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Turn-offs while kissing


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anyone else find there's a point in a relationship where you get bored of kissing, but your partner hasn't yet? Not exactly a turn-off, but w/ my current gf I find myself going through the motions, and as with anything if you put effort into faking it they can't tell the difference. So it all becomes technical "ok, enough biting on the lip, don't overdo it, now some tongue, stick it over hers so she gets the soft underside..." Same thing happens with sex of course. I wonder if most women understand that, while we can't fake the final result, guys are pretty adept at "thinking while screwing", whether it's the cliche of mentally repeating baseball statistics to delay ejaculation, or whatever.

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anyone else find there's a point in a relationship where you get bored of kissing, but your partner hasn't yet? Not exactly a turn-off, but w/ my current gf I find myself going through the motions, and as with anything if you put effort into faking it they can't tell the difference. So it all becomes technical "ok, enough biting on the lip, don't overdo it, now some tongue, stick it over hers so she gets the soft underside..." Same thing happens with sex of course. I wonder if most women understand that, while we can't fake the final result, guys are pretty adept at "thinking while screwing", whether it's the cliche of mentally repeating baseball statistics to delay ejaculation, or whatever.


no. i think you are suffering from ho-ennui, lumpy

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Guest Adjective

a girl i dated a few years ago used to roll her eyes in the back of her head, but her eyelids would always remain slightly open, so if i opened my eyes i would just see white, pupiless eyes staring back at me. i broke up with her for this

if you tell the person, they'll change their approach. no one wants to be seen as a bad kisser.

push her back gently and explain, "you know what i really love... when someone takes their tongue and sort of.. *makes flying hands-bird and swoops to pick up a cucumber*

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

it turns me off when they are still breathing

"I was a necrophiliac until some rotten c*** split on me."




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Do you married folk ever make out anymore?



yes, that part is still there.


although it probably helps that we live 200 miles apart and only see each other on the weekends.


Ahh, I guess departures and reunions are an exception for me too.

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Guest Renivatio

I remember my ex was a clumsy kisser. She'd always hit my teeth and literally suck my lips in. I'm not with her anymore.

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Guest Babar

I find cadaverine and putrescine to be slightly off-putting, which is a shame, because there are a lot of super-attractive dead people out there, under my garage


hey, you can make nylon from dead people


Putrescine attacks s-adenosyl methionine and converts it to spermidine. Spermidine in turn attacks another s-adenosyl methionine and converts it to spermine.


Crystals of spermine phosphate were first described in 1678, in human semen, by Anton van Leeuwenhoek[1].

Spermidine has also been found to reduce (..) ageing (...)



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I find cadaverine and putrescine to be slightly off-putting, which is a shame, because there are a lot of super-attractive dead people out there, under my garage


hey, you can make nylon from dead people



Like Necropants?








I wonder when it will become fashionable for chunky girls to wear Necropants leggings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dese manz hatin

My partner being a woman. Ewww.


My partner being a woman. Ewww.

double post doubles hilarity

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Guest HerculesCzar

I was with a girl once who would make herself completely rigid when we kissed. She would lock her neck at an angle, plant both of her hands on my back and she'd just sort of dig into my back. Then she'd stand there like this and open and close her mouth until I pried her away.


I was, like, 15 though and it made me horny as fuck.

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