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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Guest Alex C

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I knew you'd chime in, JR.


Well, he's got a PS3 (if his PSN handle is legit), and since his 360 died on him, it makes sense (financially) to just get the PS3 version, since they are virtually identical and save himself a lot of money.


i cant understand why the world is going mad over medal of honour 87


Medal of Hono(u)r is being revived as well, they say...

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Well, he's got a PS3 (if his PSN handle is legit), and since his 360 died on him, it makes sense (financially) to just get the PS3 version, since they are virtually identical and save himself a lot of money.


Yes, it's legit. I should be on your PSN list. :unsure:


I'm picking up another 360 so I can finally play Mass Effect and whatever other exclusives I haven't played. Fuck, there are too many good games coming out over the next 6 months. I'm gonna be swamped. Most of my friends are on Xbox and I'd like to play MW2 with them. Otherwise fuck a 360 and its shitty reliability.

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Well, he's got a PS3 (if his PSN handle is legit), and since his 360 died on him, it makes sense (financially) to just get the PS3 version, since they are virtually identical and save himself a lot of money.


Yes, it's legit. I should be on your PSN list. :unsure:


I'm picking up another 360 so I can finally play Mass Effect and whatever other exclusives I haven't played. Fuck, there are too many good games coming out over the next 6 months. I'm gonna be swamped. Most of my friends are on Xbox and I'd like to play MW2 with them. Otherwise fuck a 360 and its shitty reliability.


I can understand and appreciate that - if most of your friends are on 360, then getting it on 360 is the logical choice.


Yeah, you're on my friends list - I hadn't seen you online for some time, though.

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Guest Renivatio

i'm with joyrex here. i've owned three xwax 360s and they all rrod'd on me. i have a ps3 and it's shown, to me at least, that it's more reliable. inexcusable quality control issues.

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Does MW2 have split screen coop?I was disappointed that the first one didn't.
CoD 4: Modern Warfare has 4 player split screen, as has previous CoDs...


Err, the 360 version does not have split screen coop.

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Quakelive anyone?


Oh shit, I just remembered I haven't tried this on a proper pc. I only play a little on my laptop @ school. What's your name on there and I'll friend you up and play!

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Does MW2 have split screen coop?I was disappointed that the first one didn't.
CoD 4: Modern Warfare has 4 player split screen, as has previous CoDs...


Err, the 360 version does not have split screen coop.


That's too bad.

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Guest assegai

Just got up to this part...



The mission which was a blatant ripoff of the movie "The Rock"

Although it was cool to be "in the movie" so to speak.



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Does MW2 have split screen coop?


I was disappointed that the first one didn't.


CoD 4: Modern Warfare has 4 player split screen, as has previous CoDs...


my friend works for activision and he says every time a new COD world war II game comes out there is always a group of developers who try to push a 'play as a nazi' mission but without fail they will not allow it.

i barely have played them so maybe this is now changed, but i find it interesting that it's still 'too soon' to let you play as anybody besides the russians, americans and british. I think it's only a recent development they let you play as a Russian, before that was even considered controversial


Well, in this one you are a CIA operative infiltrating a terrorist organization and you've gotta kill civilians under orders from the terrorists... that's just as bad as being a Nazi, I guess.


I don't know what's so bad about playing as Nazis - it was the upper ranks who ordered and in most cases committed the atrocities - the Germans who served as soldiers under the Third Reich were just doing their job - those who committed war crimes (under orders or not) are the real animals.


i agree with everything you are saying, Lol @ the terrorist mission thing. i mean yeah i personally think it's been long enough to represent normal german soldiers in a human light. One of the only movies i can think of besides Downfall that shows actual nazi/german young men not as pure characitures of evil is Das Boot. it's still very taboo to NOT represent a nazi character as one dimensional sociopath.

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Guest assegai

Just beat it. Wow was it



Short. I know the reviews say you get around 7 hours of gameplay and they weren't kidding. Usually they're off a bit if you play casually, on normal, but I beat it in literally 7 hours on hard. Just 2 days of casually playing. Again, the reviews were spot on... the story was mishmosh and disjointed... you basically jump around from one set piece to another with no real flow or narrative...it's basically a 7 hour long gameplay tutorial. Kind of like a Michael Bay movie which is loud, action packed and fun but you wonder wtf did i just witness. multiplayer is clearly what cod:mw2 is about which i have yet to check out



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GREAT JOB! you stuttering asshat.


Oh the joys of Fox news. I think I'll be glad when Murdoch starts charging for his site content and starts blocking his sites from being found in google, at least I won't have to listen, watch, and read it. His reasons for charging for content on the net? (Direct quote) "Quality journalism doesn't come for free.", simply stunning.


The newsreader's comment at around 3mins30 is by far the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time:


"You bring a game into a house there's nothing to stop an 8 year old kid becoming a terrorist and shooting people." Scaremongering anyone?

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GREAT JOB! you stuttering asshat.


Oh the joys of Fox news. I think I'll be glad when Murdoch starts charging for his site content and starts blocking his sites from being found in google, at least I won't have to listen, watch, and read it. His reasons for charging for content on the net? (Direct quote) "Quality journalism doesn't come for free.", simply stunning.


The newsreader's comment at around 3mins30 is by far the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time:


"You bring a game into a house there's nothing to stop an 8 year old kid becoming a terrorist and shooting people." Scaremongering anyone?


"Certain forms of video game violence can be correlated to aggression in the people who use them." - Where is the evidence for this outside of America??? How many millions of non-americans play FPSs and the gun crime rate of said country doesn't go up? Gun crime is very specific to the US. Fox news is such BS anyway...


and lol "you bring a game into a house and there's nothing to stop the kids" how about the fucking parents?? Doesn't that line of thinking go against the republican movement of less regulation/government?

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Just beat it. Wow was it



Short. I know the reviews say you get around 7 hours of gameplay and they weren't kidding. Usually they're off a bit if you play casually, on normal, but I beat it in literally 7 hours on hard. Just 2 days of casually playing. Again, the reviews were spot on... the story was mishmosh and disjointed... you basically jump around from one set piece to another with no real flow or narrative...it's basically a 7 hour long gameplay tutorial. Kind of like a Michael Bay movie which is loud, action packed and fun but you wonder wtf did i just witness. multiplayer is clearly what cod:mw2 is about which i have yet to check out




We got it last night, and we're currently on the Favela level in Brasil - we played the "controversial" level:


My take on it - yes, the initial scene where you walk into the airport and mow down the unassuming civilians was pretty graphic (and there was LOTS of blood), and how you could mercilessly mow down those trying to aid the wounded was pretty raw, but I didn't think the violence was gratuitous or over the top no more than any of the other violent acts depicted in the game. I did like the twist at the end of the level, as it shows the depravity of the terrorist leader and his desire to ignite a conflict between the US and Russia to start a global war he can profit from.



Unlocking trophies like a madman, playing on Hardened difficulty. Should have the single player wrapped up tonight, and then it's off to multiplayer.


My biggest criticism with the game is the injured effect - the blood does not look realistic and really obscures your view of the game (yes, I know that's the point), but I think Killzone 2 did a better job.

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I broke under the peer pressure and got this last night.


Wow. I really enjoyed the first MW and this just ups the ante. I agree that it seems like you are jumping between these Bay-esque set pieces with little connection from a storyline perspective - but that's ok with me, because the set pieces themselves are ridiculously entertaining. And the fidelity is off the charts.


Regarding the controversial level, I think there's something wrong with me because

I really enjoyed mowing down civilians and causing absolute carnage. It was like playing GTA with much better production values in First Person. Am I evil? Or just immoral?



They fixed a lot of things that nagged me - one of the primary ones being a break from the feeling of immersion due to endlessly spawning enemies (something I can't STAND) and (so far)a really minimal amount of glitchy things. More routes to attack any particular scenario, and the "extra" stuff (like climbing up the mountain and riding on the snowmobile) are really well integrated and entertaining. At least thusfar in my playthrough.


One thing I found interesting was, at the base in the training level, watching the two dudes play basketball. I stuck around to watch about three plays and they were all different - seems like a lot of attention to detail went into this.


Multi-player is great as ever, though I'm still a little confused with some of the new stuff and not sure how I feel about some others. Like, now when you call in a UAV it will stay active after you re-spawn. Which means that you could have, like, easily half the players in the list at any one point in time with radar. Not sure if I like that or not. Patriot missiles are cool, as are the helicopter gun things, and I actually really like the multiple death perks you get. Seems like a reasonable equalizer (also like that if you use the last stand perk and survive the bleedout time, you stand up).


Welcome to end of sleep for the next two years.

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Guest assegai

I broke under the peer pressure and got this last night.


Wow. I really enjoyed the first MW and this just ups the ante. I agree that it seems like you are jumping between these Bay-esque set pieces with little connection from a storyline perspective - but that's ok with me, because the set pieces themselves are ridiculously entertaining. And the fidelity is off the charts.


Regarding the controversial level, I think there's something wrong with me because

I really enjoyed mowing down civilians and causing absolute carnage. It was like playing GTA with much better production values in First Person. Am I evil? Or just immoral?



They fixed a lot of things that nagged me - one of the primary ones being a break from the feeling of immersion due to endlessly spawning enemies (something I can't STAND) and (so far)a really minimal amount of glitchy things. More routes to attack any particular scenario, and the "extra" stuff (like climbing up the mountain and riding on the snowmobile) are really well integrated and entertaining. At least thusfar in my playthrough.


One thing I found interesting was, at the base in the training level, watching the two dudes play basketball. I stuck around to watch about three plays and they were all different - seems like a lot of attention to detail went into this.


Multi-player is great as ever, though I'm still a little confused with some of the new stuff and not sure how I feel about some others. Like, now when you call in a UAV it will stay active after you re-spawn. Which means that you could have, like, easily half the players in the list at any one point in time with radar. Not sure if I like that or not. Patriot missiles are cool, as are the helicopter gun things, and I actually really like the multiple death perks you get. Seems like a reasonable equalizer (also like that if you use the last stand perk and survive the bleedout time, you stand up).


Welcome to end of sleep for the next two years.


Yeah I definitely appreciated the non-respawning enemies and the multiple attack angles.



I also agree with you about the Airport, like a FPS GTA4...I went ballistic and hunted everyone down. Rock_emoticon.gif




edit: Also, for anyone just starting the game HARD isn't even that hard so I recommend playing on that or the hardest setting

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