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Guest Iain C

I would cut off my cock in the morning if I were allowed to put it wherever I wanted in Sigourney the night before. Fact.

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I would cut off my cock in the morning if I were allowed to put it wherever I wanted in Sigourney the night before. Fact.


I'd cut off my cock just to see that. I'd then go and live in a buddhist retreat run by a couple of homosexuals who made their money in the first dotcom boom and have now spunked it all away in the name of zen. I'd spend 18 hours a day legs crossed, with a look on my face not unlike De Niro's at the end of Once upon a Time in America. The other residents would probably think I'd reached nirvana, but in reality I'd be endlessly replaying in my mind Sigourney Weavers arsehole taking a battering from a desperate, crying, manic man with a ginger bumfluff 'tache.


Edit: Fact

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Guest mafted

you know its the same shit with video games today....there is a parallel with movies and vg therefore profit is the most important thing so movie producer always play it safe and never really create ''out when its done'' projects


i mean today you could literally create a videogames that uses gimmicks to make you think its the real shit


sorry bout the esses



is that why this has taken 5 years to make? haha.. i know what you mean but this is clearly quality control. As far as games, id Software is the only production company left (seems like) that releases things only when they're done.. they are true artists. Cameron is no fuckin exception.

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what are you guys talking about? what cheese? maybe you guys just need to smoke a joint or something, cause this movie looks fucking incredible...


If I need to smoke a joint for a movie to look incredible, it's really not any good.

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Wasn't this supposed to be based on that cartoon about the kid with powers? I'm confused wtf is this about, aliens in love? meh... I hope this flops so bad that mr. cameron finally gets what he deserves for making that titanic turd.


avatar: the last airbender is the kids show that is being made to a movie by shamaladingdong. it's called the last airbender for obvious reasons. james cameron's avatar is something he's been working on for over a decade and now the technology was available to make it. does that unconfuse you?


the nerd rage here and the rest of the internet about this is hilarious. evereything from the fucking font to the acting is getting criticized. big lol. i wonder how this trailer would have been recieved without the internet.


no that's clear now, just that from the first time i heard about james cameron's avatar I was told it was a version of the cartoon, and i just assumed shamalalalala was just making a similar (but officially unrelated) themed thing with a twist at the end.


so the technology is the 3-d thing? he has been planning this movie for a decade but he couldn't do it because 3-d technology wasn't good enough?

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avatar looks FUCKING HORRIBLE ... the cgi is as bad as 'beowulf,' and the story/acting looks like ultra-cheese


dude you can't tell shit about the acting, there's one spoken line in the whole trailer. i agree that the story sounds incredibly generic, but whatever. and this looks better than beowulf.



'acting' in the sense of the look/movement of the human and cgi characters, the cheesy 'romantic' posing at the end, etc. most of acting isn't in the words, anyway

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ok i relented and watched the trailer ... the character cg ain't no thang .. plus the design aesthetic was kinda gae ... i don't hold high cultural hopes for this movie .. it'll prob. just be yet another passable hollywood blockbuster ;-p .. at least it's sci-fi of a kind i spose .. that gives it points ..


plus .. d-war .. very crap ending ..

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does anyone think they may have been inspired by final fantasy 10?




or am i just seeing things? i guess the avatar aliens don't have horns, but the whole tribal blue cat thing is pretty uncanny.


heh ... maybe cameron is hinting at a furry fetish of his ..

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Btw I just wanted to rant that anybody who nowadays go "omg so fake so bad CGI" is just a soulless motherfucker that is completely unable to have one ounce of imagination anymore.


i didn't know canadians measured things in ounces ...


+ it is good that you are less able to suspend disbelief as you get older .. it leads to being less able to accept bullshit with your new found powers of scepticism ..



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Guest Mirezzi

Btw I just wanted to rant that anybody who nowadays go "omg so fake so bad CGI" is just a soulless motherfucker that is completely unable to have one ounce of imagination anymore.


I don't think that's true. The whole point of calling out bad CGI is that it diminishes or rather destroys our ability to imagine. Suspension of disbelief is still a precious commodity when watching films. When these Hollywood filmmakers settle for "close enough" in terms of CGI effects, they're insulting our intelligence.


Somebody on this thread had it exactly right. It's all about physics. I can forgive the CGI characters not having 100% accurate skin or eyes or whatever (although the Uncanny Valley still lingers), but it's the physics being all fucked up that I can't tolerate.


Look at the trailer. When that silly monster alien furry gets up off the gurney or whatever in the laboratory and starts after the guys on the other side of the glass, he's trying to be menacing, but the physics are just...OFF...or WRONG, and instead all I can think of is, "Wow, that fake ass CGI monster is supposed to be mad." I have to tell myself he's mad, as an intellectual process, instead of FEELING that he's mad. Why? Physics.


If you don't know what I'm talking about or if you find the physics of the blue monsters in that trailer acceptable, then all I can say is I'm jealous.


Oh, and P.S. - That's why most people still have so much love for the old days of Stan Winston's team using ACTUAL, TANGIBLE, MATERIAL MODELS.

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