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what was the worst fashion ever?

Guest mrcopyandpaste

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Guest Iain C

Oversized anything, neon anything, acid/stone wash jeans, pre-ripped/distressed jeans, skate shoes, and yes I've been guilty of most of the above at some point. Fashion is relative, subjective and subject to change! I don't think you should be afraid to let your style or your tastes change. Just be adventurous, and don't hop on dumb trends for the sake of it.


Oh, and this year's trend for drop-crotch trousers was particularly silly in my opinion, but some people can make anything work.

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I get called a hipster for shit I've been wearing for roughly ten years.


:::disappears back into non-judgmental silence:::

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Oversized anything, neon anything, acid/stone wash jeans, pre-ripped/distressed jeans, skate shoes, and yes I've been guilty of most of the above at some point. Fashion is relative, subjective and subject to change! I don't think you should be afraid to let your style or your tastes change. Just be adventurous, and don't hop on dumb trends for the sake of it.


Oh, and this year's trend for drop-crotch trousers was particularly silly in my opinion, but some people can make anything work.



seeing the shit jeans getting charged more than nice jeans is hilarious

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On another note, Vladislav Delay and Moritz Von Oswald were both wearing them in their Wire cover stories, but they pull it off somehow...

i just got back home from their show :) moritz von oswald trio!

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I love you adbusters...


I don't pay enough attention to you...


I read books more than magazines...


I apologize...


this article is amazing and hilarious: https://www.adbusters.org/magazine/79/hipster.html


Ask yourself if it offends you....


then you know you are a hipster....


I prefer the term scenester, as a hipster is not a hippie....


living in Austin has turned me into a curmudgeon....


I feel embarrassed for these fashion junkies...


They make me feel bad on the inside...


Tight jeans with nothing but soulless flesh filling them....



oh and I hate the boots with shorts on bullshit...




and bandanas....


mega trash


that and scenesters....


I'll admit, I am friends with some but they have a better sense of self than most of the automaton, Passion Pit listening, non-bathing, coke-snorting, PBR drinking(guilty), tech-house loving, zombies, who will never remember your name, no matter how many times you tell them.....


ego huffers



but in the end, I don't really give a fuck...

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anybody who complains about people complaining about Hipsters are either immersed in the hipster subculture themselves or do not live in heavily populated metropolitan areas littered with fucking hipsters and thus have no fucking clue what people mean by hipsters.


I've lived in Austin, TX for 5 years. It has to be in the top 5. And yeah, it's a trade-off for living somewhere that isn't a small-town shithole. This town has a massive film and music scene so it's natural there are pricks amongst the general population.


anybody who complains about people complaining about Hipsters are either immersed in the hipster subculture themselves or do not live in heavily populated metropolitan areas littered with fucking hipsters and thus have no fucking clue what people mean by hipsters.


i'm in L.A... most my friends in the pasadena area are so called "hipsters", i have friends in riverside as well that are "hipsters" and they are nice people!


BUT... i have come across the ones that are assholes, but i don't associate that with them being hipsters... i just think they're assholes... i've come across people like this and the same attitude that weren't hipsters (i.e. ravers, hip hoppers, jocks, goths, IDMers, normal people... and those short ones that be walkin' around... oh yeah... MIDGETS)!


just to clarify... i do dress a little like these people, but i don't go out much since i do have a family and hang out with my sons and wife all the time not having much time for anything else!


Yeah, I apologize for stereotyping so much. Some of my friends could easily be considered hipster d-bags by looks alone. It's the prevalent attitude that pisses me off.


I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, possibly the most hipster infested area outside of Portland, Oregon maybe. Yes they are usually vapid people, yes they are usually boring or uninteresting, yes their parties are usually lame. That said, it's rare but I have met some cool people and even friends that would normally be lumped into the hipster category on how they dress. Be wary, but don't always judge a book by its cover is the lesson here I guess.


And I hate hardcore hipsters as much as the next guy, possibly even more since I am an outsider living in their world, but responsible for ruining culture? Really? There have been plenty of equally atrocious fads before this, I think you are overreacting a little bit. Anyways, I may live in hipster hell, but I love my neighborhood and have met some of my best friends here. You just need a good bullshit radar to tell who's legit and who's not.



Yeah, it's not a clear-cut subculture or anything. And they aren't completely responsible for ruining culture. It's a different time with digital media, the internet, etc. I just have a bad feeling with such ease to culture and such a superficial attitude by so many people that as a society we're going to care less. This next generation will have no idea what it was like to buy a record or cassette and listen to an entire album alone. With so much access, people seem to care less about certain music or films or art of any kind...and "hipsters" are just the best example of that attitude.



living in Austin has turned me into a curmudgeon....



Ditto. I can safely say I was guilty of all of this nonsense years ago, and it was a phase. It happens. To a certain extent, it's nothing new.


I don't want to label or detail what makes a "hipster." It's subjective. I'm not saying if you wear cut off tight jeans, american apparel shirts, a headband, and listen to MGMT or something you are automatically a hipster asshole. The point is I know people wear things and listen to music for appearances and attention more than personal pleasure and satisfaction. Many are "hipsters," usually self-proclaimed at that. That's all I'm saying. The end.


...after all, we are talking about the 1940's guys with goatees who listen to bebop jazz, right?



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I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, possibly the most hipster infested area outside of Portland, Oregon maybe. Yes they are usually vapid people, yes they are usually boring or uninteresting, yes their parties are usually lame. That said, it's rare but I have met some cool people and even friends that would normally be lumped into the hipster category on how they dress. Be wary, but don't always judge a book by its cover is the lesson here I guess.


And I hate hardcore hipsters as much as the next guy, possibly even more since I am an outsider living in their world, but responsible for ruining culture? Really? There have been plenty of equally atrocious fads before this, I think you are overreacting a little bit. Anyways, I may live in hipster hell, but I love my neighborhood and have met some of my best friends here. You just need a good bullshit radar to tell who's legit and who's not.



I lived in Williamsburg for 6 years or so and had to get the fuck out. I can't go through there without getting at least slightly pissed at how people are dressed. The formula at the moment seems to be: Funny Hat, Funny Shoes, Funny Dog. I'm actually getting a bit mad just thinking about it.

I moved up to Greenpoint, where the hipsters are slightly more reserved... but that won't last very long.

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I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, possibly the most hipster infested area outside of Portland, Oregon maybe. Yes they are usually vapid people, yes they are usually boring or uninteresting, yes their parties are usually lame. That said, it's rare but I have met some cool people and even friends that would normally be lumped into the hipster category on how they dress. Be wary, but don't always judge a book by its cover is the lesson here I guess.


And I hate hardcore hipsters as much as the next guy, possibly even more since I am an outsider living in their world, but responsible for ruining culture? Really? There have been plenty of equally atrocious fads before this, I think you are overreacting a little bit. Anyways, I may live in hipster hell, but I love my neighborhood and have met some of my best friends here. You just need a good bullshit radar to tell who's legit and who's not.



I lived in Williamsburg for 6 years or so and had to get the fuck out. I can't go through there without getting at least slightly pissed at how people are dressed. The formula at the moment seems to be: Funny Hat, Funny Shoes, Funny Dog. I'm actually getting a bit mad just thinking about it.

I moved up to Greenpoint, where the hipsters are slightly more reserved... but that won't last very long.


Whereabouts? I have some friends around Franklin and Java. It's very nice, I could definitely see living around there.

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Once again WATMM descends into a pointless fagdance about alleged hipsters. Please can we just strike this term from our collective lexicon? It's a completely meaningless term, with everyone having their own idiosyncratic definition. My idea of a hipster is different from your idea of a hipster, which is different from that guy with a stupid haircut's idea of a hipster, and so on ad infinitum. What I will say is that anybody making assumptions about a person's interests, or how seriously or "genuinely" they persue them, based on their clothing or style alone is a fucking idiot.


*goes to Shoreditch*

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guys in cardigans made in 2009



my lady has been trying to get me in one of those... i kindly decline each time.


Anti-cardiganism and anti-scarfism seem to be pretty strong in America. I have no idea why. Over here the cardigan is kind of standard-issue wear. Indie kids and 'hipsters' wear cardigans, but no chav or bro night out would be complete without a Lyle and Scott cardigan completing the ensemble. Americans seem to consider cardigans and scarves to be some kind of excessively twee affectation, when really it's just a jumper that fastens up the front. Completely versatile, inoffensive wear. Everyone should have a good cardie or two.

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