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Fred McGriff

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been watching the V marathon on SyFy right now... man what a blast from the past. I was probably five when we used to watch this, my dad, brother and I. The part where that one chick gives birth to twins and one of the twins is a little green monster is fucking HILARIOUS. i was scared shitless and had nightmares about it when i was little though. The opening credits song, I'm happy to say, is still fucking bad ass though. Apparently theres a modern version remake that's going to air soon, i'll probably watch it. whatever. I used to always draw the V space shuttles when I was little and practice drawing their logo too.



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damn... that would've been good to watch! all i remember from old school V is reptiles and a little bald man tellin' the kids that they are tagging all wrong then he proceeded to spray paint a V over a poster of an alien and he then said "V is for victory!" that's all i remember!

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Never heard of the original series, but I'm planning to watch the remake series starting Tuesday night.

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i loved this as a kid, also remember being allowed to stay up late with my family to watch it. i saw a clip not long ago and lolled at the cheap effects.


the freddy kruger guy is in it too.

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that's what i'm talkin bout.


also, behold, THE most iconic birthing scene in american 80s television:




Fucking LOL - I remember that! The poor lizard baby died later though. Poor lizard baby.

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Guest Glass Plate

I watched a promotional sneak peak of V on the internets, and considering that it's supposed to make me want to watch the show is rather implicative that I'm never going to watch that show in my life.


also lol@ Juliet form lost being on the show.. (abc whore)

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anyone watch the remake last night? instead of nazi aliens they're terrorist aliens. keeping up with the times.

I would hit Anna, the V's spokesperson



even if she has a reptilian vagina beneath her skin


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