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i get hiccups like once every six months. any more and i'd kill my shit. fuck hiccups so hard. so uncomfortable and annoying. how do i get rid of them? i can't take this shit.


i can't even sleep em off. jesus



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My grandma's trick: lay on your stomach with you arms and legs stretched out like an x and raise your hands and feet as high as you can toward the sky and hold it for as long as you can.





If that doesn't work, try this.


Think of a purple dinosaur.


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Guest Iain C

A few years ago, I had a really bad attack which started on the way home from a club at about 3am. It lasted all the way home in the taxi, and for much longer. I was getting stoned in my room in addition to already being really pissed, and I began getting dizzy and paranoid! I managed to read about hiccups on Wikipedia and found out that the longest case lasted almost seventy years. They had been going on for a couple of hours now and I was beginning to freak out! In my panic I felt something stirring in my guts. All of a sudden, the urge to shit overwhelmed my consciouness and I stagger-stomped to the waiting toilet, where I unloaded a monstrous log of such girth that you'd never believe it came out of a delicate creature like me. It was a few minutes of sighing relief before I realised - taking a huge shit had cured my hiccups!

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For the last few years I've developed some weird condition where I never get a proper long bout of the hiccups, but I get maybe one or two hiccups every day. To be honest I prefer it this way !


(I found out recently that someone at work has exactly the same thing, what are the chances !)

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Guest Fishtank

it's a spasm in your throught so you have to relax it

what works for me is drinking upside down while holding my breath

try and hold it for as long as you can after swallowing

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Guest Lube Saibot

Hold your breath for as long as you can. Or (i'm not sure about this one, but it works on my grandma) have someone scare the shit out of you. 

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Guest mrcopyandpaste

its all about re/de-oxygenating your blood, or something.


hold your breath for 30 seconds

breathe all the air in lungs out, until you cant breathe out anymore

then don't breathe in for another 30 seconds, or as long as you can manage.



this method is like an A-Bomb for hiccups




edit: don't die

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Guest dese manz hatin

i get hiccups when i drink something cold... like the first sip of an ice cold beer. i got it from my father who got it from my grandmother so it seems to be a family thing.. very strange.

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I don't think this works over the internet but in real life if you meet someone with hiccups and you ask them their middle name 8/10 times the hiccups will stop. I don't know why, I think it resets your brain or something but fuck it it works. Of course, it doesn't work if you know it's coming.

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