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live deep fried fish


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Guest beatfanatic

Lol it's all good chen. I'm going to have a Pepsi instead though mate, the kettle blew up yesterday!


out of a glass bottle or canned??

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol it's all good chen. I'm going to have a Pepsi instead though mate, the kettle blew up yesterday!


out of a glass bottle or canned??


Dude glass bottled.

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and the chinese shouldnt fry fish alive for profit either.


they don't..they do it cause it's tasty.


All talk of fear endorphins aside, I bet any difference in flavor between a fish killed 1 min before frying and a live-deep-fried fish is imperceptible to the human palate. Let's face it, humans are a sadistic lot and many asian cultures uphold the fine human tradition of casual sadism. Look at China's língchí ("death from 1,000 cuts"), it's almost the same principle applied to humans - though at least they didn't deep fry you and might have given you opium! All talk of morality aside, I fully agree with those who have said this is purely being done for the novelty "oh gee we're eating it and it's still moving, hehe!" factor.

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Guest abusivegeorge

13 pages and nobody has called anybody else a cunt, twat or prick yet. I think thats why I feel quite humbled in this thread.


Sorry for off topic but duly worth noting.

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13 pages and nobody has called anybody else a cunt, twat or prick yet. I think thats why I feel quite humbled in this thread.


Sorry for off topic but duly worth noting.



chen called clitterhaus a prick yesterday at 10:23PM GMT

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Guest abusivegeorge

13 pages and nobody has called anybody else a cunt, twat or prick yet. I think thats why I feel quite humbled in this thread.


Sorry for off topic but duly worth noting.



chen called clitterhaus a prick yesterday at 10:23PM GMT


Shit, well spotted.

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the fact that this video has prompted a discussion on cultural relativism and morality suggests a huge deficit in emotional maturity, empathy and compassion among certain board members, coupled with a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view (of course the opposing view is not inherently incorrect though eh yegg?).

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technically there is nothing "inherently wrong" with gassing jews but most people agree that it isn't cool


There is lots inherently wrong with gassing jews. Humans have certain inalienable rights. Not being party to genocide is one of them.

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no different to torturing a cat imo. in some cultures this may be acceptable, but in mine it is not. therefore i am perfectly within my rights to say this is wrong.


why you 'well travelled, open-minded' people are obsessing over this one word i don't know.


But yet it's okay to eat pork that comes from pigs who spend the entirety of their lives in their own shit?


Shitty things are constantly done to animals domestically and yet this stupid fish is the convenient subject for everyones moral outrage.


So that makes it okay?


Actually, fuck it. pointless conversation. Better things to do.


I'm not saying it makes it okay, I'm arguing that the society that you participate in makes it culturally acceptable to treat a certain set of animals in a manner that would be deemed "despicable" by the values of the very same culture. However people will consume the end product without skipping a beat. But the very same people will fly off the handle at the fact other cultures eat live fish, there's some heavy cognitive dissonance happening here.


never heard the expression "happy as a pig in shit"? for a pig, a life in shit is a good life.


anyway right now i'm "as contented as a deep fried live fish being torn apart with chopsticks"

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Well, I feel like I stepped over my own line that I try to establish. If we're gonna get into the finer points of suffering, we should not be cruel to one another. It starts with us. I wanted to say sorry to chen for sometimes laying into his argument in a heated way. It's a weakness of mine--I nearly go apeshit when animals are in pain without justification. I'm no ALF bomber or PETA protester but I do have a deep and abiding....look it, I'm gay for animals in everyway; they've taught me so much scientifically and "metaphysically." Brush a horse's mane and tell me you don't feel a calm that no other human-derived source could give you. So, pardon my cunt plaz


tell that to christopher reeve man

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the fact that this video has prompted a discussion on cultural relativism and morality suggests a huge deficit in emotional maturity, empathy and compassion among certain board members, coupled with a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view (of course the opposing view is not inherently incorrect though eh yegg?).



Maybe, if I'm reading you correctly.

If anything, this suggests a huge deficit of perspective not "emotional maturity".

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never heard the expression "happy as a pig in shit"? for a pig, a life in shit is a good life.


anyway right now i'm "as contented as a deep fried live fish being torn apart with chopsticks"


Wtf no, normally pigs like to poop far away from, their living quarters.



Me too.

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the fact that this video has prompted a discussion on cultural relativism and morality suggests a huge deficit in emotional maturity, empathy and compassion among certain board members, coupled with a steadfast refusal of alternate points of view and an childlike dependence on asserting, not the correctness of their own point of view but the incorrectness of the opposing view (of course the opposing view is not inherently incorrect though eh yegg?).



Maybe, if I'm reading you correctly.

If anything, this suggests a huge deficit of perspective not "emotional maturity".




yeah... it's all about perspective.... look at the meat industry blah blah blah..... you're so much better than us yegg. of course there's nothing "inherently wrong" with the fish being eaten alive... no argument from me there, but apparently there seems to be something unacceptably wrong with people expressing their opinions about it. God have mercy on anyone for being weak and human enough to be saddened by this. obviously this video would not move the likes of you, Yegg, who right now are probably masturbating to japanese goldfish porn videos with a live carp flailing around in your rectum.


this thread is about people trying to flex their pseudo-intellectual muscles and regurgitate their sociology a-level textbooks. yes... most of the people outraged by this video, yesterday, will be chomping on mcdonalds, or kfc or tesco's finest ground beef right about now but my objection to this video is to the spastics cackling with delight at the animal suffering on a plate in front of them. what is so hard to understand about that? maybe i'm just not cool or 16 enough.

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