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post reasons why you hate the police.


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We used to live in the apt next-door to a horrible old lady who had custody of her 3 grandkids (11, 14 & 16).

She would beat them and turn up the radio really loud to muffle the screams. She thought her granddaughter (the oldest) was a devil and a whore and would always scream "punta!" and "diablo" at her and lock her outside for hours, sometimes overnight... This would result in the poor girl (keep in mind she was 16) shitting and pissing in the hallway. She would constantly be knocking on the door, locked out in the wee hours of the night, sometimes until her knuckles were literally bleeding.

As you can imagine, calling the cops was a weekly routine for us. Smetimes daily. The cops (NYPD) would often come and give us angry lectures about how we shouldn't interfere and that we didn't know how hard it was to take care of 3 kids. No lie. We were the bad guys in that situation, according to the fucked up NYPD.

fuckin pigs.

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also, the local police shot and killed my best friend Alex May this August 3rd in a first response call to domestic violence. he had been suffering from insomnia for a couple of years and was beginning to develop what appeared to be onsets of schizophrenia. he had also just been prescribed a variety of sleeping meds, which he often neglected taking. basically, he's was the smartest kid i knew, really into entheogens, was completely anti-civilization, into budddhist cosmology, got straight A's most of his school career, the whole 9 yards. (just like any other teenager, he was dealing with a lot of contradicting forms of well- being, injustice, and alienation)


anyways, his family didn't understand him, his mom/brothers constantly thought he was on hard drugs cause he was always lost in thought, and was often stoned lol. he read a lot, and basically knew too much (for lack of any in-depth understanding of his full state of mind), but for the most part we (his friends) were his only outlet/form of consolation.


so, at 6am on th 3rd, he slumped out of bed, completely zombified (not himself), after a long night of not being able to sleep and an unknown number of doses from his encouraged prescriptions, picked up a butter knife (basically proving he meant no serious harm), and attacked his mom. she immediately called the police ( :facepalm: ) and at the point that she was talking to the operator he had slumped back into the kitchen to grab whatever other more-lethal tool he could find, in this case a barbecue fork (i'm sure, even his fucked up state of mind, he could understand/sense the danger that his mom had just called up on the phone).


anyways, the police arrived to Alex and his mom lying in the bathroom on the floor. his mom had small stab wounds from the fork on her arm and shoulder and was bleeding quite a bit, but nothing lethal. the point is, when the cops arrived the scene was done, Alex wasn't even showing an attempt to stab her any longer, yet retired NYPD police officer Steve Mendez drew out his pistol and shot Alex multiple times in the chest with full intent on killing him, and he succeeded.


Officer Mendez still stalks our streets like it was nothing, and no one cares.

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Jesus. If it's any consolation, officer Steve Mendez gets to live the rest of his pathetic cop life remembering how he killed another human.

Sorry bro.

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My experience has been different.


You see, I live in an area of Chicago that's a bit, let's say, rough around the edges. It's cleaning up slowly, but I'm still glad to see the patrols cruising around at night.


I've had a thug park his car in my yard and pass out, car still running, radio blaring his horrible rap music. I've had thugs throwing an impromptu block party at midnight out back my house. I've had thugs park in front of the entryway to my parking spot and threaten my girl with violence when she parked behind them, blocking them in.


During all of these occasions I've called 311 and had very prompt, friendly service neutralizing the situation.


I'm thankful the police are here because I'm not allowed to exercise my 2nd amendment rights against these thugs.

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also, the local police shot and killed my best friend Alex May this August 3rd in a first response call to domestic violence. he had been suffering from insomnia for a couple of years and was beginning to develop what appeared to be onsets of schizophrenia. he had also just been prescribed a variety of sleeping meds, which he often neglected taking. basically, he's was the smartest kid i knew, really into entheogens, was completely anti-civilization, into budddhist cosmology, got straight A's most of his school career, the whole 9 yards. (just like any other teenager, he was dealing with a lot of contradicting forms of well- being, injustice, and alienation)


anyways, his family didn't understand him, his mom/brothers constantly thought he was on hard drugs cause he was always lost in thought, and was often stoned lol. he read a lot, and basically knew too much (for lack of any in-depth understanding of his full state of mind), but for the most part we (his friends) were his only outlet/form of consolation.


so, at 6am on th 3rd, he slumped out of bed, completely zombified (not himself), after a long night of not being able to sleep and an unknown number of doses from his encouraged prescriptions, picked up a butter knife (basically proving he meant no serious harm), and attacked his mom. she immediately called the police ( :facepalm: ) and at the point that she was talking to the operator he had slumped back into the kitchen to grab whatever other more-lethal tool he could find, in this case a barbecue fork (i'm sure, even his fucked up state of mind, he could understand/sense the danger that his mom had just called up on the phone).


anyways, the police arrived to Alex and his mom lying in the bathroom on the floor. his mom had small stab wounds from the fork on her arm and shoulder and was bleeding quite a bit, but nothing lethal. the point is, when the cops arrived the scene was done, Alex wasn't even showing an attempt to stab her any longer, yet retired NYPD police officer Steve Mendez drew out his pistol and shot Alex multiple times in the chest with full intent on killing him, and he succeeded.


Officer Mendez still stalks our streets like it was nothing, and no one cares.

Thats really fucked up.


Multiple times, how was that necessary. What age was your friend?

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Guest uptown devil

i just watched the news report, what a horrible, horrible event. i feel awful for his mother. :sad:

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Guest abusivegeorge

Lol, Russ what the fuck.


I miss you!



aint seen you for agessss, that goes for luddy and aims too.. im in hove now, darling!



and yeah.. fucking police scams, wtf. its not like we're boy racers or anything, no offence george :emotawesomepm9:




None taken mate, next time I'm up your way you're gonna be the first person I contact, coz you're the person I've not seen for the longest! Peace bro.


Spread my love to all please mate.

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That's terrible, IWC. So sorry.


Common sense: there are decent cops, and there are shitty cops. Then, of course, there's the institutionalized acceptance of shitty cops, the thin blue line, promotions to exactly the level of one's incompetence, etc.


TLDR story:


A few weeks ago, there was a domestic violence call in my apartment.


But before that, I had been driving home from a bar (I had one drink, seriously, and it was a measly-4.whatever ABV Guinness). Leaving the bar, I took about 30 seconds too long to turn on the low beams in my car (the always-on running lights, mind, were always on.) I corrected quickly (it's a little hard to notice when, you know, it's dark out but the interior of your car is lit by streetlights and you nonetheless see beams lighting the road ahead of you, coming from the front of your car.)


30 seconds, tops, and corrected by the time I hit the main road after pulling out of the establishment. Of course, I got pulled over. Whatever, I understand. Drunk driving is a serious problem. The stop of course, had the usual intimidation tactics. Cop 1 gets out of the car, taps on my passenger side window with his baton, I unroll, and he tells me to talk to Cop 2, who had snuck out afterwards and was peering into my driver's side (incidentally, I had already unrolled that window.) They ask me if I had been drinking, I answer honestly, they take the license and reg, chat for a bit, come back, have me follow their fingers, I establish that I am in no way drunk, they eventually leave and warn me to "pay fucking attention."


So, I drive back to my apartment, which is about 4 minutes down the street. It's late, so I start getting undressed and ready for bed, when there's hostile pounding at my door. I run to the door in my underwear, and see the aforementioned Cops 1 through 2, inclusive.


Opening the door, I get awkward looks, since I'm in my underwear. I'm asked "are you beating up your fucking girlfriend?" I say that not only would I never do such a thing, I'm unfortunately quite single. They ask if I'm alone. I answer yes, and ask what's going on.


Now, the thing is, my apartment complex is divided into two halves separated by a drive; both halves have different numbers as a street address. Someone had called in regarding someone else seriously beating the ever living fuck out of his girlfriend, same unit number, but on the other side, so a different street address. I explained this to the cops, and said that since there's two of them, at least have one of them run over and check out the other side.


The cops then responded, "well, uh, initially the call said '8xx' as the street address, but then a second call changed it to '8yy'. That's you. We have a report that an 'Armenian' is beating up his girlfriend and threatening to kill her." Note, I'm not Armenian, but I wasn't going to open that can of worms.


I again repeat that I am alone, that I just got home and had been pulled over a few minutes before for having my lights off. I see a flash of recognition in their eyes. But they'd committed to their position.


Now, they're edging into the door.


Here's the thing: you don't argue with a cop. You let them violate your civil rights, you say "yes sir," you pretend to be shocked and awed by their presence, and you attack their actions after the fact. You don't argue with a fucking cop. This is the most useful thing I learned in law school.


So I said (and here I'm really just fearing for the girl that could be bleeding to death across the street), ok, come in. Verify it. Then go to "'8xx' N. NNNNNNNN ST. Apt. # ccc" and help.


Note here: I let them in, so I pretty much waived all my rights re: warrant/probable cause. But I was concerned. And resisting would escalate the situation and make them target me (probably violently) rather than the actual irredeemable scumbag across the way. You don't argue with a cop, unless you want a terrible fucking situation on your hands.


You especially don't mention your rights. They don't give a shit. That's for the courts.


But I knew I didn't have anything incriminating in my apartment, and by being "welcoming" I could restrict their actions (gently) so that they essentially just verified that I was alone, I live in a small apartment, and there was no signs of violence. They poked around, tracked god knows what kind of Silverlake sludge all through my apartment, but I watched them, and they knew I was watching, and they left, 5 minutes later, without apologizing--without saying anything really.


But of course, they knew 5 minutes before entering that I had nothing to do with the situation. But they were Cops and were not prepared to concede. Meanwhile, some poor lady is getting thrashed across the street, and I was told you could hear it pretty easily from outside the apartment complex, since "'8xx' N. NNNNNNNN ST. Apt. # ccc" had its goddamn windows open the whole time.

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Fuck, I shift tenses way too much in that. What an asshole. Not that anyone will read.


Also: don't gather any legal advice from that story (or anything I ever write). The thing's a game, though; you require them to show a warrant when the situation calls for it, obviously, but you don't want to push back if you're not properly the focus, and if cops are in an emergency mindset (even good cops), things can get out of control if you aren't cooperative. That's probably just common sense, but when it comes to personal space/privacy, the gut instinct is obviously to be uncooperative, even though you're an upstanding citizen and everything.


And, not advice, but it doesn't hurt to Mirandize yourself if you get arrested, unless you get one of the good ones who'll do it for you.


Just don't argue.

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Guest JW Modestburns

because they think that having a tag light out gives them the right to profile me and search my car.

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Because of bullshit like this: Break down a guys door, shoot his dogs (killing one), and traumatize his kid/wife for a "minimal" amount of marijuana



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Yeah. I'm sure this guy was a random upstanding citizen who was randomly subjected to random violence by the cops, randomly.


I'm sure he gave them no reason to suspect him. Or something.

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Guest JW Modestburns

Because of bullshit like this: Break down a guys door, shoot his dogs (killing one), and traumatize his kid/wife for a "minimal" amount of marijuana




god damn, that was awful.

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Guest JW Modestburns

Yeah. I'm sure this guy was a random upstanding citizen who was randomly subjected to random violence by the cops, randomly.


I'm sure he gave them no reason to suspect him. Or something.


Does it matter? We're talking about pot for christ's sake.


Not to mention, if you kill a police dog you get the same charge as if you killed a cop.

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Dude, that shit was rocking. Piece shit had it coming. They don't give out warrants for the fun of it.


Does it matter? We're talking about pot for christ's sake.


Not to mention, if you kill a police dog you get the same charge as if you killed a cop.


Yes it matters. They had a warrant, so they obviously had information that there was more than just a "little bit of pot".

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Guest JW Modestburns

Dude, that shit was rocking. Piece shit had it coming. They don't give out warrants for the fun of it.


Does it matter? We're talking about pot for christ's sake.


Not to mention, if you kill a police dog you get the same charge as if you killed a cop.


Yes it matters. They had a warrant, so they obviously had information that there was more than just a "little bit of pot".


Obviously everything is justified then.



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Dude, that shit was rocking. Piece shit had it coming. They don't give out warrants for the fun of it.


Does it matter? We're talking about pot for christ's sake.


Not to mention, if you kill a police dog you get the same charge as if you killed a cop.


Yes it matters. They had a warrant, so they obviously had information that there was more than just a "little bit of pot".


Investigators believed Whitworth was in possession of a large amount of marijuana and was considered a distributor, Deputy Chief Tom Dresner said in February. Police, who found a grinder, a pipe and a small amount of marijuana, shot two dogs upon entering Whitworth’s home around 8:30 p.m. Feb. 11.



That's why they had a warrant on him. IDK about his past, how they got their info or anything, but ya...


SWAT and narcotic investigators should not have executed an eight-day-old warrant in February, Columbia Police Chief Ken Burton said Thursday.




There are numerous situations where people have been killed in raids only to have the cops find nothing... But hey, the cops had a warrant so those people MUST have been doing something wrong.. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?



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