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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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I'd have a lot more respect for this show if it was more upfront about the fact that:

(a) the writers have no idea what's going on

(b) everything following event X is a retcon to make sense of event X.

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Guest joshier

I think it's funny, 'lost' encapsulates every single aspect of this. The directors are lost, the viewers are lost, the ending was probably lost. no one knows what's going on and it's just a bunch of writers having fun with phenomenon. Course, the sane people stopped watching it when season 1 opened up a 100 can of worms, instead of 1 with the other 100 resolved.

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[edit: To Awepittance:]

Fair enough. But I don't know many shows where the writers throw as much shit at the walls just to see what sticks, and which have fans that lick the debris off said walls so enthusiastically, with wide eyes and ever-hungry tongues, either.


I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


Maybe it's better than it was, though. I gave up sometime around the second season.

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[edit: To Awepittance:]

Fair enough. But I don't know many shows where the writers throw as much shit at the walls just to see what sticks, and which have fans that lick the debris off said walls so enthusiastically, with wide eyes and ever-hungry tongues, either.


I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


Maybe it's better than it was, though. I gave up sometime around the second season.


have you watched the shows the X-files or the Fugitive? maybe lost takes the cake, but what you described out Lost is not new

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[edit: To Awepittance:]

Fair enough. But I don't know many shows where the writers throw as much shit at the walls just to see what sticks, and which have fans that lick the debris off said walls so enthusiastically, with wide eyes and ever-hungry tongues, either.


I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


Maybe it's better than it was, though. I gave up sometime around the second season.


have you watched the shows the X-files or the Fugitive? maybe lost takes the cake, but what you described out Lost is not new



The Fugitive, no. I used to love the X-files, until it became apparent that the mytharc wasn't going to be internally consistent. I still enjoyed the stand alones, though. Everyone loved the stand alones.


The series finale of BSG was pretty disappointing for similar reasons, and I really loved the show otherwise.


I'm fine with off-the cuff stuff, and I think it can work pretty well. Just not when the show focuses so much on its hidden mysteries, and those mysteries are hidden even as to the writing staff.


The "whatever" approach to narrative development can work if it's intentional and honest; see, eg, some of David Lynch's stuff. I might be in the minority, but I think Twin Peaks actually worked best as it was fumbling and figuring itself out, in the most surreal way possible. Really, I don't expect everything to be this perfect cross-season narrative arc a la The Wire. I know that's not how TV is done.


But Lost and the X-files mytharc just seem more dishonest, as they're continually framed as leading towards this "all will be revealed!" payoff in order to string viewers along. Yeah, Peaks had the Palmer murder, but I think it was also deliberately upfront that this was a MacGuffin.


Hey, if it works for you, no problem. I'm sure there's a lot to enjoy if you can get over what I can't get over.

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For me, lost has some of the most memorable moments in a tv show ever, and lots of them.


but it is really shame that it is so sloppy. having said that, it is a good ride, the way they hook you in is something special, even if in the end the whole thing doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.

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Had another thought, but was not in b4 edit window.


With the X-files and BSG, even when main story arcs fell apart, it was pretty clear that the main draw was always the characters in those shows. With Lost, on the other hand, character development and motivation is really tied to, and contingent upon, the narrative fuckery that's going on. I'm not saying Lost doesn't have great characters, just that it rings a little false to me because of that. I think that's part of the downfall of the show. Everything's so tied to the wtf-arc. It subsumes all.


Starbuck on BSG came a little too close to that line as well in the last season, but it worked a little more because she was questioning her own identy/reality, etc, and still (mostly) just behaving like the tarty lush she always was. Or maybe not. Her part in the finale really bothered me.

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I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


nobody does this...


Sampling bias.


edit: should I make a field recording of my office lunch room?

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Guest beatfanatic
I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


nobody does this...


Sampling bias.


edit: should I make a field recording of my office lunch room?


ahh so you just feel left out then .

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Guest beatfanatic

let me ask you, would you feel 'left out' when you can't join a conversation with a group of 12 year old girls about how brilliant Twilight is?


it depends on whether I am trying to :pedobear:

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I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


nobody does this...


Sampling bias.


edit: should I make a field recording of my office lunch room?


ahh so you just feel left out then .


Naw dawg, I've been huffing a lot of exhaust fumes lately, so I fit in with retarded group too now.

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Guest beatfanatic
I don't mind that people love the show and are totally caught up in it, they're just so vocal about how brilliant it is.


nobody does this...


Sampling bias.


edit: should I make a field recording of my office lunch room?


ahh so you just feel left out then .


Naw dawg, I've been huffing a lot of exhaust fumes lately, so I fit in with retarded group too now.


ahh in that case, WATMM is the right place for you.


I love Lost but I dont see the point of trying to convert people who are so opposed to it.

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lol :cisfor:


I'm not really opposed to it. I just think it's overrated. I guess in a world where people really fucking love the aforementioned Twilight saga, I'm probably tilting at the wrong windmill.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I cant believe how the first 2 seasons despite the horrible CGI and crappy acting at points made me so intrigued to the result of all the questions made. Now I feel no more than obligated to finish this last season to see what the fuck the writers may have been thinking all along... I feel not much more than regret now in the time ive wasted watching this show, which I am still mildly interested in but mostly just dissapointed and confused by. pretty sure thats a honest conclusion of my feelings about this show despite how drunk i am or how fast I can comfortably type right now... anyone ever type so fast with normal stupid shit or for instance there password on some random login and feel like they are orchestrating a symphony the muscle memory in the typing feels so flowing and unstoppable?? yeh I gotta get some sleep.... 3 hours ago... sorries.. over and out... dawgz

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interesting how the show has changed. s1-5 can be summed up as survivors trying to figure out wtf is going on.


s6 is something completely different, finally we're being subject to the jacob vs. nemesis game, which I think is good so far. i'm guessing that some examples of the iterations we know of would be...


- people responsible for the statue

- black rock people

- dharma

- and finally the 815 survivors..


i like the idea of the survivors being used in this game, spanning the entire series. s1-5 was like a game of mousetrap.


i just hope the rest of the season picks it up a bit...i'm still not convinced at this stage the inconsistencies will be fixed.

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Guest stabilo

I enjoy the show


it has it great things and some not so good things, but what show is perfect?


it entertains me, and it did for about 6 years, enough for me

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