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Some scientists believe we gained our intelligence through cooking

Guest joshier

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Guest hahathhat

wtf you linked to google search results?


i linked an article i saw on metafilter a day or two ago? :squarepusher:


edit: oh you meant teh josh. :trashbear:

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Guest hahathhat

in b4 ET/salvatorin/troon:

blah blah terence mckenna blah blah mushrooms blah blah zzzzz


terrence mckenna -- i want to believe, but i'm not quite that daft.

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Excessive Heat Denatures Nutrients


Burn your finger and skin tissue dies. Overly apply heat to food and nutrients are progressively destroyed.

Fresh food prior to wilting or rotting sustains life to a high degree of wellness. Harvested food from field

and orchard provides raw materials to replenish your cells and tissues. Overly cooking food destroys live

plant and animal tissue whose nutrients no longer bear any relationship to your living body.

A diet containing an abundance of raw, unfired food maximizes well being.


The chemical changes that take place to individual nutrients, as excessive heat is applied will now be examined.

It is well understood and recognized in scientific literature that heat breaks down vitamins, amino acids and

produces undesirable cross-linkages in proteins, particularly in meat. When food is cooked above 117

degrees F for three minutes or longer, the following deleterious changes begin, and progressively cause

increased nutritional damage as higher temperatures are applied over prolonged periods of time: ï‚· proteins coagulate,

ï‚· high temperatures denature protein molecular structure, leading to deficiency of some essential amino acids, ï‚·

carbohydrates caramelize, ï‚· overly heated fats generate numerous carcinogens including acrolein, nitrosamines,

hydrocarbons, and benzopyrene (one of the most potent cancer-causing agents known), ï‚· natural fibers break

down, cellulose is completely changed from its natural condition: it loses its ability to sweep the alimentary canal

clean,  30% to 50% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed,  100% of enzymes are damaged,  the body’s

enzyme potential is depleted which drains energy needed to maintain and repair tissue and organ systems, thereby

shortening our life span, ï‚· pesticides are restructured into even more toxic compounds, ï‚· valuable oxygen is lost, ï‚·

free radicals are produced, ï‚· cooked food pathogens enervate the immune system, ï‚· heat degenerates nucleic acids

and chlorophyll, ï‚· cooking causes inorganic mineral elements to enter the blood and circulate through the system,

which settle in the arteries and veins, causing arteries to lose their pliability, ï‚· the body prematurely ages as this

inorganic matter is deposited in various joints or accumulates within internal organs, including the heart valves.


As temperature rises, each of these damaging events reduces the availability of individual nutrients. Modern food

processing not only strips away natural anti-cancer agents, but searing heat forms potent cancer-producing

chemicals in the process. Alien food substances are created that the body cannot metabolize.


For example, according to research performed by cancerologist Dr. Bruce Ames, professor of Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology at University of California, Berkeley various groups of chemicals from cooked food causes

tumors: ï‚· Nitrosamines are created from fish, poultry or meat cooked in gas ovens and barbecues, as nitrogen

oxides within gas flames interact with fat residues; ï‚· Hetrocyclic amines form from heating proteins and amino

acids; ï‚· Polycyclic hydrocarbons are created by charring meat; ï‚· Mucoid plaque, a thick tar-like substance builds

up in the intestines on a diet of cooked foods. Mucoid plaque is caused by uneliminated, partically digested,

putrefying cooked fatty and starch foods eaten in association with protein flesh foods; ï‚· Lipofuscin is another

toxin: an accumulation of waste materials throughout the body and within cells of the skin, manifesting as

“age-spotsâ€; in the liver as “liver-spotsâ€; and in the nervous system including the brain, possibly

contributing to ossification of gray matter and senility.

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