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Extreme Church Websites


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"GOD HATES FAGS" -- though elliptical -- is a profound theological statement, which the world needs to hear more than it needs oxygen, water and bread.




you really don't want to read anything more on that website ...



edit:ok, just realized this isn't as funny as the other ones, only extreme in content. hope i dont derail the thread

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why is that in america everyone can have their own version of church? what's the point really? are there so many enlightened people in america? what's the idea behind? are they making a lot of money? do sheeps squabble about which pastor is better? are they connected to vatican?

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I find sites like these entertaining to read. Religion divides, it doesn't unite. It's all subjective, that's the very problem -- a society based upon subjective thoughts wouldn't work. Nothing is advanced or improved in the world by religion, it's purely there for emotional comfort.

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Guest WhoNeedsElectricity

why is that in america everyone can have their own version of church? what's the point really? are there so many enlightened people in america? what's the idea behind? are they making a lot of money? do sheeps squabble about which pastor is better? are they connected to vatican?

Yes, they are making shitloads of money.
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  • 5 months later...

“The Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there; lift a stone and you will find me.”








most churches are an abomination.

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i think it is fine to want to put a big production into your worship service. not my thing exactly, but nothing wrong with it. it is when they get focused too much on a prosperity message that it becomes problematic. also some churches like this do put a lot of emphasis on giving them money and how much you should give, but it's like, ok how much of this goes towards these huge monitors, the huge screen on the wall, and your website that is more blinged out than any website i have seen for anything ever, and how much is going toward missions, feeding the hungry, stuff like that. i guess it may attract more people, but are they attracted for the right reasons?


that first website was something else though especially. made me want to grab a bag of xtreme doritos.

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i think it is fine to want to put a big production into your worship service. not my thing exactly, but nothing wrong with it. it is when they get focused too much on a prosperity message that it becomes problematic. also some churches like this do put a lot of emphasis on giving them money and how much you should give, but it's like, ok how much of this goes towards these huge monitors, the huge screen on the wall, and your website that is more blinged out than any website i have seen for anything ever, and how much is going toward missions, feeding the hungry, stuff like that. i guess it may attract more people, but are they attracted for the right reasons?


that first website was something else though especially. made me want to grab a bag of xtreme doritos.



the church (literal translation) is a boundary that limits our interactions together in the world, locked behind 4 walls... real church is about creating solutions with real people every day, everywhere.

the original translation of church is meant to be directed towards the body, the body which is the house or temple (church) of the spirit (God) (not some stone structure, i don't care how beautiful it is,

God wants us to understand ourselves deeply together and express that through our lifestyles in everyday community, not sit around in buildings isolating ourselves from the rest of the world, locked in these

hypnotic, often times self-indulgent rituals of praise, wantings and repetition.


are we so blind that we think God needs us to repeat ourselves in prayer over and over, as though God is not able to know what we say before we even utter the words the first time.

yet we sit around and waste time chanting when we could be praising God with our actions and our expressions of the love we have been given once we learn to receive it.

this is a big problem i have with eastern religion as well, not just churchy christianity.


then you have the leaders and so called teachers in the church which....if you know enough to teach people about christ you

would never step foot in a church or teach in one because it would go against a good portion of what christ said to begin with.


i just think its so sad what people have twisted this beautiful spiritual wisdom into these days.


makes me cry sometimes.

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haha, shit, this sharperfx stuff is insane. I like this one:


It makes my visual cortex boil. He must really hate people with epilepsy.

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troon troon



you're glib






fuck tom cruise


That's not very christian of you.


political correctness has no relevance anymore. it's all about truth out

at all costs. some of it is going to pinch alittle, thats just how it is!


i don't play by the sweet nice christian rules.

i am Biblical and subversive as fuck (like many before me) and if the truth needs

to be said in a strong way then i say it in a strong way!


fuck tom cruise and his delusions of grandeur and his scientology.

i hope he will change just as i hope everyone will change, but for not.

ftmf! he influences so many thousands of people and thats partly why

i feel so strongly about him and anyone who spreads false truth in

positions of great influence. ftmf'ers!



spirituality/true understanding and money's will never mix!

until we get that, the world will never change.

it's the idea's and the framework that change are built on that hold the most importance , we must see

this clearly or we will continue in circles, chasing empty dreams, baited by beautiful, but toxic temporal schemes.

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