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this might blow your mind


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he was a bit of an evangelist ... lets hope he's right in the long run though ... for lazy english speakers like me at least ;-p ... still though as tech evolves and intergrates with and alters the human body ... we will be able to speak many languages easily and it will be fun ...

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i'm torn about this issue. one, i like the idea of an universal language that could bring closer the worlds people, but i don't want it to be at the expense of other languages. all the different languages are a richness on this diverse world and can explain the reality around us in so many ways, it would be a shame to lose that.

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you haven't got anything to worry about azatoth ... it will be popular to learn obscure languages ... one day ... it'll be huge .. parents will tear their hair out over this .. "What the hell are they saying !!!!" .. it'll be yet another block for communication between the generations ..

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It's a desperate shame the way that the world is becoming more homogenised.


On a side note, I like the music that opens that talk. That is all.

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Isn't anyone else worried that God will be angry about this?? Remember the bible here folks













































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Guest abusivegeorge

So China is no longer populated by the chinese, they're all English, wicked. Will they be on our side?


I mean they can't just nick our language then not fight for us right?

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Don't worry dudes.

They're learning English as Second Language. Native tongues will be around for as long as humans.

Also, keep in mind they're mostly learning English so they can pass that test to get into a good university.

It's the same in Korea (just fewer people and they don't learn it in retarded ways like screaming in a stadium).


As an aside, if you're a recent uni graduate and you want to go to Asia, teaching ESL in China is a decent way to do it.

Oh yeah and that was a TED talk?

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Guest Helper ET

they want everyone to know the same language so that they can send out a worldwide message that can be understood by everyone. as long as everyone hears the same story, nobody will be able to dispute it

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