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it looks like a person, see its ankle? it has old man hair as well


yeah that's what I thought as well (exactly my thoughts)


it has really obvious facial expressions

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Guest Stoppit

the freakiest thing about aye-ayes is their hands...you can't really see the fingers clearly enough in the other pics



look at that fucking thing!

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Guest Coalbucket PI

the strepsirrhini suborder of primates are all interesting; lemurs, lorises, pottos, bush babies, and aye-ayes



lemurs dont give a shit what you think

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Guest countchocula

I think that the baby Aye-Ayes are completely ugly and I hate them. The adults while slightly more tolerable still suck.


What the fuck is this thing below?




If you feed them after midnight, they turn into this.

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Guest JohnTqs

I think that the baby Aye-Ayes are completely ugly and I hate them. The adults while slightly more tolerable still suck.


What the fuck is this thing below?




If you feed them after midnight, they turn into this.





world's ugliest dog is an understatement

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