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will drinking from the toilet make my dog sick?


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my dog loves slinking his tongue into my ass pond. i do my best to keep the lid down, but people are always leaving it up and he gets in there. next thing I know, I go in there with an old copy of the September 1986 Commodore 64 magazine ready to deliver a package and the fucking floor is covered with his sloppy puddles of saliva/ass water everywhere.


is this what's causing the stomach issues he's been having recently? what about when i drink some while i'm jacking off?

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Guest Adjective

you should prank your dog with some saran wrap over the toilet, he'd look ridiculous! he'll be crying on skype all night

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nah. dogs stomachs are some cast iron shit. i mean, they eat their own... well, shit.

if a dog has a sick stomach he will eat grass to make him/herself throw up.

if a dog has a sick bowel or intestine they'll drag their ass along the floor.


provided it's not some pussy-ass purebred weird human cultivation - my mate has a purebred something or other, it looks like a dishrag and has constant ear infections. and king charles spaniels are technically retarded - they can actually suffer from an agonizing condition where their brain is slightly too big for their skull, which gives them agonizing seizures. shit is fucked.



my dog on the other hand is fucking awesome

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i used to have a big ol 3/4 irish wolfhound 1/4 indeterminate, not that big, maybe 2/3 that size. she was huge and smelly and awesome. i still miss her. :cry:

when she died it took 2 people to move her. incredibly sweet-natured, but fearsome looking and therefore useful in the spud-based hood that is the dodgier parts of limerick city.

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Guest Adjective

haha her cape didn't deploy! It's a good thing our friend Superdog is always on danger's tail.

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