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If your friend was a rapist...

Guest Conor74

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Guest Conor74

...would you stick by him?


Case involving serious sexual assault just hit all the headlines here, has got the whole country talking. Yesterday a man who had been convicted of sexual assault was due for sentencing and about 50 of his friends and neighbours queued up to hug him. He got 7 years jail. And of course the media and most contributors are repulsed at the show of support for him from his community. The whole country up in arms, I'd say phone in show hosts are nearly wetting themselves with the excitement. It's got it all, a letter from a priest saying he was not the abusive type, alcohol, a rural community closing ranks, the town v country debate again.




So if you knew someone charged with a crime like this (or to make it easier, if a friend was charged with say serious assault), would you stick by him? Gotta admit my first reaction was disgust, but when I think about it I'm not so sure - had a friend who was up for a serious assault a couple of years back and we all stood with him - he was acquitted but only on a technicality.

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Guest ezkerraldean

how bad was the crime though? was it actual proper rape, or just drunk sex gone bad that they've called rape?


i'd stick by a friend if it was the latter. i doubt i'd be friends with anyone who would consider doing the former

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I'd consider myself a pretty morale person (eh Keltoi!?) but honestly, if my friend had raped someone I wouldn't be able to look at them without feeling angry and disgusted.

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Guest ezkerraldean

a friend of a friend of mine in Worcester got put away for 2 years and on the sex offenders register for life, for banging a girl in a club who afterwards turned out to be underage. she told him she was 18 and she was the one initiating all the sex and stuff. if i actually knew that dude properly i'd give him a big pre-prison bear hug.



(that was supposed to be edited into my first post but it didnt work lol)

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how bad was the crime though? was it actual proper rape, or just drunk sex gone bad that they've called rape?


i'd stick by a friend if it was the latter. i doubt i'd be friends with anyone who would consider doing the former

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Guest Conor74

how bad was the crime though? was it actual proper rape, or just drunk sex gone bad that they've called rape?


Hard to know. It wasn't actually rape, I think more a serious sexual assault, though she was found semi naked and bruised so it wasn't just "chancing it on" either. There is a general undercurrent that she may have had a poor reputation (which may account for the community reaction), and allegedly she was out saying she wanted drink to get drunk. On the other hand by all accounts she is a tiny woman and he is a bouncer, and he initially claimed she consented and persisted with this version until he saw the cctv footage which showed him dragging her off the street. It reminds me a bit of...



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I've cut off communication with people I had met once learning they were on the sex offender registry shortly after meeting them. After going through a nasty divorce, I realize that good people can be a victim of shitty circumstance when a court is involved. I'm sure it's no different with people being accused of rape. I also have 2 children, and it's just not something I am willing to take a chance on, befriending sex offenders and such.

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A 'friend' of 15 years and one of my housemates at the time was arrested for rape, and on bail for 5 months. I stood by him initially, but after the CPS decided to take no further action, I cut him off. The reasons for both were complicated to say the least and influenced by other factors, and watmm probably isn't the best place to air them.


Did he do it? Don't know, don't care, neither of the people involved could in any sense be described as reliable witnesses, and it was more towards the drunk fuck up date rape side of the scale than knife, gaffer tape and public park. He was a repulsive person so I have no sympathy, but I could imagine it being an unpleasant experience for an innocent person(obviously). The police turned up at his work to arrest him and he was suspended (on full pay) immediately until cleared. Got the impression that the police knew there was no chance of a conviction from the outset and were going through the motions.

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Guest Brachiosaur

I passed out after a work-out at the gym once, I may have said this before. I woke up on the floor in the showers and some old guy was wondering if I was ok. He may have had his way with me while I was unconscious

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