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Joyrex Lied


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gotta love Chaosmachine jumping on the one person who's batshit enough to care about the forum being visible.

It's more about the placement of it, right at the top, than about it being visible. I know nothing of this forum and don't care. It just doesn't need to be front and center if it's not a public forum. But I'll get used to it.


Looks like it's at least scaled down from earlier, description reduced or something. That's cool.

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why not make the LTM forum visible to everyone but not allow everyone to post in it? what would be so damaging that's in the forum? unless it's just everyone talking about non-ltm members constantly...


by the way, there were so many potential comedy situations to go with this, for one thing i think it would be hilarious of 42Orange was temp-banned to the Nonsense/Crap Thread Forum where he can only post and respond to crap threads :sorcerer:

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alright I just got online and read this thread and:

seriously? banning 42O and placidburp? I just wanna check... this is just an internet message board right? because last time I checked this was a place to discuss electronic music with other people around the world with similar taste. It also gave us a chance to showcase our own music, shoot the shit in the general banter board and grab a few lols from the antics of various members.


if you think that having the LTM subforum visible is going to get in the way of what you like to do on WATMM, then maybe you should rethink exactly what you come here for.


this is actually a good point, I had no idea people got banned over this ltm crap


joyrex needs to wake up and realize he isn't some mafia man, and live and let live ffs. this is an internet forum for electronic music, not some hip night club with vip rooms

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LOL , you are a creep


acp had that dude as an avatar first. :emotawesomepm9:

[you have been here too long]/[what a bunch of fuckin n00bs]

delete as applicable to your POV

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photo-338.jpgLOL , you are a creep
acp had that dude as an avatar first. :emotawesomepm9: [you have been here too long]/[what a bunch of fuckin n00bs]delete as applicable to your POV


I am acp and I still have that as my userpic




ah shucks thanks for remembering me tho

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dude little hercules has muscles on top of muscles, I may be a creep but I will not have you besmirching the name of little hercules. he's like hercules. except little.

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Guest abusivegeorge

this is a day of mourning

RIP 42Orange and Placidburp


You missed a lot by not reading dude.


Placidburp got unbanned. Sneaksta was banned too, but he got unbanned as well.


It's just 420range out there now.

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