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Edgey: America has plenty of resources left - it's just the distribution of them is inequitable.

Agreed on the distribution. Income disparity is at an all time high.

Marx is more relevant than ever, and you and me? we're the proleteriat.

No thanks on the marxism.



I dunno how you can justify those two statements.

I'm in class right now...I'll get back at ya with my limited Marxist commentary.

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liberty as a phenomenon seems entirely american, and to me it looks like it's freedom from the consequences that free choices may make, by simply restricting freedom

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Edgey: America has plenty of resources left - it's just the distribution of them is inequitable.

Agreed on the distribution. Income disparity is at an all time high.

Marx is more relevant than ever, and you and me? we're the proleteriat.

No thanks on the marxism.



I dunno how you can justify those two statements.

I'm in class right now...I'll get back at ya with my limited Marxist commentary.

Those statements are easily justifed...I can state that income disparity is wrong, and also state that marxism is not the solution to correct the problem. Don't take my posts as disingenuous - ever since greenspan basically said "oops", I've been trying to come to terms with some forms of economics (as a benefactor of the rising middle class in the 80's, I saw the economic formats of the time as good things, in hindsight, I still do, but I think the world has changed to a point where those economic practices are not feasible any longer.). So... I'm open to new ideas, concepts, or deeper explanation of my own (possibly flawed) interpretation of existing practices. Have at it.

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Guest abusivegeorge

If you wire up a human arsesphincter to a sine wave producer and slip it into the neck of a milk bottle along with some liver, you can get some terrific necro-bumsex. You can almost milk yourself with another persons body parts.

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The Puritans came to North America to practice their religion, not to save the world or start a new system.





thnx for that Hoodie, that is very special thnk you :smile:



Do you fucks even bother reading what you post links to? The 7th paragraph down:


The Puritans wanted the freedom to practice their own religion, but their religious views were very strict and not necessarily compatible with contemporary notions of religious freedom. They forced everyone in the Massachusetts Bay Colony to follow the dictates of their puritanical faith, even those who were not Puritan.
(emphasis mine)


and troon, you're not bring any new ideas to the table.



of course they wanted the freedom to practice christianity as they chose. but in addition, this specific group wanted to create a colony to which all other christian colonies could look up to. i don't know if that applies to your definition of "saving the world" or starting a new system, but it seems as though they wanted a place with perfect christian ideals.


Winthrop believed that by purifying Christianity in the New World, his followers would serve as an example to the Old World for building a model Protestant community.


i read the article and it clearly states their intentions for making a model community.

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liberty as a phenomenon seems entirely american,


it's not a word ever used here


It makes sense seeing as our country is founded on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We were pissed @ the British government so we needed liberty from their tyranny. They didn't want other people to deal with it again so they incorporated it into the founding documents.


I think what really screwed the country over was the civil war. The civil war was more about state's rights vs federal rights than it was about slavery. If the south had won state's rights would reign supreme and we would have a vastly different nation. Who knows if it would have worked though? But then there's the whole notion that slavery would have continued and I don't want to get into all that...

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while we're at it lets do away with houses. I dont know where we'll sleep but if everybody sleeps outside it like levels the playing field maaaan. We cant live in a system where some people live in mansions and others live in mud huts maaan everyone has to live outside you knoooow its like naturaaal






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Guest ezkerraldean


It makes sense seeing as our country is founded on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We were pissed @ the British government so we needed liberty from their tyranny. They didn't want other people to deal with it again so they incorporated it into the founding documents.


I think what really screwed the country over was the civil war. The civil war was more about state's rights vs federal rights than it was about slavery. If the south had won state's rights would reign supreme and we would have a vastly different nation. Who knows if it would have worked though? But then there's the whole notion that slavery would have continued and I don't want to get into all that...

i meant as in mere choice of words. americans tend to talk of both liberty and freedom, whereas the former word is rarely used here. are they synonymous?

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It makes sense seeing as our country is founded on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". We were pissed @ the British government so we needed liberty from their tyranny. They didn't want other people to deal with it again so they incorporated it into the founding documents.


I think what really screwed the country over was the civil war. The civil war was more about state's rights vs federal rights than it was about slavery. If the south had won state's rights would reign supreme and we would have a vastly different nation. Who knows if it would have worked though? But then there's the whole notion that slavery would have continued and I don't want to get into all that...

i meant as in mere choice of words. americans tend to talk of both liberty and freedom, whereas the former word is rarely used here. are they synonymous?



Liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.


Freedom: exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc


although here's another definition of freedom that mentions liberty: the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint


I hear people talk about freedom, not really liberty.

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First we have to change what we want. If we keep wanting the same material things then we

will keep supporting the same systems that are running us into the ground physically and spiritually.


We have to create abundance together that makes it so there are no more unreachable commodities.

everything free to all. we have to change what those wants are to though.


this will wipe out the money changing element and the haves and have nots.


this is all reliant on us changing what we are motivated to pursue in our lives.

(what we want is what we get)


we must stop pursuing any self centered career specialization and instead focus our

energy on infrastructure built on truth that can provide for everyone.


this all starts with expanding the potential of already existing ecosystems.


one of the first steps must be to convert field agriculture methods into food-forest

models and to stop eating animals.

Food Forests

(this link is not my ideal, it is just an example)



animal agra business is the number one threat to our lives in the world today.

eating of animals breeds carnivore consciousness and puts us at odds with each other.


we must look to the very beginning as a model for the present day issues.


i'm sorry to say it but the garden of eden is still the best solution.


trumping all social movements of our present day.


it is the antidote.



i'll say it again/ there is being christian and being religious and then there is being BIBLICAL (two distinctly different things)

I AM BIBLICAL. (all should learn the difference)


much damage has been done to Biblical language and the understanding of it.

it is a good system that has been and is now run by corrupt individuals who don't truly understand it


don't believe their propaganda!


they have been trying to foul it for thousands of years, but were still here.


the old wise ones are coming back together right as we speak.


let us join together in dialog about our future in The Truth.

not their truth, but The Truth.

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Troon, you butt. Your post would probably carry more weight if it wasn't posted by a guy who posts hidden. Hiding from the truth.




step out of the dream into reality my friend. it's not the words, it's the meaning.

do you understand what i mean? does your heart understand what i mean? these are

the main questions. maybe your not looking for questions though, your to busy looking in my butt.


there is only so much to be said and learned about the inside of my butt.


(though it is a secret porthole to another dimension)

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First we have to change what we want. If we keep wanting the same material things then we

will keep supporting the same systems that are running us into the ground physically and spiritually.


We have to create abundance together that makes it so there are no more unreachable commodities.

everything free to all. we have to change what those wants are to though.


this will wipe out the money changing element and the haves and have nots.


this is all reliant on us changing what we are motivated to pursue in our lives.

(what we want is what we get)


we must stop pursuing any self centered career specialization and instead focus our

energy on infrastructure built on truth that can provide for everyone.


this all starts with expanding the potential of already existing ecosystems.


one of the first steps must be to convert field agriculture methods into food-forest

models and to stop eating animals.

Food Forests

(this link is not my ideal, it is just an example)



animal agra business is the number one threat to our lives in the world today.

eating of animals breeds carnivore consciousness and puts us at odds with each other.


we must look to the very beginning as a model for the present day issues.


i'm sorry to say it but the garden of eden is still the best solution.


trumping all social movements of our present day.


it is the antidote.



i'll say it again/ there is being christian and being religious and then there is being BIBLICAL (two distinctly different things)

I AM BIBLICAL. (all should learn the difference)


much damage has been done to Biblical language and the understanding of it.

it is a good system that has been and is now run by corrupt individuals who don't truly understand it


don't believe their propaganda!


they have been trying to foul it for thousands of years, but were still here.


the old wise ones are coming back together right as we speak.


let us join together in dialog about our future in The Truth.

not their truth, but The Truth.


troon, guide us with your holy torch of biblical truth then. let us hear the wisdom of the mighty ancient sages. let us prepare to make the sacrifices to lead, neigh shepherd the masses into the light of wisdom and righteousness!

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First we have to change what we want. If we keep wanting the same material things then we

will keep supporting the same systems that are running us into the ground physically and spiritually.


We have to create abundance together that makes it so there are no more unreachable commodities.

everything free to all. we have to change what those wants are to though.


this will wipe out the money changing element and the haves and have nots.


this is all reliant on us changing what we are motivated to pursue in our lives.

(what we want is what we get)


we must stop pursuing any self centered career specialization and instead focus our

energy on infrastructure built on truth that can provide for everyone.


this all starts with expanding the potential of already existing ecosystems.


one of the first steps must be to convert field agriculture methods into food-forest

models and to stop eating animals.

Food Forests

(this link is not my ideal, it is just an example)



animal agra business is the number one threat to our lives in the world today.

eating of animals breeds carnivore consciousness and puts us at odds with each other.


we must look to the very beginning as a model for the present day issues.


i'm sorry to say it but the garden of eden is still the best solution.


trumping all social movements of our present day.


it is the antidote.



i'll say it again/ there is being christian and being religious and then there is being BIBLICAL (two distinctly different things)

I AM BIBLICAL. (all should learn the difference)


much damage has been done to Biblical language and the understanding of it.

it is a good system that has been and is now run by corrupt individuals who don't truly understand it


don't believe their propaganda!


they have been trying to foul it for thousands of years, but were still here.


the old wise ones are coming back together right as we speak.


let us join together in dialog about our future in The Truth.

not their truth, but The Truth.


troon, guide us with your holy torch of biblical truth then. let us hear the wisdom of the mighty ancient sages. let us prepare to make the sacrifices to lead, neigh shepherd the masses into the light of wisdom and righteousness!



on an internet forum? only so much can be said here. i appreciate your enthusiasm. search out all my old

posts, start an off forum conversation with me as others have.... but honestly

i am doing all of my work face to face in the real world....this is just a way to keep my mind

active in between.


i am here though, for whatever it is worth and God only truly knows what the future will bring.


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let us prepare to make the sacrifices to lead, neigh shepherd the masses into the light of wisdom and righteousness!


wait, are we talking about sheep or horses?


oops, you're right fail. NAY If I had been speaking aloud you never would have noticed! All you would have seen was me raising my hands out to the lord and screaming those words. Basically I was really caught up in the beauty of the truth I was in a pure moment of ecstasy, which is unfathomable to those who have not seen the light of the truth. Watmm has served me well today this is for sure!

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troon - best get rid of your computer and the internet - they both came from the military-industrial complex that's so corrupted this world.

But before you do, please explain the difference between being Christian and being Biblical.


Hoodie - The puritans came here to practice their religion because they couldn't overthrow the church in England. If they had had the numbers/power to do so they would have.


Edgey - I'm not saying that pure Marxism is the best way to go either, what I meant by saying Marx is relevant, is that the exploitation of the proleteriat is more pronounced than ever, and it happens on a global scale.

Trickle down economics was doomed from the start as it simply perpetuates the idea of core and periphery actors and that exploitative relationship.

The thing is that socialism has never been properly implemented: and I would agree that it is almost impossible to institute on any large scale. Self-reliance doesn't work, clearly some form of globalization is necessary to promote democratic ideals. So what needs to happen basically is the abolition of the stock market. When a corporation's main purpose is to maximize revenue for the share holders, that's when actors stop behaving rationally and it leads to exploitation (of labour, systems, and resources).

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Guest ezkerraldean

But before you do, please explain the difference between being Christian and being Biblical.

you can be jewish and biblical probably


Hoodie - The puritans came here to practice their religion because they couldn't overthrow the church in England. If they had had the numbers/power to do so they would have.

basically what Cromwell did. Commonwealth rule was puritan as fuck. but everyone thought it was shit so we got a king again.
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