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Highlights from KKK rally last weekend

Guest Alex C

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My own personal highlights


Highlights of the video:

-Mexicans have a gestation period of only 3 months

-Mexicans are nasty people

-Mexicans live in mud huts



I Find of all those Ironic because .. Rednecks couples usually have like 13 Children , they usually are white trash meth head nasty pieces of shit and live in trailers ..


Also .. there is a black woman in the crowd .. haha

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Vans are the Taj Mahal compared to mud huts



(I did laugh there)




If this was a comedy show I would laugh but goddamn this is ridiculous.


That high school chick really nailed it, it's like huh? Are you guys kidding? Are they actually deluded enough to think they're going to bring about change? What really gets me though is when a reasonably intelligent person (not that we saw any in the vid i meant irl) subscribes to these ignorant ways.

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My own personal highlights


Highlights of the video:

-Mexicans have a gestation period of only 3 months

-Mexicans are nasty people

-Mexicans live in mud huts

-Vans are the Taj Mahal compared to mud huts

-Jews should be annihilated



Fucking irl lol.

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Mexicuns is the new Neggerz.


It's funny you should say that, cause in one of my classes last term part of the coursework involved communicating with a group of students from the University of Michigan. My partner was a black girl from the south, and she said pretty much the same thing.


I love how it's Mexicans taking their jobs, and not rich white guys who move the factories to other countries*, or in the case of Wal-Mart (whose owners are some good ol' boys from Arkansas) purchase goods produced in other countries*.


*for other countries, please read China.

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why aren't these white folks doing these jobs that are "taken" by the mexicans already? if it's simple enough for an inferior race, that doesn't even speak the language, to do it then for the master race it should be a cakewalk.


anyways there is no a large enough :facepalm: for these ignorant hicks. most of them are old white folks, so they should be dead soon.

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i don't like immigration in australia. But still savour the irony of mexico retaking the USA by utilizing the greed of the imperialist oligarchy that run it. Same with the Irony in the UK and the empire comming home to roost. I'm a little more aghast at the xenotropics allowed into my mother france.

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pretty much, everyone packed into these ever more congested once livable cities. It we were green like europe or the US, I wouldn't give a shit. As long of course as they were brought here for a reason, not just to bludge on existing infrastructure.

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i don't like immigration in australia. But still savour the irony of mexico retaking the USA by utilizing the greed of the imperialist oligarchy that run it. Same with the Irony in the UK and the empire comming home to roost. I'm a little more aghast at the xenotropics allowed into my mother france.



maybe austrailia will ban that too soon.




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Vans are the Taj Mahal compared to mud huts



(I did laugh there)




If this was a comedy show I would laugh but goddamn this is ridiculous.


That high school chick really nailed it, it's like huh? Are you guys kidding? Are they actually deluded enough to think they're going to bring about change? What really gets me though is when a reasonably intelligent person (not that we saw any in the vid i meant irl) subscribes to these ignorant ways.


^^ This


Since it seems the majority of speakers that have ignorant hate spewing in their minds seems to be just old white guys then this shouldn't be too much of an issue as they'll die off soon enough :D

I'm honestly shocked that these assholes still operate in 2010! I thought the KKK died out ages ago??


The closest thing in the UK to these cunts is the BNP and Nick Griffin, but he is just an outright cunt who got nailed on Question Time a wee while back ^_^

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Guest Conor74

Highlights of the video:

-Mexicans has a gestation period of only 3 months

-Mexicans is nasty people

-Mexicans lives in mud huts

-Vans is the Taj Mahal compared to mud huts

-Jews should be anhaliat...allliya...killt



Corrected that.

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I don't generally get angry watching this kind of thing, (although i didn't even watch it this time). As I see it more like when you find yourself following the events of a nature documentary and on the screen is the dramatic and disturbing event of a wolf running down a newly born caribou. Sure I could perhaps allow myself to be taken by the tragedy of the event, but why bother.

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