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google launches two new operating systems on the same day.


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Both of these will run on standard Intel machines. They're aiming for netbooks, which is really the only growth segment in the PC market right now.


Oh, and they're both free.


Microsoft must be shitting bricks...

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I'm not really INTERESTED in a "oh my god I gotta check this out holy shit (as my xp is currently doing fine and do not have a netbook)"

BUT: This is cool in the sense that it is free, and that it IS an alternative solution to MS. Fuck (on the whole) MS. Also, I have no idea what i'm talking about.


I got home at a little after 8 pm from work (it's 12:25 am now), and have done nothing constructive (music-wise) for almost a week. I need to log the fuck off and take advantage of my unusually clear mind today.


Oh fuck. Up next: Google Internet. Then Google Computers. Then Google currency.


lol, and sung ala James Hetfield:



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Oh fuck. Up next: Google Internet. Then Google Computers. Then Google currency.


I probably wouldnt mind that considering google's relative competence and prowess

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http://code.google.com/p/live-android/ <-- Android x86 Live CD


It appears that Android has been able run on Netbooks for a while (e.g. see here) which is not that surprising because Android is Linux based. The project you link to is just a small project to make a 'live CD' version (a version of the OS that boots from a CD or stick and does not need to be installed on the hard drive). Its in version 0.2 and apparently only three people are working on it. As android is specifically designed for mobile devices, putting it on a PC is of limited value.


This sounds a bit more interesting, although its yet-another-linux-version, sounds like they are going to build a completely new user-interface on top of the linux kernel, so its not just going to be another system that tries to look like Windows/Mac. However they are still aiming at netbooks, not the PC market. It will be interesting to see what they come up with in terms of innovations, but I don't think this is going to be much of a threat to existing OSs. It sounds like they are a good 12 months from launch.

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It appears that Android has been able run on Netbooks for a while (e.g. see here) which is not that surprising because Android is Linux based. The project you link to is just a small project to make a 'live CD' version (a version of the OS that boots from a CD or stick and does not need to be installed on the hard drive). Its in version 0.2 and apparently only three people are working on it. As android is specifically designed for mobile devices, putting it on a PC is of limited value.


I wouldn't underestimate the potential for this platform, the MID market is huge. Making it easy to get running on an x86 device opens the doors to a whole new audience. Look what Live CDs did for Ubuntu.


Also, Gmail was written by one guy working inside Google, and it completely destroyed the pay-for-email market, so it's not like small teams can't have massive impact.

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Guest theSun

windows 7 is in beta. i can't wait for google to do this to show how stupidly expensive microsoft software is.


something tells me that there's ads or trackers built in to the OS. they have to pay for it somehow...

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something tells me that there's ads or trackers built in to the OS. they have to pay for it somehow...

I dunno, I think that would cause a bit of a brouhaha. Even if it has such mischief (which I doubt), being open source it'd be pretty darn easy to remove it again.

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Guest theSun

but people are just going to go to google and DL the stock version, most people don't know the first thing about how that shit is installed, removed or works in the first place.


a relevant question - does google really have enough excess capital to build 2 OSs and release them for free without having some way for the OS to generate more capital? google analytics is a fucking bastard, with lots of it written all sneaky. again, most people have very low level knowledge of how stuff like adware and spyware and tracking devices work, and how it can slow down your machine or invade privacy. google knows this, i'm willing to bet they have some nice deal with an ad corp that puts a few trackers on the base install of either OS

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but people are just going to go to google and DL the stock version, most people don't know the first thing about how that shit is installed, removed or works in the first place.


a relevant question - does google really have enough excess capital to build 2 OSs and release them for free without having some way for the OS to generate more capital? google analytics is a fucking bastard, with lots of it written all sneaky. again, most people have very low level knowledge of how stuff like adware and spyware and tracking devices work, and how it can slow down your machine or invade privacy. google knows this, i'm willing to bet they have some nice deal with an ad corp that puts a few trackers on the base install of either OS


google is the internet's biggest "ad corp". 99% of their profits come from advertising. these operating systems are merely better ways to drive people to their ad-supported applications, like search and gmail.

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Guest theSun

yeah they are making pretty absurd amounts of money off that, i'm just thinking this is too good to be true. should be interesting seeing how this effects the other linux communities.

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It will be interesting to see how much of an impact this has on "desktop" OSes, and if it causes Apple and MS to trend towards more "cloud" applications to compete with any potential advantages the GOS might have over locally-installed apps.

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Oh fuck. Up next: Google Internet. Then Google Computers. Then Google currency.


I probably wouldnt mind that considering google's relative competence and prowess




google = skynet


Yes but in a good way, one of the founders of google has said that their real objective is to make artificial intelligence. I think they are succeeding. And i feel the internet is already intelligence of some sort and maybe it will become conscious one day.

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Guest Mr Salads

google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic

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google may have prowess but it looks like Mattel land. Their email, probly their browser, why would i want my OS to look cheap and plastic


what? gmail is the best email service there is.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

personally i think this is great and will defintely try it on my next laptop.


i do have concerns about swapping everything being microsoft for everything being google. at least with ms you know you're an idiot. with google people think their gods but their in it for profit too like everyone else.

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