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XBox 360 is of a good price


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Guest abusivegeorge

Want to hear something shocking? I have a PS3 and I am completely satisfied with it and I don't care if someone I know has a 360. In fact all my friends who have a 360 really don't care that I have a PS3. We all can see the good points with our systems. Do any of you actually argue about this IRL?


It would be cool If Microsoft and Sony united. Since Microsoft's forte is software and Sony's is hardware the console they would create would be epic. The processing, graphics, and Blu-Ray of the PS3 with the online, controller, and games of the 360? It is brilliant.


This is an excellent point, and my love for you goes behind arguing with me you so my point in this thread is going no further, it's already been made anyway, besides I don't like arguing with joyrex coz I'm one of the few who likes him.



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Have you ever been online with a PS3? Works just like 360, smooth online, matchmaking, etc. - the biggest difference is the experience is left up to the game's developers, rather than a unified experience like on Live. I'd agree that unification is a good thing, but once you're playing online, that's all that really matters, eh?


I disagree. To my knowledge, the only developer/publisher who has decided to use its own infrastructure/service for online on 360 (as opposed to using the Xbox live servers) is EA, and their online experience has been fraught with issues. I've been playing Battlefield:1943 like mad lately, but in the last few days I've been unable to play because their servers are fucking FULL?! so, the fact that the one developer to not use xbox live for online fucks it up over and over again leads me to think that PS3 online could be a victim of this.


RE: controllers - considering the PS controller is the most emulated controller out there, I'd wager that equates to a very well-thought out design, considering I haven't seen any other controller makers emulating the 360's layout (which for me personally, the offset analogue sticks is a bit confusing at first and the d-pad is shit, and any self-respecting 360 owner won't argue with you on that point for sure).


come on, man. don't go all correlation = causation on me. the controller is emulated because it is the controller of the most popular system (PS2), not because of any ergonomic merits. If you hold the 360 controller, then let your thumbs naturally rest on it, they will land perfectly on the thumbsticks. additionally, playing a shooter with shoulder buttons instead of triggers is far inferior an experience.


LOL for wanting to play a good game, regardless of console? A bit short-sighted if you ask me...


no... my point was, he had a PS3 for 2 days and was already preferring to play a nearly 2 yr old 360 game.


The PS3 controller has shoulder buttons AND triggers - this was one of the changes they made when the PS3 controller was revealed - the lower set of shoulder buttons are actually triggers, and work perfectly for FPSes.


And, as for the whole correlation = causation thing - not a bit of it - sure, the PS2 was/is popular, but if the controller was shit, it wouldn't have been as widely emulated, whereas the 360 controller is unique, even among 3rd party 360 controllers.



Same. I don't understand the console war thing. I just like my games, I pick the console with the games I like. If I've got money to blow I might buy the other console.



This thread was just a parody of Joyrex's unpaid PS3 marketing.


LOL, I know - I have fun with these debates, but the bottom line is if you're happy with what you have, then good for you - but that doesn't preclude you from trumpeting what makes you a proud console owner, either.



I haven't converted to a current gen system yet, because priorities have changed. Can't be immersed into all these games without feeling I could be doing useful stuff, like finishing tunes, working on my school or writingjobshit. That and I have tons of games I still need to finish on my ps2, dreamcast & gamecube. It would be another source for procrastination.


If I'd choose a console now to buy, it probably would be a 360 and thats coming from an old disappointed sonyhack. This price-drop is cool, but it is a shame the console is still un-moddable. I'm not paying 60 euro's a game, fuck that. I'd only buy Ratchet, GOW & Metal Gear.....that would be my ps3 games collection..Oh and the new Ico one of course.


The Xbox is cheap and moddable and while it doesn't have those games I just named, it has a very nice library that you can download & burn free & illegally. Ahoy.


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I own a 360, Wii and PS3. I like 'em all. I play my 360 the most, then my Wii, then my PS3.

I just like having them all, so I don't have to mope over missed games. The 360 dashboard is the best layout of the 3. It is pretty convenient. Wii feels dinky sometimes, but it's a game system in the end. It is the easiest to navigate. PS3 is pretty, but a bit boring.

I don't feel like playing my PS3 much, and sometimes wish I didn't have it, which is stupid. I only feel that because I want to play games with my friends, and I have one friend who has one. So all the games I have on it feel lonely. :wtf: . Blah blah.

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Guest assegai

I own a 360, Wii and PS3. I like 'em all. I play my 360 the most, then my Wii, then my PS3.

I just like having them all, so I don't have to mope over missed games. The 360 dashboard is the best layout of the 3. It is pretty convenient. Wii feels dinky sometimes, but it's a game system in the end. It is the easiest to navigate. PS3 is pretty, but a bit boring.

I don't feel like playing my PS3 much, and sometimes wish I didn't have it, which is stupid. I only feel that because I want to play games with my friends, and I have one friend who has one. So all the games I have on it feel lonely. :wtf: . Blah blah.


You need to get over this "physical friends" concept - I have PSN "friends" all over the world that I play with/against, and unless you are playing offline, there's really no need for someone to be in your physical area to play with.- Joyrex
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You need to get over this "physical friends" concept - I have PSN "friends" all over the world that I play with/against, and unless you are playing offline, there's really no need for someone to be in your physical area to play with.- Joyrex


I mean for online. But yeah, I see what ya mean.

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both of them still play like the equivilant of being retarded compared to a pc. although its worth noting that every single person i know in real life who has a console has an xbox, i only know 2 people who had ps3's, and they both sold them. ive never even tried one.

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Guest blicero

The PS3 controller has shoulder buttons AND triggers - this was one of the changes they made when the PS3 controller was revealed - the lower set of shoulder buttons are actually triggers, and work perfectly for FPSes.


when was the last time you held a 360 controller. the PS3 does not have triggers... they have hybrid shoulder button triggers.


Not triggers:



These are trigger:


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I think the PS3 was a bit of a let down, in comparison with PS2 which was pretty revolutionary.


The biggest problem is that the game developers can't work with the architecture of the PS3, which ends up with alot of games looking or running worse than on the 360, even though the PS3 is much more powerful. I mean Gabe Newell's "Playstation 3 is a total disaster" was priceless back in the day. He was right about the Wii as well.


The 360's biggest comeuppance is that it was cheap enough for me to afford one, yet not being a joke console like the wii.


It's got good games. And I mean, Xbox Live is priceless. Best way to learn all kinds of racist slur from around the world. Yesterday on COD I had a 35 year old telling a 13-year old to commit suicide. And this american telling a british immigrant, "Where'd you get your 360, steal it?"


Killzone 2 and MGS4 are supposedly very good, but 2 games does not really justify buying a console.

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both of them still play like the equivilant of being retarded compared to a pc. although its worth noting that every single person i know in real life who has a console has an xbox, i only know 2 people who had ps3's, and they both sold them. ive never even tried one.


Retarded in the sense they are about 1/3 of what a decent gaming PC costs to run at least 720p resolution and 60fps with full 5.1 dolby surround?


The fact you've never tried one sorta invalidates any criticisms you may have against it...


The PS3 controller has shoulder buttons AND triggers - this was one of the changes they made when the PS3 controller was revealed - the lower set of shoulder buttons are actually triggers, and work perfectly for FPSes.


when was the last time you held a 360 controller. the PS3 does not have triggers... they have hybrid shoulder button triggers.


Not triggers:



These are trigger:



So, unless it's concave, it's not a trigger?



yeah, they're meant to be trigger-like, but IMO suck huge ebony tits compared to the good 'ol ps2 joypad. I still would rather play fighters like streetfighter with the ps1, ps2 joypads using a convertor on the xbox.


The ONLY difference between the PS2 and PS3 DualShock controller buttons are the extension of the L2 and R2 buttons into triggers rather than matching the L1 and R1 buttons.


I think the PS3 was a bit of a let down, in comparison with PS2 which was pretty revolutionary.


The biggest problem is that the game developers can't work with the architecture of the PS3, which ends up with alot of games looking or running worse than on the 360, even though the PS3 is much more powerful. I mean Gabe Newell's "Playstation 3 is a total disaster" was priceless back in the day. He was right about the Wii as well.


The 360's biggest comeuppance is that it was cheap enough for me to afford one, yet not being a joke console like the wii.


It's got good games. And I mean, Xbox Live is priceless. Best way to learn all kinds of racist slur from around the world. Yesterday on COD I had a 35 year old telling a 13-year old to commit suicide. And this american telling a british immigrant, "Where'd you get your 360, steal it?"


Killzone 2 and MGS4 are supposedly very good, but 2 games does not really justify buying a console.


Gabe Newell is shooting himself in the foot for the eventual day his studio suddenly declares that making PS3 games is "a good business decision" and "It's a really powerful machine". He's not that stupid; if he sees a market for a PS3 port of one of his games, he'll do it just like everyone else.


There are plenty of developers who can and do work with the PS3 just fine; the biggest issue early on was developers trying to port code directly over, which is lazy to begin with, rather than recode (albeit at a higher cost of development) to the strengths of the PS3's architecture. Now they've gotten better at it, and as a result, most, if not all cross-platform games are on parity.


And while you're right in that MGS4 and Killzone 2 are very good, there's plenty more PS3-exclusive games that more than justify getting one - that is, of course, if those games appeal to you. It makes no sense to buy a console that doesn't have the games you like on it.

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ok ps3(just joyrex) and xbox lovers, no matter how awesome the xbox360 is over the ps3.. the wii if the biggest selling console..it has no serious games and only 2 buttons on the joystick (nunchuck)



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ok ps3(just joyrex) and xbox lovers, no matter how awesome the xbox360 is over the ps3.. the wii if the biggest selling console..it has no serious games and only 2 buttons on the joystick (nunchuck)



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Guest blicero

JR, find me a gun that has a trigger like the one on the PS3. also, when you say that it is the most emulated, what do you mean?

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My friend actually got these little snap-on attachments for the PS3 controller that extend the "triggers" and make them more like what you think of when you think of "triggers."


Still not the same as the 360 controller - sry JR, that's one area where I think the 360 has the edge for FPS at least.

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JR, find me a gun that has a trigger like the one on the PS3. also, when you say that it is the most emulated, what do you mean?


So in order for it to be a trigger, it has to emulate a gun's trigger shape? It's a button, ffs. You want a real "gun" experience on a game console, go play Time Crisis with the GunCon controller. As long as I can press a button (or trigger) and shit blows up, then I'm happy.


When I said "most emulated", I mean all the other controller manufacturers have made their controller based around the classic PS controller design - not some mutated Dreamcast controller that feels like a fat jellybean in your hands. Don't even get me started on the convex face buttons...

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ok ps3(just joyrex) and xbox lovers, no matter how awesome the xbox360 is over the ps3.. the wii if the biggest selling console..it has no serious games and only 2 buttons on the joystick (nunchuck)




The Wii has shit games, EXCEPT for the force unleashed which is way better than any other platform for one simple reason:

The multiplayer. flailing your nunchuck like a madman trying to cut your opponent to pieces is a fucking religious experience.


I tried playing PES on it but it's idiotic, you control the entire team, so they all run to wherever you're pointing, which makes it look like some kind of lemmings game.


It's not only the biggest selling console, it's the only one which the developer is earning money.


I always found it kinda funny that Sony are losing what, $100 for every sold PS3 console? Yet they can afford it. Goes to show how ridiculously wealthy they are.



Gabe Newell is shooting himself in the foot for the eventual day his studio suddenly declares that making PS3 games is "a good business decision" and "It's a really powerful machine". He's not that stupid; if he sees a market for a PS3 port of one of his games, he'll do it just like everyone else.


There are plenty of developers who can and do work with the PS3 just fine; the biggest issue early on was developers trying to port code directly over, which is lazy to begin with, rather than recode (albeit at a higher cost of development) to the strengths of the PS3's architecture. Now they've gotten better at it, and as a result, most, if not all cross-platform games are on parity.


And while you're right in that MGS4 and Killzone 2 are very good, there's plenty more PS3-exclusive games that more than justify getting one - that is, of course, if those games appeal to you. It makes no sense to buy a console that doesn't have the games you like on it.


I don't think it's lazy for a developer to shun extensive recoding, or rush it in the face of deadlines and development costs, if for instance, the rest of the entire fucking market is much more similar to eachother. It doesn't really make sense creating a system that works in an entirely different language than the rest of the market.


I don't think PS3 is a bad console inherently, but I'm stumped at Sony's decisions throughout its lifespan. It costs much less now of course, but for a very long time it's been kind of a superfluous luxury, when the 360 and Wii (and maybe a Blueray player) are cheaper alternatives. First impressions die hard, and I think that's why a lot of people still are being doubtful about the PS3.


Nevertheless, the 360 has it's share of problems as well, I have a 2 y/o console and haven't had any RRODs, but so far it's literally EATEN two of my discs (weird noises for a minute and the CD comes with weird scratches all over, completely unplayable). First the orange box, second GTAIV. Luckily I have GTAIV on my hard disk now so I can play it from there.

And too many developers seem way too lazy to get Live to work smoothly, getting into a working decent game can take up to 15 minutes with some games.

L4D is the only game in which the quick match option even is worth clicking.

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Guest blicero

So in order for it to be a trigger, it has to emulate a gun's trigger shape?


Um, I thought that was obvious. Perhaps I need to lower the intellectual level of this debate to accommodate you. :happy:

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Guest countchocula

you know what is cool about the 360 controller? You can download a free patch and use it on you computer for games. Can you do that with a PS3 controller?

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you know what is cool about the 360 controller? You can download a free patch and use it on you computer for games. Can you do that with a PS3 controller?





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you know what is cool about the 360 controller? You can download a free patch and use it on you computer for games. Can you do that with a PS3 controller?






Yes, yes you can

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