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Does anybody else here have Psoriasis?


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I've had psoriasis for as long as I can remember. Sometimes its not too bad and sometimes it gets really fucking bad. For those of your who don't know its a very irritating skin condition that is basically a red bumpy itchy rash that spreads wherever it damn well pleases and is very difficult to control.


Its a chronic disease which means there is no cure, and the worst part is like you get these hideous looking rashes all over that make you look like a bit of a freak. Girls prob wont want to suck my cock right now because I have a sizeable rash right by my belly that could easily be mistaken for some form of std.


At the moment the rash is not as visible as it can be so I wont bother posting pics of me but here are some lovely internet pics for your viewing pleasure






Anyways yeah fuck this shit. I'm not even going into work today because it itches so bad and at the moment I'm covered pretty much head to toe. My chest and back are completely done, both of my arms are fully covered, my legs and feet are covered from my knees down, and there are a few patches around my belly and thighs but they are mostly clear, and my neck is completely covered as well as my nose and my ears and my eyebrows.


Also my medicine has run completely out and I don't get to see the doc until later on tonight.



Does anybody else know of this shit?

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i don't know, i have a very socially awkward friend who has a lot of eczema around hs arms and mouth. He says it's related to stress. When he went back to japan (his mother's contry) he felt way better, and indeed his eczema was gone.

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I have scalp psoriasis which is nowhere near as bad as 'proper' psoriasis. In fact it clears up completely as long as I use a medicated shampoo a couple of times a week. But yes, stress and poor diet seems to be the trigger.

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I'm fucking stressed. It's the stupid fucking cunts I have to deal with. Not got any kind of skin disorder though.


*gets even more stressed for the hell of it*


*goes into cardiac arrest*

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I have scalp psoriasis which is nowhere near as bad as 'proper' psoriasis. In fact it clears up completely as long as I use a medicated shampoo a couple of times a week. But yes, stress and poor diet seems to be the trigger.


this. One doc said it was seborrhea dermatitis but it seems to respond better to psoriasis meds. Whatever the case shit is annoying. The interesting thing is a medication will work like a charm for months, and then all of a sudden stop being effective and i'll have to switch to something else. Interesting affliction.

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I have scalp psoriasis which is nowhere near as bad as 'proper' psoriasis. In fact it clears up completely as long as I use a medicated shampoo a couple of times a week. But yes, stress and poor diet seems to be the trigger.


this. One doc said it was seborrhea dermatitis but it seems to respond better to psoriasis meds. Whatever the case shit is annoying. The interesting thing is a medication will work like a charm for months, and then all of a sudden stop being effective and i'll have to switch to something else. Interesting affliction.

I also have scalp psoriasis, but it only covers to a few spots. I can control my scalp psoriasis pretty easily with a little bottle of prescription gel, which lasts long (it only requires ~one drop per use). I don't know how stress can influence my scalp psoriasis, since I am constantly calm, though.

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Guest Dirty Protest

I had Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris really bad a few years ago, my joints became weeping wounds. Now im just a bit flakey, aint no thing.


Wont show you the pictures of my scabby body =), so heres an example




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Guest Drahken

Had it as a baby (scalp), never even knew I had it. Then about 3 years ago I got a few small patches on my leg one winter, went away fairly quick. Next year came back even worse so I went to a doctor and found out I was already diagnosed as a baby. Last winter was the 3rd season I've experienced it. Started on the first hard freeze, didn't go away til mid-spring. Mine is triggered by cold weather and only effects my inner thigh as far down as my knee. Usually I get a few small nickel sized patches on my arm prior to the first freeze that go away once my legs kick into high gear. Awful fucking condition, the irritation is bearable but the mental stigma that comes with it sucks. I would hate to be single and feel like a leper for 6 months out of the year. Baking soda bathes seemed to sooth the itch temporarily. I've heard dead sea salt bathes are great too.


I could probably take the meds they have now days, but I'm leary of drugs that reduce the strength of your immune system, just doesn't seem smart to me.


I've always been curious if other psoriasis suffers are really healthy otherwise since this is an immuno condition where the immune system is on high alert. I've always been super healthy, rarely get colds or flu and when I do I recover fast.

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Guest Drahken

Both my parents have it, and my mother found out that it can be related to your caffeine intake.  She slowed down her coffee drinking and it cleared up some.


Hmm interesting, I'll keep that in mind next winter as I do tend to drink more coffee around that time of year.

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I'll bet that's really satisfying to scratch. Does all the skin scab over or flake off or anything?


it is unbelievable how satisfying it is to scratch but the more you scratch the worse it gets.


Generally it flakes off if it gets bad enough or it recedes before it gets that bad

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Guest leprechaun

My mother has this coworker that has horrible psoriasis. You could always tell when he'd been to the bathroom for a scratch fest because there'd be piles of flakes all around the shitter. Mom has to keep a can of Dust Off in her office as well to clean off her chairs, since he leaves flakes all over them whenever he comes to visit.

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I've always been curious if other psoriasis suffers are really healthy otherwise since this is an immuno condition where the immune system is on high alert.


that's interesting as I've never bothered to learn anything about it, but arrived at that conclusion independently. My high blood pressure is basically the result of my flight of fight response being in overdrive, so I figured my psoriasis might be too. Thank goodness I'm now a card carrying member of the "hooker a day for stress reduction" club. Otherwise I might be a real wreck.

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no psoriasis but I get rosacea really bad sometimes, which is the reddening around your nose and cheeks and looks like a rash. apparently it also is related to diet, stress, and weather changes. it itches/burns like hell and can be embarrassing when people ask why my face is so red.

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no psoriasis but I get rosacea really bad sometimes, which is the reddening around your nose and cheeks and looks like a rash. apparently it also is related to diet, stress, and weather changes. it itches/burns like hell and can be embarrassing when people ask why my face is so red.


Have you tried sulphur ointment? It's supposed to work wonders for rosecea, rosecea and scabies.

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no psoriasis but I get rosacea really bad sometimes, which is the reddening around your nose and cheeks and looks like a rash. apparently it also is related to diet, stress, and weather changes. it itches/burns like hell and can be embarrassing when people ask why my face is so red.


dude i get that. Whether you call it psoriasis, or seborrhea dermatitis, or rosacea, i'll bet medication takes care of it for you. There's a shitload of stuff for it. They usually start you off with nizoral topical or shampoo, but there are really innumerable topical treatments, just have to find the right one for you.

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no psoriasis but I get rosacea really bad sometimes, which is the reddening around your nose and cheeks and looks like a rash. apparently it also is related to diet, stress, and weather changes. it itches/burns like hell and can be embarrassing when people ask why my face is so red.


dude i get that. Whether you call it psoriasis, or seborrhea dermatitis, or rosacea, i'll bet medication takes care of it for you. There's a shitload of stuff for it. They usually start you off with nizoral topical or shampoo, but there are really innumerable topical treatments, just have to find the right one for you.


yeah I've tried different creams and ointments but haven't found one that can relieve it. I may look into that sulphur ointment yegg mentioned. I never used to get it a few years ago. seems to have gotten worse once I hit my late 20's.

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