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If you find me a plant that will stand in for ritalin or adderall I'll gladly eschew my pharma use for nature.


The only thing that comes to mind is the coca leave and that's schedule 1 in the States.


If you need it , you should not stop taking them ..

All i am saying that for me, PHARMA didn't work ..

Not everyone is the same ..

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i cant believe my mate is prescribed 12 adderalls a day, the effect that one of them had on me is unreal. im tempted to try it again actually.

This effect can be weird. One time I took just a single, lowest dose (25 mg) of an antipsychotic medication called Seroquel. I hate that Ace Ventura movie but if you can remember when he gets shot with a tranq gun, I was doing exactly that. Here, if you want to:


Then, I'd go to work at the teen psych. ward and these motherfuckers would be on 900 mg. (!) Waking up at sunrise, eating breakfast, being chipper. Them saying, "yeah, I would be discharged but the doctor wants to increase the Seroquel by 100 more." :wtf:


i cant believe my mate is prescribed 12 adderalls a day, the effect that one of them had on me is unreal. im tempted to try it again actually.


I can't believe people would rather use Pharma bullshit that has 400 side-effects and one of them is DEATH , so addictive and ugly ..


Do plants , do nature , is safer

eh, you're missing an intervening variable. When you do plant, you are eating billions of bits of harmless whatnot like when you eat a cucumber. Poked somewhere in there is a chemical in micrograms or even fucking nanograms that will help you get crusty and shimmy to Bassnectar. Pharma has stripped all bullshit away and created a .50 caliber sniper rifle with laser scope and computer-aided barrel stabilization. To get up on the metrics, you've gone 1,000 to even 10,000 times the original concentration.


This squares with your argument though, I'm not countering you. My problem is this. Werner Herzog, the famous batshit insane German documentarian, described Nature as "obscene and vile" and it is; just watch a lioness choke out a precious little gazelle fawn. When I eat that vegetable matter, seed, smoke that leaf, etc., without gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, I can never know the various toxic defenses that thing has or the concentration of fun juice it may have. In turn, the anxiety would kill set and setting and then who knows what the fuck would happen. I prefer to neck 5 mg. of clonazepam and set a timer down to the millisecond where my eyes will water, I'll bump into the hallway, and the warmth will commence.


But, that's just like, my opinion.


"There is no money on Healthy people"


.. Nature has no agenda , Pharma does ..


I am not saying chuck any plant you find (Because some WILL KILL YOU)

Edited by Boxing Day
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Well I'm glad that you found a way that works for you, but stating that plants are by definition better or safer to use than any synthetic substance seems to me to be a bit ignorant.


yep, a lot of people who do drugs are very misinformed about how they work, etc. very frustrating knowing a lot about them trying to talk to users. Last time i spoke to a guy really into psychedelics he told me 'ive tried 7 different kinds of dmt' and i had to bite my tongue to stop me from making him feel dumb.

God and to think of all the times i had arguments with hippies about how LSD was just as safe as shrooms and be met with the response of 'but it's natural bro, ACID is a chemical!' how fucking ignorant can someone be, really gives all drug users a bad name


can someone just fedex me some addy or something, christ


same, pms plz

Edited by Awepittance
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Well I'm glad that you found a way that works for you, but stating that plants are by definition better or safer to use than any synthetic substance seems to me to be a bit ignorant.


yep, a lot of people who do drugs are very misinformed about how they work, etc. very frustrating knowing a lot about them trying to talk to users. Last time i spoke to a guy really into psychedelics he told me 'ive tried 7 different kinds of dmt' and i had to bite my tongue to stop me from making him feel dumb.

God and to think of all the times i had arguments with hippies about how LSD was just as safe as shrooms and be met with the response of 'but it's natural bro, ACID is a chemical!' how fucking ignorant can someone be, really gives all drug users a bad name







I am just going from personal experience , i tried both kinds : the synthetic and the "Natural" , I like the "Natural" more , i am not saying is better for all , but for me it is ..


i agree with you on the LSD

Edited by Boxing Day
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if you want to get a similar effect to adderall just go to starbucks and get an iced venti americano, and chug it.


lasts for a few hours and does fucking wonders for music making. i've probably had over 200 of those this past year.

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pales in comparison to a solid 40mg oral dose of adderal , i don't think any speed drug besides meth could get me to that same place. i would never do meth though, it scares the shit out of me.


snorting like 10mg of adderal feels totally different for me like an uneasy anxiousness like the come up to E or LSD but once i cross over beyond 30mg orally it feels super euphoric and i can become extremely focused and productive.

Edited by Awepittance
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yep, a lot of people who do drugs are very misinformed about how they work, etc. very frustrating knowing a lot about them trying to talk to users. Last time i spoke to a guy really into psychedelics he told me 'ive tried 7 different kinds of dmt' and i had to bite my tongue to stop me from making him feel dumb.

God and to think of all the times i had arguments with hippies about how LSD was just as safe as shrooms and be met with the response of 'but it's natural bro, ACID is a chemical!' how fucking ignorant can someone be, really gives all drug users a bad name


lol! i've heard the exact opposite from many people, that shrooms have a tendency to create trips that are a lot more disturbing and intense than acid.

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Guest Adjective

i can't do adderall anymore than a couple times a year. i always have to stay up an extra day to fall asleep. it's half a day of mind overclocking and a full extra day of feeling worn out


weed and a bounty of healthy snacks is about where i am now

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I take ritalin three times daily, doctor prescribed. Since I've started taking it over a year ago, my depression has decreased and my work productivity has gone through the roof. I owe much of my current lifestyle to ritalin (I work in a high-pressure, fast-moving, zero bullshit results-oriented industry and can only keep up by taking ritalin).


Sometimes I feel bad about it. It seems like a crutch. But most days I'm thankful that pharma created something that controls my ADHD and allows me to function like most others do.


I don't distinguish between nature and chemistry. Whether synthesized in a lab and marketed or harvested from cow-dung or your friend's basement, I see all drugs as tools that can be used to help lead a better life.


I guess what I'm saying is: let's all join together in friendly drug-addled communion and listen to some AFX.

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I take ritalin three times daily, doctor prescribed. Since I've started taking it over a year ago, my depression has decreased and my work productivity has gone through the roof. I owe much of my current lifestyle to ritalin (I work in a high-pressure, fast-moving, zero bullshit results-oriented industry and can only keep up by taking ritalin).


Sometimes I feel bad about it. It seems like a crutch. But most days I'm thankful that pharma created something that controls my ADHD and allows me to function like most others do.


I don't distinguish between nature and chemistry. Whether synthesized in a lab and marketed or harvested from cow-dung or your friend's basement, I see all drugs as tools that can be used to help lead a better life.


I guess what I'm saying is: let's all join together in friendly drug-addled communion and listen to some AFX.


Yep , we are all drug takers ..


Enjoy Life , choose your poison ..

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is there anyone here that uses xanax or other benzos (strictly doctor prescribed)? if so, give me a pm. i've got some questions (not a solicitation for drugs, just personal questions).

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they grow inside the brains of snowshoe hares.............they are mushrooms but their effect is very specific....kind of like watching "TOY STORY 2" for the first time


also: ::Yuletideepinz::


this is how you get them--buy "rocky road" ice cream....put it into a freezer that can reach 0.023483294ºK.........it will form into what will initially appear to be happy cartoon oysters dancing in shapes of 'calabi-yau manifolds'.......DO NOT BE ALARMED. just reach out and grab one....grind it up....use a NaOH base to extract the shit.........DEN SMOKE DAT SHIT........you can get a pretty good yield per batch {(e^πi)(10^42)} per batch

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also don't forget:




these are the shit as well, fuckin love these things. I used to listen to RAFFIE on repeat for months at a time while I was "horsin' out"...[thats what 'lillihuptipkinnwakeans' call their binges]. It feels kind of like the emotional complex of a penis (if your penis had emotions) that has just been rammed into a block of orange jello. I mean, sure, you'd be having fun, but imagine what your penis thinks about it. That is how this drug feels like, except in a good way, you know what I mean, man??

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Guest hahathhat

i didn't try anything besides caffeine until i was about 20, then i tried a good many things. my friends were trying weed+booze around 16 or 17, i just kind of sat back and watched for a few years. eventually, i decided i wanted in. if you're ever in doubt about whether to take drugs, just wait until those doubts clear. it's a great rule that has served me well.


these days i like grass, psychedelics, and the occasional beer. booze is the only one of those i feel has a negative effect on me -- my mood and motivation. i drink less and less, these days. grass and psychedelics have their drawbacks, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. i probably have mild OCD or something, really... back in the day i'd get out of bed three times because a pile of laundry wasn't folded right. i would only eat a very narrow range of foods. i was bad at listening to other people (and i still am). weed helps me with all this. it's a fucking relief; it allows me to let go of things that would usually get me worked up. if not for weed, i might have folded up inside myself like an inverted penis sock (as the saying goes on watmm). however, if you're the sort that's sloppy and doesn't give a fuck to start with, weed might not be to your benefit.


lsd is a great way to spend a saturday, i give it a lot of credit for helping me mature (emotionally, philosophically). i can never find a regular source; it just kind of shows up every now and then. if i could do it regularly, i'd probably have some every other weekend or two. shrooms are nice too, but after a couple years i've concluded that lsd is much better.


lsd is better than dxm, too... but dxm is really its own pop tart, and no one else's. it's a strange, strange afternoon. my consciousness becomes less attached to my body, i close my eyes and it feels like it's drifting up, rotating a bit, then maybe splits into a six-spoked wheel induced by the bass of the music i'm listening to. i start to develop strong sensations of telepathic communication, and reality appears to be at a 45-degree angle. the problem is, you have trouble remembering these intense parts -- it just fucks your memory with a 19" black rubber cock. body load is bad, i always get some serious diarrhea. i would puke too if not for knowing the nausea was coming and how to handle it (sit still and have a bong rip).

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Guest Ron Manager

Totally agree that one's own disposition determines whether or not weed makes them 'lazy' or not. Sure it might amplify something like lazyness or paranoia, but it clearly just has different impacts on different people. When I was an undergraduate I bankrupted myself by smoking a lot every single day for 3+ years, and I'd be lying if I said there weren't downsides (apart from my bank balance), socially and stuff - a night in with a bag with my housemates was always so much more appealing than going to the pub. But I've always preferred weed to alcohol anyway. Nevertheless I buckled down with my uni work, got a great degree and won a research grant, but it's all about how driven you are to begin with. Fortunately I chose to study something I genuinely love and want to make a career out of. I stopped smoking regularly last summer; now I only smoke with friends maybe once a month or so. The best part is how you appreciate it so much more when it's not a daily thing - the effects are obviously stronger and it goes some way in getting back to those days when it was a new thing and it always got you fucking ripped. I don't really notice a great difference in my work ethic or performance. To be honest I miss it most for the ease of falling asleep. That's something I never really got over, it still frequently takes me 1-2 hours to fall asleep after going to bed.


My experiences with acid have been so much better than mushrooms. Taken shrooms three times and each was a pretty bad time. Funny in retrospect but very unpleasant at the time. LSD on the other hand seems so much nicer. Maybe it's all context and setting though, I don't know.

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Guest hahathhat

yeah, that's what i meant about lsd being better than shrooms. i've had many fantastic, 100% great shroom trips... in fact, almost all of them have been great. but, two or three were pretty harrowing experiences. never had a harrowing experience on acid, hence the conclusion!

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Guest hahathhat

i was bad at listening to other people (and i still am).




i'll get really into whatever i am talking about, the rest of reality atrophies as my mental circuits all jump aboard my current train of thought. meanwhile, whoever i'm rambling at is trying to get a word or two in edgewise. not a way to endear yourself to people really

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i didn't try anything besides caffeine until i was about 20, then i tried a good many things. my friends were trying weed+booze around 16 or 17, i just kind of sat back and watched for a few years. eventually, i decided i wanted in. if you're ever in doubt about whether to take drugs, just wait until those doubts clear. it's a great rule that has served me well.


these days i like grass, psychedelics, and the occasional beer. booze is the only one of those i feel has a negative effect on me -- my mood and motivation. i drink less and less, these days. grass and psychedelics have their drawbacks, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. i probably have mild OCD or something, really... back in the day i'd get out of bed three times because a pile of laundry wasn't folded right. i would only eat a very narrow range of foods. i was bad at listening to other people (and i still am). weed helps me with all this. it's a fucking relief; it allows me to let go of things that would usually get me worked up. if not for weed, i might have folded up inside myself like an inverted penis sock (as the saying goes on watmm). however, if you're the sort that's sloppy and doesn't give a fuck to start with, weed might not be to your benefit.


lsd is a great way to spend a saturday, i give it a lot of credit for helping me mature (emotionally, philosophically). i can never find a regular source; it just kind of shows up every now and then. if i could do it regularly, i'd probably have some every other weekend or two. shrooms are nice too, but after a couple years i've concluded that lsd is much better.


lsd is better than dxm, too... but dxm is really its own pop tart, and no one else's. it's a strange, strange afternoon. my consciousness becomes less attached to my body, i close my eyes and it feels like it's drifting up, rotating a bit, then maybe splits into a six-spoked wheel induced by the bass of the music i'm listening to. i start to develop strong sensations of telepathic communication, and reality appears to be at a 45-degree angle. the problem is, you have trouble remembering these intense parts -- it just fucks your memory with a 19" black rubber cock. body load is bad, i always get some serious diarrhea. i would puke too if not for knowing the nausea was coming and how to handle it (sit still and have a bong rip).



yeah, that's what i meant about lsd being better than shrooms. i've had many fantastic, 100% great shroom trips... in fact, almost all of them have been great. but, two or three were pretty harrowing experiences. never had a harrowing experience on acid, hence the conclusion!



i was bad at listening to other people (and i still am).




i'll get really into whatever i am talking about, the rest of reality atrophies as my mental circuits all jump aboard my current train of thought. meanwhile, whoever i'm rambling at is trying to get a word or two in edgewise. not a way to endear yourself to people really



Hat, you and I see eye to eye on many things.


The only bad acid trip I ever had was because I walked up to my mom and told her I was tripping.

Edited by Brandi_B
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