Robert Pattinson:





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unbelievable that nobody has mentioned perhaps the perfect male specimen:






also, it's hard to deny Mr. Clooney's classic good looks:




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Guest Iain C

Clooney over Beckham any day in my opinion. Beckham is undoubtedly handsome, but I can't separate his image from my mental conception of him as a childlike imbecile. And he's had some incredibly shit hairstyles in his day too.



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A lot of the people posted are a little bit too American or Jewish looking, which isn't really my thing. However, Harrison Ford is probably the most American person who has ever existed, and he's beautiful.



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