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Mel Gibson


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Let's just say he's probably the most awkward chap I've ever seen..




I can see his lips move but all I hear is "fuck the jews!" over and over for three and a half minutes.



So you are opening up about a difficulty you have with processing information. Good for you!! -pats on head- (see look, it was the same result you were hoping for all along)

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Let's just say he's probably the most awkward chap I've ever seen..




I can see his lips move but all I hear is "fuck the jews!" over and over for three and a half minutes.



So you are opening up about a difficulty you have with processing information. Good for you!! -pats on head- (see look, it was the same result you were hoping for all along)


Irony doesn't come across so well online. Sorry buddy, I'll try not to make patronizing comments the next time you're typing in your retarded invented language :)

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Apocalypto was surprisingly engaging and nicely entertaining. Who knew the Mayans had such romps whilst out hunting? xD


It almost makes me want to watch The Passion, though I probably wont.


Edgte Of Darkness looks to be ok though, will deffo be watching that when it comes

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I thought Apacalypto and Passion of the Christ were great. Apacalypto especially ... much more interesting than most action movies I've seen since. I think he's a great and pretty original director: he captures ritual, mysterious deranged prophetic omens, cruel looking faces, violence and religious darkness with particular aplomb. Who cares about what he's like or what his religious beliefs are? You can enjoy fiction and religious paintings made by committed Catholics, can't you? His films are no different. I'm a bit bored of liberal fundamentalists blasting everything the guy does. And you don't need to be a Catholic to appreciate The Passion.


It was sad that Apacalypto was slated because of his Catholic/Jewish-hating drunken antics. A really great film, especially the whole sacrifice scene. The second half dragged a little, but was still quite thrilling on the first viewing.

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Some good points there Lianne. After a period of being quite aloof to all things Gibson I came to love his upfront, zany way of acting in interviews. After that I could only sympathize with the poor fellow.

This prompted me to check out Apocalypto, which I really enjoyed. Was pleasantly surprised at the amount of comedy in the first half. And yes it did drag on a bit.

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that story cuts out some good parts


"I am going to come and burn the fucking house down."


the full quote was "I am going to come and burn the fucking house down... but first you're gonna suck my dick."

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Yeah I found it pretty funny. It's clear he's verbally abusive and an alcoholic. Reminds me of my grandfather before he finally swore off the sauce. He used to talk about "the primitive races" when he was drunk too, now he never does. Alcohol and racism go hand in hand.


Can someone do a remix of this, like we did with the grape-fall woman?

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