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Lifetime Member Subforum


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May I ask when the LTM subforum was closed Mr Rex? Just purely out of interest.


It was closed due to a now-banned member speaking and sharing screenshots of it. Once the secret was out, there was no way we could continue it due to this misperception of "elitism" and "unfairness" that would perpetuate amongst the forum at large.









Sini gave himself enough rope to do himself in - making threats against other forum members is not tolerated, especially from someone whose mental state (by self-admission) is not the most stable at times.


here's an idea, let's set up a private subforum you have to donate 10 dollars to see.


we'll call it the LTD forum. as in "lose ten dollars".


Fucking LOL. Priceless.


I still love the way this forum still exists though. period. Joyrex really needs to watch his LTM members, because 4 of them are talking, and showing me stuff.


Not that I am bothered, but seriously, why make a secret subforum with members who can't keep it secret, hardly goes to show that your picking the right membors for the forum huh.


OK, I'll bite - you out the supposed "rats" (either via PM or in this thread), and I'll ban every one of their accounts, no questions asked. When they wonder why they were banned, I'll tell them YOU outed them, and they can take up the matter with you on their own and clear their names. Since there is no LTM forum, it should be an easy matter for them to contact me, and reinstate their accounts, since they obviously did nothing wrong.


And here's the kicker to sweeten the deal - unless you do name names, I'll ban your account at the end of the week for instigating this whole fiasco and attempting to get innocent people in trouble. Your call.

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And here's the kicker to sweeten the deal - unless you do name names, I'll ban your account at the end of the week for instigating this whole fiasco and attempting to get innocent people in trouble. Your call.


he didn't start this thread

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Guest ezkerraldean

why are people so worked up about it? LTM, wattem, it's all just some bullshit forum and shit. fuck all this bollocks. i only come here for the lols anyway. fuck this shit. fuck the internet. i've run out of those dutch waffle biscuit cake things, what are they called? they were well nice though.

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Guest abusivegeorge


And here's the kicker to sweeten the deal - unless you do name names, I'll ban your account at the end of the week for instigating this whole fiasco and attempting to get innocent people in trouble. Your call.


he didn't start this thread



told you it was a wind up sneaks!



why are people so worked up about it? LTM, wattem, it's all just some bullshit forum and shit. fuck all this bollocks. i only come here for the lols anyway. fuck this shit. fuck the internet. i've run out of those dutch waffle biscuit cake things, what are they called? they were well nice though.



You are extremely easy to wind up Joyrex. I didn't start this thread and I'm joking.

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Guest abusivegeorge

It is definetly the former.


So if they've come forward, then why?


Alright I'm sorry already.


*wallows in self pity*

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It is definetly the former.


So if they've come forward, then why?


Well, all have claimed that what they've shown you was the old LTM forum, from screenshots previously leaked - surprised you'd fall for that, considering it was the old forum skin/board to boot!

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Guest abusivegeorge

It is definetly the former.


So if they've come forward, then why?


Well, all have claimed that what they've shown you was the old LTM forum, from screenshots previously leaked - surprised you'd fall for that, considering it was the old forum skin/board to boot!


I'll be perfectly honest with you, I was so excited when I saw the LTM bit I didn't even notice it was the old board.


I'd also like to say thankyou to those who came forward.

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It is definetly the former.


So if they've come forward, then why?


Well, all have claimed that what they've shown you was the old LTM forum, from screenshots previously leaked - surprised you'd fall for that, considering it was the old forum skin/board to boot!


I'll be perfectly honest with you, I was so excited when I saw the LTM bit I didn't even notice it was the old board.


I'd also like to say thankyou to those who came forward.


Yeah, they're real good mates, aren't they? Well, turnabout's fair play!

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Yes they are, I'm not sure what the Turnabouts fair play means though :S.


It means, if they were willing enough to rat you out to protect their own skins, shouldn't you do the same?




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Guest abusivegeorge

ok well jsut spoke to them on msn, and they claim they defiently didnt come forward to tell you they sent me those screenshots, maybe the people who sent it to the man who sent them to me came forward but I don't know who they are. Although you are right they are the old screenshots. As for ratting ymself out, I've just told you I was talking bollocks, and it was only one man and he is not an LTM.


Again as I said I was trying to wind you up.

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ok well jsut spoke to them on msn, and they claim they defiently didnt come forward to tell you they sent me those screenshots, maybe the people who sent it to the man who sent them to me came forward but I don't know who they are. Although you are right they are the old screenshots. As for ratting ymself out, I've just told you I was talking bollocks, and it was only one man and he is not an LTM.


Again as I said I was trying to wind you up.


So, wait - you're saying that these people who are claiming to have provided you with LTM screenshots are lying to me?


But, you're claiming you've seen screenshots, right? So where'd you get those?

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