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Sea Shepherd's stealth boat cut in half by Japanese


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Anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd's stealth boat Ady Gil has been cut in half by a Japanese security vessel in the Antarctic today, the group's leader Paul Watson said.


The $1.5 million high-tech vessel's remains were sinking, but its six-man crew had been rescued and was uninjured, Captain Watson told Fairfax.


Captain Watson said the Ady Gil was idling in waters near Commonwealth Bay when it was suddenly approached and rammed by the Japanese ship Shonan Maru, which has been detailed to provide security to the fleet.






It was quite an IDM boat, too..





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this here yacht was in my town for a couple of days this summer. it was pretty damn idm.


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i had whale meat for dinner. true story!


was it good? i think these greenpeace/sea shepherd types are asking for it. i don't see why the whalers don't go out more heavily armed.

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i wonder what that big thing sticking out the side is for. It'd be great if it had no function whatsoever.



lol maybe that's where they put the lion

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Guest Exodus

imo they should start torpedoing japanese whaling ships in the name of scientific research.



i think these greenpeace/sea shepherd types are asking for it. i don't see why the whalers don't go out more heavily armed.


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:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.

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Guest chunky

:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.


hehe, fuck you fred

i hate your guts mate

going to eat loads of whale this summer


you stinkin loser "idm" bastard

eat shit and go jump off a cliff hehe

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That episode of Southpark inspired me and the girl to watch an episode of actual real Whale Wars. Upon viewing the show, we realized that Southpark didn't have to do much to mock these people. We watched the whole thing, and damn, the dude running the show is a total douche. I'm all for stopping whale hunting, but do you have to be such a fucking ass about it?



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:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.

we dont have a choice here fred. that shit you keep sending to japan that your trying to pass off as beef, i wouldnt fucking let my dog eat that shit. wagyu and british beef FTW.

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:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.

we dont have a choice here fred. that shit you keep sending to japan that your trying to pass off as beef, i wouldnt fucking let my dog eat that shit. wagyu and british beef FTW.


so eat wagyu and british beef then if that's your preference. you do have a choice. whatever man if you want to eat whale then that's your business but if your purpose is to preturb people by eating endangered species then you're a cunt.

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:facepalm:well they are asking for it, that's their whole MO is getting something like this to happen so that they can bring it to international attention. they really are some of the dumbest people though, but i wholeheartedly respect their cause. there's no real need to be killing whales. die in a fire if you're munching on them for dinner and gloating about it.

we dont have a choice here fred. that shit you keep sending to japan that your trying to pass off as beef, i wouldnt fucking let my dog eat that shit. wagyu and british beef FTW.


so eat wagyu and british beef then if that's your preference. you do have a choice. whatever man if you want to eat whale then that's your business but if your purpose is to preturb people by eating endangered species then you're a cunt.

not all species of whale are endangered! as for eating whale, its not something i would do for shock tactics, just wanted to try it. like eating seal hearts in canada, i guess. i'm sure lumpenprol could tell you a few interesting stories about what he's eaten in china, and so could chengod. im not advocating eating whale either, i had only stated that i had tried it. the whole die in a fire thing i thought was a bit harsh, it wasnt like i had said i eat bush meat on a regular basis, or use tiger penis for an aphrodesiac.

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