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Guest Gary C

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Guest Gary C



24th September.


No spec information yet, but some guy at The Guardian says:


Civilization V is scheduled for its UK release on 24 September, and we don't know what sort of specification will be needed to run it. It's hard to guess because there are some dramatic changes from Civ 4, such as from squares to hexagons. (GameSpot published an interview with the lead designer, Jon Shafer.)


But Civ has never targeted high end PCs, so I expect Civ 5 will run in Windows XP with 2GB of memory, a Core 2 Duo processor and DX9c graphics. If it actually needs a next-generation PC with Vista or Windows 7 and DX11 graphics, that would greatly restrict its potential market. I would therefore predict that a Core i3/i5/i7 with 3GB or 4GB of memory and integrated DX10-compatible HD Graphics will be able to run Civ 5. However, it would be safer to wait until the recommended specification is published at civilization5.com and then, for "comfortably", try to double it.

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this is what you need, although it is not as user friendly as the civ games but it's much deeper

it is the best strategy game i played since civ 4

it will most probably run on your pc too


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Guest Gary C

Yeah, I think that Civ5 might push me into getting a new laptop.


If I upgrade my Xbox this month, maybe I can justify a new laptop by October.

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I always like to make sure I have a monopoly on pigs. Once I'm the worlds largest supplier of bacon I don't care what else happens in the game.

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I think that Civ5 might push me into getting a new laptop.


If I upgrade my Xbox this month, maybe I can justify a new laptop by October.


Yep. Still thinking about a new laptop for Civ5. Civ is released on September 24th, but I'll definitely have to wait another week or two 'til October is under way before I can drop between £300-£450 on a fancy laptop.


Any recommendations? Anyone bought a new one recently?

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Can't believe no-one's yet mentioned age of empires. Civ 1 was the first game that really got me into time consuming stratagy games but after that I think I played mostly AOE 1, AOE 2 + conquorers expansion.


Bought the newer ones but never really got into them. Also liked a couple of others which I can't remember the name of.


Theme hospital was good aswell although a different style.


Anyway I haven't played these type of games for a while but want to get back into one. I've got Windows 7. Is there anyone else who can recommend what to get that'll work on that?


I like the simple style one's without brand new graphics and shit.



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i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.


i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.

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i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.


i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.


you talk about strategy games like a boy. yet you are not. Does not compute. :squarepusher:

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i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.


i wasted way too many hours on age of empires. never played civilization though. how does it differ?


let me stop you right there. if you wasted too much time on aoe, then civilization will kill you because it's turn-based. the height of addiction is hearing yourself say at 4am "just one more turn and i'll go to bed" and then watching your clock skip to 6am and you're lonely, tired, and at war with ghandi and just two more turns until you finish building the great pyramids. "can't stop now! i need to see this through!" JUST. TWO. MORE. TURNS.



and then the next turn you find out that abraham lincoln has finished the pyramids before you, wasting all the resources and labor you invested into them.


you go to bed and vow never to play again, until a month later when you say "hey, i haven't played civilization in a while."


repeat process ad infinitum.


you talk about strategy games like a boy. yet you are not. Does not compute. :squarepusher:

are you sure about that? :wink:

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i need to try my hand at this, heard about it forever but never seemed to get around to it.



for the past few years though ive had an obsession with Paradox Interactive games, really intense micromanagement, and can either be boring as hell or the most complex and fulfilling strategy game you have ever played depending on your personality.


Hearts of Iron 2:


Wow, thanks for posting about this game, I'm getting into it now and it's off the hook. I'm playing as fucking hitler, trading with Italy for supplies and violating the versailles treaty like it ain't no thang. Time to invade poland.

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