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Anything decent released in the last 12 months?

Guest HWNDarkside

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Guest HWNDarkside

The Quadrange ep was the last bit of electronic mayhem I picked up - been busy with the family (5 month old daugther = no sleep) so haven't had the time to bleep.com etc


Anything decent out in the last 12 months or so I should track down?


Ta verily



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Traject - Birting



Also I released a pretty good shit earlier.




seconded, the traject album is quite good and Obels feces are quite delectable, highly recommended


also if you are in the mood to check out some other electron music from the last 12 months check out this - nommo ogo - http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=213543

team doyobi - http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=187062, mr76ix http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=185486 & DJ stingray - http://www.boomkat.com/item.cfm?id=148447

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Guest HWNDarkside

Thank you - I enjoyed Strengir Hrynja so will track it down


Not too keen on feces myself - more of a golden shower man personally


I'll check out Nommo Ogo, Team Doyobi, Mr 76ix (I liked 3 Minority of 1 & Hits) and DJ Stingray when I get home


Anything else please?

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this might get more recommendations if it wouldn't be in the ae subforum.


ditto on the team doyobi and traject recommendations if you looking for aeish stuff.

me i've liked the moritz von oswald trio album, brock van wey double album and variant the setting sun album. the latter two dubbed out ambient

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for ae sounding things i have liked recently I think new cex album Bataille Royal is very good and reminds me a bit of quaristice. And Arne Weinberg Alpha omega is wicked and reminds me a bit of old ae

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Guest HWNDarkside

A few bits I've tracked down and are currently on rotation on my walkman...


Cex - Bastaille Royale - it's okay if a little predictable


Einoma - Undir Feilnotum - from 2002 but very tasty indeed!


Hp.Stonji - Melaine Chole - from 2005 and good work!


Marconi Union - Tokyo - wow, chilled out awesomeness...


Oberman Knocks - 13th Smallest - fierce and dark - love it!


Solarium - Olari - from 2005, also very nice!

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no one mentioned the ae black dog remix? we are sheffield ep. it's a good track.


edit of course the thread is right there so guess it goes without saying.

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no one mentioned the ae black dog remix? we are sheffield ep.


Probably because that ep sucked ass. laugh.gif

Last tune was 2 minutes worth of 'ok' if I remember rightly, but the rest of ep was a bit rubbish really and not worth recommending.

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A few bits I've tracked down and are currently on rotation on my walkman...


Hp.Stonji - Melaine Chole - from 2005 and good work!



Solarium - Olari - from 2005, also very nice!


If you like spezialmaterial as a label, I'm assuming you've heard Intricate. If not you should check them out, in particular the last 2 eps and In Pectra.

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A few bits I've tracked down and are currently on rotation on my walkman...


Hp.Stonji - Melaine Chole - from 2005 and good work!



Solarium - Olari - from 2005, also very nice!


If you like spezialmaterial as a label, I'm assuming you've heard Intricate. If not you should check them out, in particular the last 2 eps and In Pectra.



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Guest HWNDarkside

Yeah - picked up all the Intricate releases last time around


I spent the weekend rummaging through Boomkat and Bleep and found some more interesting stuff...


Dunaewsky69 - Xpquisite. Xcerpt

Gargarin - Adaptogen

Infinite Scale - Sound Sensor

Marconi Union - Distance & A Lost Connection

NQ - Inscription

Point 7 - What?

Robert Logan - Inscape

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest theSun

every time i heard the we are sheffield ae song, it gets better. i hope they go in a similar direction if they keep the same hardware setup on their next release. the production on this is top notch ae as well.

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Guest HWNDarkside

Some other interesting bits I've picked up...


Pixel - The Drive

Byetone - Death of A Typographer

Grischa Lichtenberger - treibgut

Phako - Bolnes Shipyards And Engineering Co. Ltd

Somshit - Paster

Xela - For Frosty Mornings and Summer Nights

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Guest Hanratty


Grischa Lichtenberger - treibgut




This is really good, just listening to it today. Gets close to AE sound, but not just copycat. really nice!

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